Kodzuken's Nanny

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When Hinata, Atsumu and Sakusa arrived in Onigiri Miya, Atsumu gave her a quick background saying that his brother owns the place and that they're twins but he's more handsome but when she saw the other half she can say they're equally handsome.

"Tsumu ya don't have practice today?" Osamu asked him surprised that it's still early but he's already bugging him.

"Samu don't cha miss me?"

"No." He said in flat tone and leave them to manage his business.

"Don't mind him. Sho chan, I wanna say sorry 'bout what happened. Just wanna be carefull." He said to her.

"I understand." She said and smiled at him. Her smile looks so warm.

"So? I'll see you again next time? When is your next schedule?" He asked her. He doesn't know that right after Hinata saw Sakusa yesterday she made up her mind to drop the job.

"I won't be back.." she said trying to make it sound casual

"Why? Is it still 'cause of what I did?"

"No no it's not like that."

"I see. Maybe ya need to focus studyin'" Atsumu said and started eating when Hinata said something.

"No, I truth is I need more job." She mumbled

"Wait ya still have other job? How hard working are ya?" He asked not hiding his awe.

The two continue talking with each other while Sakusa take his time observing Hinata. She looks so familiar.

"Have we met before?" Sakusa interrupt the two.

Hinata squeeze her own hand and bit her cheek to stop herself from making an obvious face.

"I don't think so.."

"Really? There's this club that we visit not long ago."

"Omi kun now that you mentioned it she does look familiar. Sho chan yer that girl right?" Atsumu. Hinata flinch thinking that they found out that she's that girl.

"I knew it. It's you—"

"Yer the waitress right? Remember Omi kun the waitress in a low bun." Atsumu said cutting Sakusa off.

"Yes that's me.. I-i work as a waitress at *** if that's the club you're talking about" Hinata said and drink her water and avoid his gaze.

"Yer that girl who serve our drinks!" He said after.

"Ah so that's you, not the other one." Sakusa said with a hint of dismay.

"If ya work as waitress maybe ya wanna to try working here! Samu!" Atsumu raised his hand to call his twins attention. When Osamu went to their table he point at Hinata.

"Ya need waitress right?"

"Really? Part time?" Hinata said excitedly and look up to Osamu

"No we're looking for full time. D'ya wanna to try?"

"That's too bad, I want to but I can only work part time. I have classes."

"Then isn't the housekeeping job perfect for that? We don't require you to be there full time just clean and leave." Sakusa said trying to get his point.

"B-but I have to let go of that job.. for some reason."

Sakusa and Atsumu didn't ask more about the reason. They continue eating and went back to their apartment right after.

As soon as they enter the place they saw Barnes and Thomas having a workout session while Inunaki and Bokuto is watching a movie.

Sakusa went to the kitchen to drink some water when he heard  Meian talking to someone through the phone.

"Yes the same one. Is she available tomorrow?.... Why? How about the day after tomorrow is she free by then?... Can you talk to her? It's rare for us to find a housekeeper like her... thank you"

Meian ended the call and run his hand to his face. Seeing this Sakusa had an idea that he is talking about Hinata.

"The housekeeper?" He asked casually.

Meian nod his head and sigh.

"We met her this morning. She mentioned about quitting the job and look for a new one." He said to Meian.

Aside being pretty, Sakusa also like her way of cleaning and he likes that the girl is not touching his things when she see that his room don't need cleaning.

"Why would she quit here and look for new one? Is it far from her place? Is it the pay? I can increase her pay if she wants."

"She didn't mention but are you serious you will do that for her?"

"Of course we need someone trustworthy."

Sakusa shook his head a little because that but he understands, as the captain Meian only wants to protect of Black Jackals private lives.

Before he leave the kitchen he heard Meian's phone beeped and when he read it he smiled at him.

"She took the job but that will be the last time. Too bad."

Hinata lay on her bed with her pillow on top of her face while thinking if she did the right decision. She wanted to drop the job but since she can't find a new one yet she took it and said that it'll be the last time.

It's fine. That'll be the last. She said trying to convince herself that it's okay.

The next day she went to her other job at Kodzuken's house. That guy is always in front of his computer that he forgets to take care of himself. She's like his nanny.

Hinata found herself smiling when she realized that she refer to herself as Kenma's nanny.

"Kenma!" She called him as she enter the house while picking up the clothes on the floor.

"Oy Kenma! What time did you sleep last night?" She asked and went inside his room.

"Who said I slept last night?" He mumbled under the sheets.

"Tch!" All she said and started cleaning the place before she started cooking.

She cooked different dishes and put it in different container to stock it in the fridge. This is their set up for almost a year now.

Hinata almost dropped the knife when someone speak behind her. It was Kenma covered in sheets with his dark eyebags.

"I'm hungry."

"What the— Kenma stop doing that! What if I accidentally stab you?"

"I'm hungry."

"I know. You finished your food for the week that's good." She said and pat his head like petting a cat. "Wait for your food in the living room."

Kenma made his way to the living room and end up laying on the floor while playing games.

"Here's the food. I have my notes on the fridge."

Kenma just nod hid head and started eating. She always leave a not on the fridge to let him know which food to eat  first to avoid food spoilage.

Hinata can't help but to pet his head again. He's like a cat.

"I'll see you again next week right?"

"Yes, you needy cat." She teased. Kenma continue eating while trying to hide his blush.


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