Ch. 1

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It's a around 1 pm in the rainy night. When everyone in their home with their family and sleeping peacefully. On the street a most beautiful man walking. He was wet and some time he shiver when strong wind touch his body.........his mesmerize doe eyes become red because of heavy crying. He try hard to control himself but it can't help him........he tremble and fell on his knee while covering his belly. "I-I didn't get a chance to.....t-tell him about!! Why you do this to me.....Yunlan" He said and breakdown while crying heavily lay on the road.

Couple of hour later one middle age couple is going to meet their beautiful their In-law's house. Mr. Ming abruptly hit the break when he saw someone on the road. They both get off the car and headed toward that person.......... Mr. Ming turns that person head for looked who is he? "Shen Wei!!!!!!" his wife shouts when she recognizes his face. She become panic and looked at her husband. Mr. Ming touches Wei forehead.......he was shocks because Wei's body was cold as dead body. Mr. Ming picks Wei and takes him to the hospital.

Mr. Ming is walking here and there in his panic state and Mrs. Ming is also crying while sitting on the chair. Doctor comes to them after checking Shen Wei. "How is my son doctor" Mr. Ming asked. Doctor pat his shoulder and said "Thank God Mr. Ming you take him to here in right time. If you delay for a minute we can't save his baby" Mr. and Mrs. Ming widen their eyes when they head doctor. "baby.....what you mean doctor" yes he was one month pregnant. They both become happy and asked.......can we meet him? But doctor said he was still unconscious and they have to wait. When Shen Wei got conscious then you can see him.

Next morning comes and Mr. and Mrs. Ming waiting for doctor in his office. Later he come after checking "Now you can meet him. He is fine now but still weak you have to taking good care of him" doctor said and both of them nod their head then go toward Wei's room.

" are you dear" Mrs. Ming said and cares his cheek. Shen Wei slowly opens his eyes and found his mom there. His eye goes moist and he hugged her and starts crying. This action of Shen Wei make his parents worry. "What happened sweetheart......what are you doing on middle of the road? And where's Yunlan?" his mother asked in worry......... "" because of crying Shen Wei can't speak properly. After crying Wei sitting on the bad while placing his soft palm on his belly which still flat. Mr. and Mrs. Ming looked at each other then Mrs. Ming asked again to him. Shen Wei looked at his parent then sighs heavily then tells them what happened last night.......

"He happily enters in the Yunlan's office to tell him the good news.........but when he open Yunlan's cabin he was shock to see the scene. Zhao Yunlan kneels down in front of his college and propose her to marry him and other happily excepted and both kiss each other. Shen Wei can't control his anger he slap her hard that make her fall on the floor. Yunlan hurriedly help her and make her sit on the couch.........Then he turn to Wei who angrily glaring to them. He push him out of the cabin...........

"How dare you to hit my lover" Yunlan shout on Wei. "L-Lover......then what I am? tell me Yunlan what........I am to you" Shen Wei said in tremble voice. "You are nothing for me........ didn't you get that I don't love you......." Yunlan word cut by Shen Wei "Love..... you even never like me......Yunlan" Shen Wei said and a tear drop from his eye........he turn to leave but stop in the way and turn again to Yunlan "I only come to tell something but I think it dosen't matter" Wei said and left immediately. He walking on the street while crying.........then rain start pouring.........."

Shen Wei wipe his tear and looked at his parent. "How dare he to do this with you........right now I call him and asked why he do this......." Mr. Ming angrily said. It's okay dad this is not the first time........!! Wait what you mean........? Shen Wei smile faintly then said "When I lose my baby....I think that the reason but later I found he regret marrying me mom......." Wei said and again tear drop from his doe eyes. Why not Yao and Xian tell us about anything........... His mom asked. Then Wei replies they also don't know. It's been 5 year....... I live my unwanted happy married life like this..........



Mr. and Mrs. Zhao are much respected people and they blessed by three handsome devil. They care and love them most. But when they become adult............they always fight with each other and always shout............I'm better then you and that make Zhao Mansion always in chaos. Xin Ci tolerates them and waited for them to complete their study and join his family business.

But only his younger son Wangji takes over family business. And his 2nd son Yutong likes gymming so he join gym and later become Gym trainer. And his elder son Yunlan like thrill in his he also choose other profession and join police force then become City Chief.

After their joining their work Xin Ci fix their marriage with his childhood friend beautiful sons. First they against their father will.........but when they meet those beauties they immediately get ready for the wedding. It's been 5 year they all live happily with each other..........

Yutong and Yao have 4 year old boy Ru. He was a mama's boy and very intelligent among their age group. Also Wangji and Xian have 3 year old boy Yuan. He was smart like his father and cute like his mother............except Yunlan and Wei.

When Shen Wei was expecting his child, accidently he got miscarriage and loses his baby. After that accident whenever Wei conceives he got miscarriage again and again. Yunlan also hurt too much to lose his baby. Later he mostly expends his day and night in his office and stop coming home. And one day Shen Wei is finds out hurtful truth.......which Yunlan talking with his office college that he regrets to marry him.

Shen Wei hurt so much that day and expends his full day at the lake side. Which was his favorite place to visit wherever he wants to relax. He keep crying silently and remembering Yunlan's word and that decision which become his biggest mistake. That day Wei decided to except the reality and live his life like an others simple couple...........!


Hello everyone......🙋

Hope u all enjoy my first chapter of Special 💗 Bond......

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Sorry for my mistake 🙏

Fingers crossed......😰...... hehehe!! I'm too nervous 😅😅

Thank you 😅❤

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