Ch. 16

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"What happened Yutong, whose phone was it and why are you nervous?" Yunlan said and Yutong about to say something in meantime Wangji come inside the room with holding a paper!!

"Da have to see this" Wangji said and handover the paper to other......Yunlan shockingly widen his eyes when he read the paper.......(YES! it was divorce papers which sign by....SHEN WEI)

Yunlan fall on the ground and tear drop from his cute brown eyes.....he never want this, he never dreamed that this would happen to him "why you do this to least you have to give me one chance to explain myself" Yunlan said and break into crying.(oh! it's so hurtful to hurt my pair.....🥺🥺🥺🥺)

"Ge! we have to go to the airport....Wei ge is going to London.....please, ge! calm yourself and come with me" Yutong said and they all headed toward the airport.



"please! Wei.... don't go... I'm sorry..... sweetheart! it's all my fault. If I didn't hurt you that much...then you never suffer like this, please my baby forgive me..... and don't go please! I'm begging you" Ming mother fold her hand in front of Shen Wei while pleading.... Wei feel bad, he hold her hand

"please ma'am! don't do this....and I already forgive you. Because I know, whatever you done it's only for dad.....because you do not want anything bad happen to him. after all he is your son....and parents always care for their children....i wish someday I also could do the same...." and tear drop from his beautiful doey eye.... Wei wipe it and bow his head to them and about to go..... "Will you forgive me too?" Yunlan come from behind and said...... Shen Wei looked at him with blank expression.

Yunlan come front of Shen Wei....then Yunlan tries to convince him and Shen Wei hear his words silently "just give me one last chance to explain myself to you I'm  begging you.... please!! Yunlan plead and fall down on his knees while crying heavily.

Shen Wei only seeing him silently then he go from there..... Wangji make Yunlan stand "da ge! da ge...stop him don't let him go away! ge.... please stop him" Wangji said while nudgeing Yunlan...but Yunlan didn't utter a word...his eye start shedding tears... continuously, Wangji was shock on Yunlan..... then he run toward Shen Wei to stop him...but officer stop him on the way.

Yunlan...cough heavily like something choke in his throat....he hold his chest with his palm and start panting heavily....he have no dare to see in the direction where his life is going......he fell on the floor and with trumble voice he said "xaio......w...we.....wei"

"please da ge, calm yourself" Wangji said and they about to leave from there..... Yunlan widen his eyes when suddenly Shen Wei comes and hug his chest then cry heavily...... others got shocked. Then Shen Wei leave Yunlan's chest and go from there without looking back.

Everyone confused there, they didn't understand what just happened......they all looking at each other with confuse expressions except Yunlan who only looking that way.....where his life faded away......


Zhao Mansion

An extremely handsome man come inside with teary eyes....he was walking lifelessly. "Yunlan darling what happen to you...I know it's all happen just because of that slut.....Shen Wei. He destroy your life" Hong said and try to hold Yunlan arm but Yutong push her away and she fell on the floor with loud thud due to this Yunlan....turn toward her and smile faintly......

turn toward her and smile faintly

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