Ch. 7

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Hello are you all doing? I hope you all doing well.

Actually I'm busy in celebrating a color full festival......HOLI.

I know...... I know...... you all shock to read me again(LoL)......but trust me I'm also shock to write it....hehe (^_-) (^_-)

And now without wasting your time.....lets read the story☺


"What happen...." Wei asked softly.

"Oh please Wei don't start head is already hurt, and I don't want more headache"

"I have lots of pressure....but I have to tell..."

"Stopped..... Shen Wei!!"

"But...Yunlan me...."


"I told you never listen right" Yunlan slap Wei which make him stop........and tear drop from his eye. "ahh!!" when Yunlan seeing him cry he become angry and harshly grab Shen Wei arm which make him hiss in pain. "You already decided, you never let me live my life peacefully.....right" Yunlan shout on him. "I think you forget, what happen in's okay I'll make you remind" then Yunlan throw Shen Wei on the bed and start hovering on him. But he stop, when his phone rings........Yunlan pick his phone and frown in shock, he hurriedly grab his jacket and left.

"Y-Yunlan.....please listen to me...." Shen Wei sit up and try to say but other left hurriedly. Shen Wei eyes become moist.....he want to tell Yunlan, but he didn't get his chance. Wei stood up and about to close the door.......someone hold the door and entered in the room. "What you want.....? and why you here?" Shen Wei said while shivering, he step back and fall on the bed......he was frightened right now, he was cover with cold sweat. "Are you afraid of me Shen Wei? Tell me?" that person smirk evilly..........

In the Wangji room Xian waiting for his husband, who call him and said he coming home. Wangji car enter in the Zhao Mansion.......Xian come to the main door and opens the door for his Lan zhan. Wangji come inside the house and kiss Xian....which make him smile......but they both startled when they seeing Yunlan hurriedly going somewhere. Xian look puzzle but suddenly they both heard a painful scream


"Wei ge" Xian said and Wangji run toward Yunlan's room and shock to seeing the view........Xian come from behind him and shouts..... "Wei ge!!" and come to the poor creature, who was unconscious in blood. Yao and Yutong also come there and shock to see the scene. Yao hurriedly come near Wei and check him..... "We have to take him to the hospital right now.......his condition is worse please hurry up" Yao shiver and said. Yutong hold Yao shoulder and sign Wangji to call ambulance........

In Hospital

Everyone was in the waiting area.......and they are waiting for the doctor who examine Shen Wei. After examine Shen Wei doctor come to them......everyone looking at doctor with concern. Doctor sighs and asked about his husband.... Yunlan come to him and asked what happened? Doctor looked at him and said "He was out of danger but......" doctor pause for a second then continue..... "I'm sorry for your child.....Mr. Yunlan, sorry!!" doctor said and left from there.

Yunlan and his all family member are shocks to hear the news. Except aunt Ai and Zhu Hong, who sigh relief.......and pretending like they are in also shocks. Mrs. Zhao starts crying...... "Why it's always happen to my poor child" Mr. Zhao embraces his wife, he was also hurt right now.....he asking to Yunlan how it's happen to Shen Wei? Tear rolled from Yunlan's eye, he feels guilty for his reckless move.....

"I know you are very hurt........because Wei ge is out of danger......but trust me, he broke when he heard about his baby......and I'm sure it's make you relief right Yunlan ge!!" Yao said and start crying......Xian hugged him and also cry. Yunlan was in shock, he have nothing to say.......he only cures himself why he didin't listen to Shen Wei. (poor Yunlan.....didn't know that, it's not his fault (._.) (._.))

One nurse come and tells them, Shen Wei get conscious now you can meet him. Yao and Xian hurriedly go to meet his brother......and other family member is still confused, How? and Why? It's happened.........Wangji and Yutong didn't say anything to their parents, they remain quiet.

Xian and Yao come inside the room and found Shen Wei sitting on the hospital bed.....he look so quiet and relax, like nothing happen to him. They both sits beside him and Yao touch Wei's shoulder......Shen Wei turn to them "Don't worry I'm fine...." Wei smiles a little to assure them.

They both looked puzzle right now, they confused why his brother say like this. Meantime nurse come to check Shen Wei......and Wei asked to nurse when he got discharge from the hospital.....and she tell him after this week, when his wounds heal completely.

Shen Wei nod and say he feel sleepy need to rest......Yao and Xian nod their head and make him sleep comfortably on the bed then they leave from there.

Shen Wei slowly open his eyes which was red and moist right now.....he place his hand on his flat belly and start crying.......he cover his mouth with his other hand, he don't want anyone hear him. But unknown to him, Yao and Xian looked at Shen Wei from the door.......Xian and Yao also cry heavily, they can't bear their brother pain.

A Week Later

Shen Wei return home and busy in his daily routine life....... Yao and Xian asked to him about what happened that night, but Wei always change the topic.......he was hurt but like his nature, he never share his feeling with others. In the night Wei was sleeping in his room......when a nightmare make him shiver badly..........

"aahhh!! do....don't.....I didn'" Shen Wei plead to Aunt Ai......who was forcefully make him drink that juice which she prepare for him. "How many times I told you Shen Wei.......if you try to snatch Yunlan from my daughter you will pay for it.......but you never listen, and always seduce him" aunt Ai said to Wei while forcing juice in his mouth. When Wei drink all the liquid, she stop and looking at him with victory smile "I-I....ummm....aaarrrgggg....aahhh...." suddenly Shen Wei stomachache risen, he cover his belly which was burning from inside like fire "Aaaaaaahhhhhhh!!" Wei scream in pain and faint. Aunt Ai smile widely when she sees Shen Wei start bleeding and faint.......then she immediately leave from there............

Shen Wei snapped open his eyes and sits up. He wipes his sweaty forehead and drink water for calm himself down........but Wei feel restless he looked at the clock and it's pass mid night. Shen Wei lay on the bed again for some sleep......but he can't, then he decided to call Yunlan.



I hope all you guys....enjoy while reading and I'm sorry for my grammar mistake.....and if I hurt your feeling....🙏🙏

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