Ch. 12

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First of all..... Thank you dear @CHIRU09 for your advice....It really help me a lot 😊😊

Now enjoy the story.....😓


"Let me tell you......A-Xian"


Jiang Yanli come to them and said......Xian become happy to see his Shi-jie. (Jiang Yanli their cousin from their mother side) Xian run and hug her....... " are you" Xian said "I'm fine! A-Xian....and let me see you first.....Oh! my you look so cute" Jiang Yanli said and ruffle his hair.....then she hug Yao dearly and their husband greets with her then all sit there "so Wei is not here..." Yanli said while looking here and there.

"Please! Shi-jie.....tell us everything about Wei ge......we want to know" Xian plead in front of her and other feel sad.....she sigh heavily "in one condition, if you all never tell Wei.....that I told everything about him to you" Yanli said and all nod. Jiang Yanli looked at Yunlan's questionable face....who wants some answers.......



"Shen Wei is their elder son and because of him.......Ming have to marry Liu(Mrs. Ming) when they are in college they fell in love. They start dating each other and one rainy night when Ming drop Liu at her apartment......she invite him for coffee but the weather and the atmosphere make everything romantic......and they forget everything and become one that night

Everything seems so nice and happy, but when Liu got news that she is pregnant with Ming's child. Liu tell Ming about this and he become happy and decided to get marry.......but his mother want her son to marry with her friend's daughter. But when Ming's father knows about it.......he fix his wedding with Liu. Ming's mother doesn't want this but she doesn't want to hurt her husband so she except this.

After their wedding.......Liu give birth a cute little baby(or I call angel...😇😇) Shen Wei. they all become so happy to having son like him........except Ming mother, she hate Wei......because of him she feel humiliate in front of her friend. One day Wei is 6 month old and Mrs. Ming is cleaning him....then her phone rings so she left Wei in tub filled with luke warm water.......but Ming mother comes there and pour hot water in the tub and then leave from there.....Shen Wei is cry out of lungs when Mrs. Ming hear his son cry she hurriedly go there and found that he was boil alive in the bathing tub.

Later doctor check him and after 3 month of treatment his wound was gone.....but sometime he feel pain, if anyone touch and grab him tightly. But it's not the end......Mr. Ming didn't stop, she always torture him and want to kill him. When Yao come in Wei life he become so happy.....he want to play with him.....but whenever he touch Yao Ming mother scold him and say never touch her grandson......poor WeiWei never understand why his grandma scold him and hate him.

Wei always pray to GOD and trust, that one day everything is going to fine. But after Xian's birth......situation becomes worse for him. Baby Xian crying and Wei try to calm him down......but all in vain. Suddenly Ming mother come to them and snatch Xian from Wei's arm and slap him hard which make him fall on the floor "How dare you to....touch my grandson with your filthy hand" Ming mother shout on We

"ss-sorry....grandm........" Wei didn't complete and another slap touch his soft cheek "How many...time I told you don't call me me Ma'am! you don't understand this much" Ming mother again shout on him.....Wei didn't dare to say a word, he immediately leave from there and go inside his room and lock the door. Wei lay on his bed and cry heavily.

Time pass and three brothers become beautiful adults. Mr. Ming throws anniversary party and invites the entire relative and brothers also invite their friends in the party. They all enjoy each other company. Wei smile looking at his parents who dancing on the romantic man come and grab Wei's hand then pull him on the dance floor, and start dancing with him.

first Wei smile and enjoy but in sudden Wei feel uncomfortable when that man pull Wei closer by his waist and start touching Wei skin underneath his cloth. Wei pushes him and slap him hard....which makes everyone stop at their place "Wei ge! what happened" Yao come and said "He misbehave with me..." Wei said and other angrily grab that man's shirt caller and about to hit him.....Ming mother come and stop Yao and slap Wei

"How dare you to insult my guest in front of everybody"


"just shut up! or I slap you again"

"But grandma..." Yao try to protest but Wei stop him......and leave from there. Next morning the two old couples eating their breakfast and Mr. Ming phone rings......he receive and get shock because that man(who sexually harass Wei)break the contract with Ming Industries, Mr. Ming tell this to his parents

"Finally! Your beloved son proof that he is a BAD OMEN" Ming mother said while looking at Mrs. Ming "Mom! please don't say like that.....why you always scold Wei like this?" Mrs. Ming said with a moist eye.

Unknown to them Beauty brothers heard everything...Yao and Xian looked at Wei, who stands there with teary eyes. Wei silently cry, his cheek wet with his tear.....he didn't say anything just run from there. At late night Wei come inside his parents room and apologize for what he did in the party. But Mr. Ming was so frustrated that time and unknowingly he said something, which he later feel regret for his action

"You know what Wei.....when your mom tell me she expecting you I'm so happy that day. But my mom always said it's not good for's my mistake! But I always ignore her and believe that you are not. But what today's shake my trust! that, you're really a mistake....or not!!" Wei fragile heart understand everything what his father try to say......he didn't question him only apologize again and leave from there. Wei come in his room and sit on the floor beside the bed......he hug his knee close to his chest "So I'm their.......MISTAKE!!" Wei inwardly said and laugh while crying.......he curl himself like a ball and sleep in his sobbing.

Mr. Ming suffer with loses.....then he talk to Mr. Xinci and asked for help. Mr. Xinci smile and said if we become relative then you never suffer with any loses.....Mr. Ming agree with him and they fix their son's wedding.

When Wei know about it he said to his father that he don't want to marry as same house as his brothers......but Mr. Ming fold his hand in front of him and plead to Wei.....because if he not agree for this wedding then Ming Industries suffering from the loses. Wei can't bear this and he agrees for this wedding.

Later our couples meet each other.......and Wei feel comfortable around Zhao Yunlan. Wei feel like.......his trouble end now and the happiness he was finding come for him in form of Zhao Yunlan. That night Wei again pray to GOD and thank him for this happiness (poor Wei didn't know.....that the real trouble is start now.......😔)"




I'm sorry for my mistake.....🙏🙏

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