Ch. 15

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Zhao Mansion

There is a chaos in the house and Mr. Xinci is trying to call Yunlan but he is not picking up the phone "Yunlan pick the damn phone up..." Xinci shout in his anger "Xinci.... please! calm your self down... don't take tension, maybe he was busy in some work?" Mrs. Zhao said in her concern

Yutong come and asked what happened? then Mrs

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Yutong come and asked what happened? then Mrs. Zhao tell everything about what Mr. Ming call and said to his father. Yutong get shocked with the sudden news...he call Yao and asked him about this but other don't know anything, Yao also become worry and immediately call his father....

Mrs. Ming pickup the phone and start crying....Yao become more worry and asked what happened? why you crying? and what happen to Wei ge? Yao non-stop asked questions and Mrs. Ming only her tremble voice "S-Shen....Wei....w-wa...nt.... d....d-divo...rce...." and she start crying heavily.

Phone slip from Yao hand and he tremble and about to fall..... Yutong hold him "cat.. what happened??" Yutong said and Yao turn toward his husband "Wei ge..... want.... divorce!!" then tear drop from his eyes, Yutong and other family members shockingly looking at Yao.

 divorce!!" then tear drop from his eyes, Yutong and other family members shockingly looking at Yao

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Meantime Yunlan enter inside the house....he walk like a dead person(zombie) he come to his mother and hug her "" Yunlan can't speak properly then he broke down in her arm and start crying.


Ming Mansion

Mr. and Mrs. Ming return from the hospital with Shen Wei, they come inside the house and grandpa come to Wei and hug him dearly. Mr. Ming already call his parents and inform them about their arrival...... "How are you my angel" grandpa cares Wei cheek and said Shen Wei smile and they all sit on the couch.

Ming mother come and glare at Shen Wei "angel? huh! do you still think he is a angel... not demon" Ming mother said and grandpa turn his head toward his wife "what you want to say?" Ming mother angrily looked at Wei then continue...." he is a demon....first he ruin Yunlan's life then kill his baby and later create problems in others life....and now you take him here to ruin our life! I warn you if he stay here then I left the house" Ming mother threaten her husband

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