Ch. 18

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"Can you believe what I said to you?" Shen Wei asked

"If I didn't believe my life(shenwei) then I have no right to live...." Yunlan didn't complete his word Shen Wei place his finger on Yunlan's lips "if you ever said this again then I will kill myself.....Ah lan!!"

Yunlan's eyes drop tear of happiness.......because it's been a 5 years he never heard this from, Shen Wei mouth..... and he can't control his happiness today.

"I'm sorry.... I'm really sorry..... Xiao Wei"

"No! It's not your fault...... It's me who scare to believe you..... and I'm sorry for not giving you chance to explain yourself"

"No!! Wei it's all my fault....If I don't hurt you, then it never happened" Yunlan said and knee down in front of Shen Wei and again asked for forgiveness..... Shen Wei chuckle and bend a little then kiss Yunlan's forehead. Yunlan smile and place his head on Wei's belly..... which grow now😉

"I'm sorry baby..... Please! forgive your daddy.....I promise, from today you and your mama.... never ever cry anymore" Yunlan said and place a kiss.

Yunlan stand up and cup Wei face "I have request, will you complete it?" Yunlan said and Shen Wei nod his head

"I want you to never forgive me.....because I have broken your trust, and I don't want you to regret this for whole life. I want to live my life with this guilt that it was me who did not support you. And let you suffer alone" Yunlan said and step back and Wei only reduce some tear..... Yunlan come to the door and open it, he turn and smile to Shen Wei and other only stand there while silently crying.

Yunlan come out from the house and found Evlyn and her husband..... Evlyn heard their conversation.....she only smile at him and come inside the house. Evlyn looked at Shen Wei.....Who wipes his tear and about to go, suddenly his vision become blurry and he fall on the floor "Ah lan!!!" Wei mumble while covering his belly then faint.

Yunlan's heart is ache.......he turn behind and widen his eyes. Yunlan run and catch Wei in his arm then they all take Shen Wei to the hospital........


Doctor come after checking Shen Wei......she looked at Yunlan and pat his shoulder "Mr. Zhao I'm sorry but we have to take a decision first......I mean we need your approval" doctor said and Yunlan confusedly looking at her "what you mean doctor...what approval?" Yunlan said and doctor tell him..... that Shen Wei condition is worse now.... and they can't save them both. because Wei already suffer with lot's of miscarriages and that the reason.... that why they need Yunlan decision to choose one of them.

Yunlan widen his eyes in shock.....He can't believe it what just doctor said "Please! Mr. Zhao you have to decide as soon as possible or otherwise we can't save anyone" doctor said and other choose...... Shen Wei! Evlyn and her husband also shock and asked why he choose Wei.... then Yunlan only say that he don't want to lose him again "but Mr. Zhao if you choose your wife.... then he never conceive again!!" doctor said and Yunlan faintly smile and said "it was never belongs to us" doctor feel bad for them but she only nod and go to the OT( operation theatre) where they examine Shen Wei.

Doctor come and start the preparation.......(I don't know much about it..... hehe 😅🙏) Shen Wei stir and open his eyes....... and asked to the doctor. Doctor tell him everything...... and Shen Wei eyes goes moist and he place his soft palm on his belly "please! doctor save my baby......" Wei said and doctor get shock

"but your husband...."

"I know him....He choose me! but I want you to save our child..... because I never give him any happiness in his life.... that because I'm begging to you... Please! Doctor"

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