Ch. 3

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In Dinner Time

Everyone is enjoying their dinner while talking and laughing to each other except Shen Wei. Because he waiting for his husband to come home..........he only serving them. "Mama I want sushi" Yuan asked cutely. Then Ru also pout his mouth.........Wei smile and give them.

"Oh baby doesn't pout like this. You look like your mother" Yutong mock and Yao glare at him........Yutong pleading with his eye for apologize but other avert his gaze to other side. Wei notices this and looked at Xian who is feeding his son dearly.........Wei looked at his both brother and shook his head with smile then continue serving..........

Later Mr. Zhao talking to his both son about his sister arrival.........Yutong not like this idea, cuz he don't want his wife more angry. Wangji also don't like guest, because of Xian.......he think if Xian busy with guest then he never get proper time for his beloved son Yuan.

Mr. Xin Ci elder sister Ai come tomorrow with her son and two meet her dear brother and his family. She is a strict woman.........Aunt Ai smile rarely.......she want everything perfect. If any servants did any mistake in front of her eye........then it's his/her last day in the house.

She wanted to marry Xin Ci's sons with her daughters but he already fixed their wedding to his friend Mr. Ming sons. So she keep quit that time..........but when she heard about Shen Wei and his condition........she get her chance and asked her brother to remarrying Yunlan with her daughter........but Yunlan always refuse her offer.

Mr. Zhao understands his son feeling.........he never forces him and let him do whatever he want. But his sister not stop there........she always find reason for taunting Wei. Shen Wei hurt so much when he heard her harsh word but never utters a word, only smile and leaves there immediately. But Yao and Xian don't like this torture when they seeing their brother sad face..........

In the kitchen all three beauty busy in cleaning. Then Mrs. Zhao come and said "Shen Wei....please eat your dinner on time.....what if..." Mrs. Zhao stops when Wei politely replies "its okay mom......I'll wait for him" Yao and Xian looked at each other then Wei.

Shen Wei smile to them and continue his work. Later all of them sleep in their bedroom....because next morning they going to hit and face a storm name Aunt Ai........

Next morning Mrs. Zhao come to the kitchen and widens her eye in shock. She found Shen Wei sleeping at the dining table while waiting for Yunlan. Mrs. Zhao nudges his shoulder, Wei wake up and looked at his mother-in-law who stands there with worry face.

"Is he not coming last night?" asked Mrs. Zhao. Shen Wei shook his head(no) "Did he call you?" she again asked. And Shen Wei again shook his head(no). Mrs. Zhao feel hurt, it's been a week for Wei to waiting Yunlan in dinner time but he never come.

"Don't worry mom.....I'm sure he was busy in his work and didn't get the chance to call me" Wei said and Mrs. Zhao smile to him and tell him go get ready immediately, because Aunt Ai arrive in any minute Shen Wei nod and go to his room.........Mrs. Zhao takes her phone and call Yunlan........

Shen Wei opens his wardrobe and take out his cloths..........he suddenly feel weak and his stomach also hurt, he tremble and sits on the bed. Wei can't bear the pain and a tear drop from his beautiful eye, he drink water and lay on the bed to ease the pain...... "aahh...ah...Y-Yunlan..."

It's not the first time he suffers with the pain. His most of days end up like this......but he never said anything nor complains to others.........when Wei feel better he stood up slowly and go to the bathroom.

Zhao Yunlan stir a little and open his cute brown eye........when his phone start ringing loud and loud. He pick up without seeing the caller ID....... " want I told you don't disturb me.....Wei..." Yunlan voice was cold and sleepy. Mrs. Zhao frown when she heard that........ "Where are you? And why not you come home last night" asked Mrs. Zhao.

Yunlan hurriedly sit up on the bed and looked at the caller ID. "Mom...." He mumble then looked beside him.........and found He Luo(girlfriend) sleeping there. Suddenly Yunlan smile when he remembers his last intimate night......... "Yunlan......Yunlan are you there.....Hello!!" Mrs. Zhao said.

Yunlan back to his sense then reply "Sorry! Mom.......I'm in my office and I'm busy last night" then Mrs. Zhao tell him about his Aunt Ai arrival and also asked him to come home to welcoming her. "What....!!" Yunlan shock "why you shock Wei didn't inform you?" Mrs. Zhao said.

Yunlan remember, Shen Wei calls him to say something but he ignore him and cut the call. Yunlan squeeze his eyes then say he come on the time............

Mrs. Zhao cut the call then instructs all servants to clean the house and make healthy breakfast for the guest.

Yutong come home from his jogging and sit on the couch while breathing heavily. "Water" Ru said and gives him. Yutong smile and pick Ru and make him sit on his lap.

"Er ge.....can you come with me office today I need your advice for afternoon meeting" Wangji come and asked to Yutong. Yutong agree but say he join him later cuz he have to meet a client at Gym. Then he give Ru to Wangji and going to take his bath........

"Baby can you leave mommy for a minute.......mommy have some work to finish" Xian said to Yuan who was in his embrace while clinches his neck. "No! mommy I want you to carry me all day" said Yuan while pouting his mouth. "But baby........" It's okay, wei ying you can do whatever you want while caring Yuan.......Wangji said.

"B-But.....lan zhan the guest has to arrive soon.......and I have some work to finish" Xian said. But when Wangji glare at him........he keeps quit and start doing his work while caring Yuan. Yao also there and witness of the whole event........he laugh a little and helping Xian in the kitchen.

When everyone busy in their work......... A growling red Hummer car stop there and one extremely handsome and manly man come out from it. He come inside the house and starts looking here and there for finding someone. (`')(`')



I hope u all enjoy while reading this......☺

And a big THANK YOU ❤❤ for all of you.....Who support and encourage me......😍😍

Thank you so much...😚😚😚😚😚😚


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