Ch. 10

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Later Yao make Shen Wei sleep on bed.....Shen Wei hold Yao hand tightly and he was still crying.....after half hour Shen Wei finally sleep.......but he was sobbing and tear still fall from his eye. Xian looked at Wei's wedding ring......then he remember that day, when Shen Wei was so happy before his wedding....and how almighty change his life upside down.....


"Mom....look! Wei ge didn't open his room door" Xian shout while knocking the door. Inside the room Shen Wei push Yunlan away from him and say "Yunlan please go what if they know, that you are's too late.....please Yun......l....." 

Shen Wei didn't complete his word and Yunlan again place his plum lips on Wei soft pink lips.........then kiss him like this was his last time. Wei pat Yunlan's shoulder because he was out of breath......Yunlan remove his lips from Wei and let him catch some air.

But today Yunlan is so hungry he again start kissing Wei milky neck this make Wei moan a little...... "aahh!" Then Yunlan hear his Wei little moan...which he actually like to listen....he smile and about to open Shen Wei shirt.........Wei stop him.

"Xiao We......what is it did I hurt you" Yunlan ask.....but other only shed tear and didn't say anything. Yunlan wipes his tear with his cheek and say "don't do this to me Xiao know that, I don't like your tear....whenever I feels like I was out of oxygen and in any minute I'm going to dieeeeeeee"

Yunlan stop because Wei kiss him on his lips "didn't say this or even never think about this......please Ah Lan!!"

"Yunlan I know you never hurt me.....but please wait for until our marriage......I'm not comfortable" Shen Wei said in his shyness. "I love you....Xiao Wei!" Yunlan said and kiss Wei again and leave from there. Wei smile and straighten his cloth.

"what are you doing here Xian" Yao ask while pat on Xian head."Yao ge.....I hear something breaking voice from Wei ge room. So I come here only for checking" Xian said in his concern.

"you silly boy just go to your room" Yao said. Shen Wei open the door after adjusting himself "ge!....thank god you alright.....I was heard something" Xian said while hugging Shen Wei.

Xian sniff and say "Wei ge is this your regular perfume wait let me again sniff" Yao again pat on Xian head and drag him from there while saying "Wei ge its nothing you sleep.....he become insane" Shen Wei only shyly smile and close the door.

he become insane" Shen Wei only shyly smile and close the door

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"hmmmm......scattered hair, uneven cloth.....and smell different, got bump with some goons! and they all beat you....?! am I right......Yunlan ge!" Yutong ask to Yunlan while winking his eyebrow up and down.

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