Ch. 6

286 27 25

Lunch Time

Aunt Ai is resting in her room while talking to her daughter. Someone knock her room door then entered....... "How are you aunt?" Yunlan asked and sits on the bed.......she smile and say she was fine now, Yunlan also smile and help her to the dinner table for lunch.

Everybody sits at the dinner table for their lunch.......Yao and Xian placing all the dishes on the table with help of the servant. "Where's Wei mama? Did you see him?" Ru said to Yuan, and other shook his head. "Mommy.....where's Wei mama...." "Wei mama is in his room......if you eat your lunch....mommy will call him okay!!" Yuan asked and Xian politely replies.

After eating their lunch they all busy in their work. Mr. Zhao and his three devils go to their office and other member also busy in their work.....

 After cleaning all the mess Wei finally takes his bath, Shen Wei hisses in pain when water touches his skin. Later he wear his cloth and open his room door......but his head again spin and he feel nauseous, Wei run to washroom and vomit then he wash his face and sit there for calming himself down.

Suddenly his stomachache start again and he can't bear this pain "aahh...rrrrrrrhhhhh" he groans and lay on the floor.......he curl himself while holding his stomach to ease his pain. "Ge...!!!!" Yao shout and run to him. When Shen Wei didn't come at dinner table for his lunch, Yao bring his lunch in his room and found Wei on the floor in pain.

Yao help Shen Wei to lay down the bed and said "What happen? Is your stomach hurt?" Shen Wei open his eyes and looked at Yao worry face "S-Sorry.....for bother you. I'm fine's just a stomachache....nothing serious, maybe I didn't eat last night that because" Shen Wei said and sits up on the bed......his face was pale, he look tired but he smile to assure Yao.....that everything fine, because Wei don't want to face Yunlan's anger.

Yao know Wei was lying but he didn't say anything.......he only gives Wei his lunch " this, maybe after eating this your stomachache....vanish" Wei smile and start eating......

Door open and Ru and Yuan run to Shen Wei and hug him. Wei smile to see them he kisses their both cheeks then he turn to Xian who also come and sits beside him. "Wei mama.....why you don't come at dinner table in lunch and Ru waiting for you" Yuan pout his mouth. Shen Wei smile and asked for apologize to them......they both smile and kiss Wei cheeks.

Suddenly Shen Wei head spin again and he feel nauseous.......he run to the washroom and start vomiting. Xian and Yao looked at each other and hurriedly go behind him........Shen Wei throw everything, which he eat a minute ago......he tremble but Xian hold him and make him sit on the bed. Yao check his blood pressure which was low now.......

Yao think of something and starts examine Wei. Xian keep looking at Yao for some answer.......after examine Shen Wei, Yao widen his eye "How long has this been happening ge" Yao asked and Wei told him that it had been happening for two weeks.

Yao smile and hug Wei tightly "Congratulation're pregnant" Yao said and Xian jump in the happiness then hugged Wei dearly.......they both congratulate each other but their eyes goes moist, when they heard Wei cries.......

"Please ge don't's not good for you and for baby" Yao said and wipe his tear. sometime later Wei calm down and smile.....

which give his brothers relief. Xian stood up and say, he going to inform their mother in law.......later Mrs. Zhao also become so happy and congratulate Shen Wei. Then she tell Shen Wei......from today you will not do any work, you will only take your bed rest.....because I don't want any mistake this time. Unknown to them that Zhu Hong hear everything, first she frown but she think of something and smirk evilly.

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