Ch. 17

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"Get out!!"


"I said........GET OUT!!!! from here... or I call the cop's"

"No! First listen to me"

"I don't want to listen anything... just LEAVE!!"


"Whats up with you....Why you creating scene here...... ZHAO YUNLAN!" Shen Wei shout

Yunlan looked at him....He burst out of tear.......and cry out of his lungs....but Shen Wei blankly looking at him.

"Xaio.....w.....We.....*cry*...... wei*cry*....... Please....*cry*listen to me*cry*"yunlan said while crying "Get out from here" Shen Wei said in his anger. Yunlan try to hold Wei's hand.......but Wei shove his hand and open the gate and gesture him to go out from the house...... Yunlan break down and fell on the floor.

Then Yunlan grab Wei hand and pull him inside the house "what's wrong with you? Enough with the drama! Zhao Yunlan" Shen Wei said and other push him on the couch and climb up on Wei's body "I said stop it" Wei said and Yunlan start crying "I am sorry... I.... I shouldn't have gone to the Dragon City that day.....I am sorry" Yunlan said in his crying and Shen Wei only looking at him silently.

"can we start all over again? *sob* can we start over? *sob*" Yunlan again said while cry heavily "what happened in the Dragon City? Yunlan" Shen Wei asked but other only crying..... which frustrates Wei so much "what the hell is going on?" Wei said and Yunlan cover his mouth with his rough palm..... while crying and shook his head.

Shen Wei feels hurt when Yunlan's tear drop on his beautiful face..... Wei feel bad to seeing him like this, Shen Wei about to touch Yunlan's wet cheek...... suddenly Yunlan expressions change and he start rubbing Wei's collarbone then he grab Wei collar "why? why!" Yunlan said and smirk "are you messing with me, Zhao Yunlan?" Shen Wei said in his anger "you're messing with me" Yunlan said and laugh loud.....

Shen Wei become angry and he push Yunlan then shout "what do you mean?" Yunlan sit beside him "you don't know why, do you?" Yunlan said but other pick his phone and call the cops while ignoring him.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm calling.... the cops!"

Yunlan snatch Wei phone from his hand and break it....he turn toward Shen Wei who looking at him with blank expression. Yunlan grab Wei's nape from behind and lean close to him but other didn't change his expression "no feeling anymore?" Yunlan said and push Wei on the couch then start kissing his earlobe and then neck.

Shen Wei turn his head to avoid this "Enough.....aahh...Zhao Yunlan....uumm....what? you tell" Shen Wei tries to asked him but Yunlan not let him speak properly.....

Wei struggle underneath him to free himself..... "Zhao.... Yunl...." Wei again try to say, but other cover his mouth and looked at his beautiful doey eye....they keep looking in each other eyes. Yunlan lean more close and kiss Wei's nose, cheek, eye and forehead..... Wei close his eyes and tear drop from it....Wei stop struggling and let Yunlan do want he want.......


Little Flashback of DRAGON🐉 CITY.....

"When Zhao Yunlan return Dragon City after that phone call..... he never dream that his life(shenwei) leave him.

Yunlan senior officer told him about his colleague's He Luo.....That she is a secret agent. She was sent by our old enemy Chinese Mafia Chang, to rescue his partner. When Yunlan came to know of this, he became angry, he could not believe that the girl for whom he had hurt his Wei's heart....she did this with him.

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