51 : ̗̀➛ hickey prank

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R̤̈ë̤q̤̈ṳ̈ë̤s̤̈ẗ̤ë̤d̤̈ b̤̈ÿ̤: SpxxkyGhxst1003

Yo, you should like totally follow me on twitter ahah, we can like vent together or just talk about anime or just random shit,, or if you just want friends (like me 🥲) ill just humbly put this here: @yelenaxsimp

now back to your regularly scheduled programming,

Tanjiro Kamado:
• You just used what you had to make the hickey
• Tanjiro probably didn't notice at first
• But when he did, he didn't think anything of it
• He was just concerned to be honest
• "Y-Y/n? Did you hurt yourself? Are you okay?"
• Bby boy would just get really worried
• Until you tell him it's a prank
• He's not even mad, he's just glad you're okay <33

Zenitsu Agatsuma:
• Takes him a while to notice
• But when he does, oh boy
• He probably won't say anything for a while
• But he definitely knows what that is
• And he knows damn well he did not leave that there
• After a while, he just clears his throat
• "Y/n-chan/kun, what is that? 😃"
• When you tell him it's a prank, he gets so upset and just walks out on you lmao

Inosuke Hashibira:
• Would he know what a hickey is?
• Assuming he does, he'll just glare at it the whole time
• "I know damn well I didn't leave that there >:("
• He lasts about 5 minutes of being silent
• Until he eventually goes up to you and asks you what type of fuckery is this
• "It's a prank."
• "😐"
• He walks out

Giyu Tomioka:
• He noticed it pretty quickly
• And he gets rlly sad n pouty :(
• But he won't say anything in fear of overthinking and the purple bruise on your neck just being an injury
• If you ask him what's wrong, he'll say it's nothing
• But do you rlly believe him?
• He just sits there with a frown on his face
• Until you finally tell him it's a prank
• Giyu will just nod and go take a nap bc it's Monday and it's too fucking early for this shit-

• Gets a glimpse of it and goes back to what he was doing
• Except he does a double take and looks back at you
• "Y/n-"
• "What?"
• "What's that?"
• "What's what?"
• "On your neck."
• "Oh, it's deez."
• "Deez?"
• "Deez nuts."
• "Goodbye." Stands up and leaves
• For a second though, he was pretty damn scared

• "You look...different..."
• "Different how?"
• He shrugs
• But after a while, he eventually realizes
• He quickly runs up to you to check if he's right or not
• "What is that??"
• "A bruise. I burned myself with an iron."
• "How 😟"
• He actually believes you (kinda)
• But when he finds out it's a prank, he just rolls his eyes and gets back to business

Muzan Kibutsuji:
• Horny michael jackson ✨
• Anywho, he notices almost immediately
• And he's on you almost immediately
• "What is this, Y/n?" He asks, pointing directly at the purple mark
• "Um...nothing..."
• He straight up glares at you, "I don't like being lied to, Y/n."
• So you give in and tell him, not wanting to die just yet
• Surprisingly, he doesn't- oh wait, no, there he goes, he drags you away to your bedroom, woops 🤷‍♀️

Kyojuro Rengoku:
• Similar to Tanjiro
• He looks at it and asks if you hurt yourself
• If you tell him yes, he'll try to get you to rest or help you heal or smth
• If you tell him no, he'll ask what that is
• "A hickey."
• "Oh."
• He doesn't think he left it there but then again maybe he just doesn't remember? You'd never be unfaithful so maybe he forgot?
• He's honestly so precious I can't-

Muichiro Tokito:
• He'd silently glare at you
• Well, not at you
• But at the "hickey"
• He wouldn't say anything, he'd just glare
• "Muichiro...are you okay?"
• "Just peachy."
• He won't say anything at all, even if he's just itching to ask what the hell that purple bruise is
• When you tell him it's a prank, he seems unfazed but he's honestly so relieved lol

• He sees it pretty quickly
• But he ignores it
• "If I don't see it, it's not there."
• Hates the thought of you cheating
• So he'll just ignore it, after all, ignorance is bliss, right?
• He'll excuse himself after a while to go to the bathroom,
• In the bathroom he might break the mirror, or he'll just huff and puff in anger like the big bad wolf 💀
• Once you tell him it's a prank, he doesn't know what to do, he's more annoyed than anything though

Obanai Iguro:
• Doesn't see it for a while
• But once he does, he just talks shit to Kaburamaru
• "Do you see this shit, Kaburamaru?"
• "They couldn't keep it in their pants?"
• "I bet the other son of a bitch looks like an ogre 😒"
• He won't actually come to you or anything
• But you can sense something is off
• So you finally cave and tell him it's a prank, in which he responds with, "I knew that!"

Tengen Uzui:
• Your wives are in on the prank, obv
• Anywho, mans notices real quick
• He's on you immediately
• "What in the mcfuck is that, Y/n??"
• "I um uh a-a bruise?"
• "Uhuh, and I'm the burger king, what. is. that."
• "A hickey."
• "Ew"
• When he finds out it's a prank, he'll be a bit annoyed but he'll also tease you for it

Sanemi Shinazugawa:
• Takes him a while to notice
• But when he does, oh boy, oh man
• "Seriously....? Y'know what go fuck yourself."
• He then proceeds to leave, not speaking to you at all
• Well, that is until you go up to him and tell him it's a prank
• "I-I knew that...!"
• "Sanemi, are you crying?"
• "No I just got something stuck in my eye, stupid."

• Notices it quickly and is livid
• He's practically seething
• "Darling, what is that?"
• "A um...h-hickey?"
• He'll immediately grab you and trap you into a room to interrogate you
• "Who was it? What else did they do? Where do they live?"
• "I-"
• "Tell. Me."
• "It's a prank...."
• "Oh. Ahahahaha! I knew it!"

Genya Shinazugawa:
• Much like Akaza, he ignores it when he sees it
• "What is that on their neck? Oh ahah anyways👨‍🦯"
• He can barely pay attention to anything else though
• He's overthinking so damn much
• After a bit, he has to excuse himself and goes to the bathroom to cry
• "Hey...Genya?"
• "yeAH?"
• "It's a prank..."
• "Oh...haha, good one-" He cries harder

Hotaru Haganezuka:
• I feel liked he'd know it's a prank
• Or he at least hopes it is
• So in return, he'll try to use paint, makeup, or smth to make a hickey on himself, too
• So in other words, he uno reverses your ass
• "Hotaru what the hell is that...?"
• "Oh, a hickey of course."
• "I didn't leave that there-"
• "I know." Cue the smug grin
• "Fuck you 🧍‍♂️"
• "Fuck me yourself."
• Guess what happens next ahah 🤸‍♀️

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