10 : ̗̀➛ first kiss

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Tanjiro Kamado:
He asked if he could kiss you, I know right?
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You were laying on a couch in your home, having some time to relax and chill with Tanjiro.
"Um...Angel? C-Can I..k-kiss you?" He asked, after a few minutes of silence in the room.
Your whole face reddened at his question. You hesitated with an answer, I mean who wouldn't want to kiss this bean? But his blunt question left you in a bit of a shocked state. Eventually, you nodded in response. He cupped both of your cheeks with his calloused hands and leaned in, your lips colliding with one another. When you both pulled back, both your faces were red. Tanjiro hugged you rapidly to hide his embarrassment.
"Thank you." He said.

Zenitsu Agatsuma:
Once upon a time, Zenitsu saw a couple kissing while he was on his way back from a mission with his pals, Tanjiro and Inosuke. He decided he'd try to kiss you as a result of what he'd witnessed.
Zenitsu was heading back home when from his peripheral vision, he saw some couple kissing, which ultimately gave him an idea, oooh~
Once he was back and had reported that the mission went well, he searched for you. He found you reading a book near the Butterfly Estate's garden. You were leaning against a wall when you noticed Zenitsu approaching you. You smiled and stopped reading your book.
"Hey Zen, how was your missio-"
Zenitsu cut your sentence short by grabbing onto your face with both his hands and slamming his lips onto yours (bold are we?). Your eyes widened in surprise but eventually you started kissing back - a small gesture of affection turning into a full on make out session - it wasn't until you heard someone *cough* INOSUKE *cough* yell,
"EW!" You both stopped kissing one another.
"Sorry about that." Zenitsu breathed out.
You just smiled and hugged him.

Inosuke Hashibira:
He didn't even ask. He just remembered Shinobu giving him advice and all he remembered hearing from her was instructing him to kiss you. So he did.
It was a nice morning, birds were singing, flowers were blooming, [o̲̅n̲̅ d̲̅a̲̅y̲̅s̲̅ l̲̅i̲̅k̲̅e̲̅ t̲̅h̲̅i̲̅s̲̅, k̲̅i̲̅d̲̅s̲̅ l̲̅i̲̅k̲̅e̲̅ y̲̅o̲̅u̲̅ s̲̅h̲̅o̲̅u̲̅l̲̅d̲̅ b̲̅e̲̅ b̲̅u̲̅r̲̅n̲̅i̲̅n̲̅g̲̅ i̲̅n̲̅ h̲̅e̲̅l̲̅l̲̅.]
You were on your way back from a mission, like usual, and a certain boar masked male was waiting for you.
"What'd that insect lady say again? Kiss (Y/n mispronounced)? That lady explained it too, alright I'll try it." Inosuke thought.
Once Inosuke saw you approaching, he became flustered. Shinobu explained to him that a kiss was a gesture of affection where people touch lips, Inosuke had never done that before.
"Hey there Angry Boar, what are you thinking about?" You asked your pretty faced boyfriend whom was deep in thought.
Suddenly, he gripped both of your shoulders and slammed his lips onto yours. His lips naturally found a way to kiss you normally, at first the kiss was barely a kiss. Inosuke just had his lips on yours, no movement at all.
"What was..that?" You asked once he pulled away.
You both were flustered.
"That insect lady told me I should do that. She said it was called a kiss." Inosuke admitted.
You chuckled at his cluelessness.
"You're cute." You smiled.

Giyu Tomioka:
He was hesitant at first. Asked Shinobu for help, and the result was this,
Giyu was waiting for you at Butterfly Estate. When he saw you approaching the home, he looked to Shinobu who was supervising him from behind a corner. She gave him two thumbs up, reassuring him.
"Emo Baby!" You yelled, grinning.
Giyu's face flushed at the nickname being yelled out in public. He could hear Shinobu's faint chuckles from behind him.
"Y/n-chan/kun, I want to try something, do you mind?" He asked as you came closer to him.
"Not at all." You replied, smiling.
Giyu cupped your face and gave you a quick yet loving kiss. Immediately, his face reddened, and he ran away quickly. You chuckled.

He's a precious, beloved, treasured, adoring, adorable, charming- Oh! Sorry about that. He's a bean just like Tanjiro, if not, more precious. He asked you if he could, in a different way of course.
"Hey Sweetheart." Sabito greeted.
"Hey Peach Boy." You grinned.
Ultimately this exchange irritated a certain someone who was walking with you, your brother, Giyu. He left.
"Here." Sabito smiled warmly.
You took a note that Sabito gave to you. It read,
Hey, since I'd probably faint or die if I asked this irl, could I perhaps...kiss you?
You looked up at Sabito whom was madly blushing. You leaned forward and made your lips collide with his, coming into a loving, passionate kiss. It was cute while it lasted.
"Get a room!" You heard, it was Giyu again.
You immediately chased after him, eliciting a chuckle from Sabito.

Your boy asked Tamayo for advice. She gave him the perfect advice since she was your older sister.
"My goddess/god, here you go." He said, handing you a small sized box of f/f (favorite/food) and handing you a medium sized plushie of your favorite animal.
"Y-Yushi? What's all this?" You asked.
"I just thought you deserved a gift." He replied while blushing.
"Yushi, you didn't have to." You said, gently putting the box of food somewhere on a nearby table.
"But you deserve everything, Y/n." He said, caressing your cheek with his thumb.
You smiled and gave him a kiss on the lips. His eyes widened, you got to him first. He kissed back however. It was a cute exchange.
(Y'all, I don't know about you, but I'm feeling super soft and fluffy after writing this part, omg)

Muzan Kibutsuji:
This mafia lord type mf just went for it. Y'all were cuddling n' shiz until he leaned up and kissed you.
It was a nice afternoon, you were on the bed you and Muzan shared, reading a book. Muzan was on your lap, supposedly sleeping. That sly bastard. Just when you got to the good part on your book, Muzan gently opened his eyes, leaned up, and kissed you - putting his hand on your cheek. You were flabbergasted. Quickly, Muzan went back onto your lap. Your face was as red as Rengoku's a flames.
"M-Mu-sama..?" You questioned while flustered, looking down at Muzan whom was smiling.
"Hi Y/n." He smiled.
He put your book down on the bed and cupped your face with his hands. He pulled you down and kissed you for a bit longer, making you faint..press F in the chat for Y/n...

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