34 : ̗̀➛ angst pt 2

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C/n = Character/name, basically a male kny character of your choosing :)
R/n = Rival/name or just someone you don't like.
O/c = Other/character, basically another male kny character of your choosing, besides C/n of course.
A continuation of course :)
I honestly think this is my favorite chapter so far.

Y/n stood in the pouring rain, trying to get their keys from their back pocket. They finally got it out and inserted it into the keyhole.

They'd gone out for a bit to clear their head and make sense of the stupid decisions they'd made in their intoxicated state.

By the time they got back to their apartment, it was raining extremely hard and the alcohol was about 50% gone. They still felt a bit woozy and dizzy but better than earlier.

Once they finally got inside, they tried their best to be quiet, not wanting C/n to see them if he had come back.

Unfortunately for Y/n, C/n was sitting at the edge of their bed in their bedroom. Y/n's eyes widened when they saw him. His eyes were a bit red and puffy, probably from crying and there were two suitcases next to him.

"W-What are those...for?" Y/n asked, voice sounding small and weak.
C/n didn't even spare them a glance and only looked at the ground as he spoke.
"I packed your things." He said, no emotion from his tone could be noticed at all.

Y/n froze. He couldn't even have given them some time to look for another place? Y/n nodded.
"Okay." They said and walked over to the suitcases, only noticing right then that their bedroom looked empty besides the bed and other furniture that was already there when they first moved in.

They looked at C/n, feeling the urge to hug him and comfort him. They subconsciously extended their hand towards him before his voice stopped them.
"Don't touch me." He said coldly.

Y/n jumped a little and retracted their hand and reached for the suitcases instead. Once they made sure all of their belongings were packed, they walked to the door before looking at C/n one more time.
"I'm sorry...I...I really am." They said and opened the door, leaving C/n alone on the bed.

Y/n walked through the front door and to the outside, a suitcase on top of their head to cover themselves from the rain albeit they were already wet from before. They walked outside aimlessly, not sure where to go.

They would've called a friend but their phone was dead. Oh well. Once Y/n got tired, they took a seat in a nearby park, not really waiting for anything. Until they heard a voice.

"Y/n? Is that you?"
At this, Y/n turned to the voice. However, they were unable to recognize the person, that is until they got closer.

"O/c?" They were shocked to see their friend.
They stood up from their seat. O/c sighed out of relief and walked closer, an umbrella in his hand.
"I'm so glad I found you." He said.

Y/n raised a brow.
"Why? Is something wrong?" They asked.
"Well, Mitsuri had called and asked me to contact you and make sure you were safe since she didn't remember if you'd made it back home from the night you both went out," O/c explained.
"I tried calling you but the call went straight to voice-mail." He finished.

Y/n laughed softly.
"My phone is dead and Mitsuri was pretty wasted. But so was I." They frowned from the last sentence, remembering what happened.

O/c's face softened, he put his hand on Y/n's shoulder.
"You okay?" He asked.
Y/n nodded.
"I just...need to find a place to stay," They looked at the floor.
"C/n kicked me out." Y/n laughed half-heartedly.

"He did what?" O/c asked, surprised.
"It was my fault anyways." Y/n sighed.
O/c paused and contemplated something for a bit.

"You can stay at my place." He said.
Y/n looked at him, taken aback.
"Are you sure?" They asked.
O/c smiled and nodded.

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