: ̗̀➛ akaza catchup

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C̤̈ḧ̤ä̤r̤̈ä̤c̤̈ẗ̤ë̤r̤̈ R̤̈ë̤q̤̈ṳ̈ë̤s̤̈ẗ̤ë̤d̤̈ B̤̈ÿ̤: xXNyanCat808Xx

Oh man. Thirty chapters, let's go!

You had actually become an Upper Moon and were offered by Muzan himself to meet the other Upper Moons.
You trailed behind Muzan, not speaking a single word in fear that if you said anything even remotely negative in general, Muzan would end your life right then and there. Once you were in front of two large doors, Muzan finally spoke.
"Here are most of the Upper Moons, some were not able to make it due to missions but I'm sure this will be enough." Muzan looked behind him and to you.
"Yes, sir." You replied.
"Good." He turned his gaze back to the doors and opened them.
As soon as you stepped in, a specific demon caught your eye. Akaza, to be exact.
"Everyone, meet Y/n L/n. She/He has become an Upper Moon as of recently." Muzan informed everyone.
Everyone in the room nodded. Muzan took it upon himself to then introduce you to everyone in the room individually. Once Muzan got to Akaza, you could sense a slight hostility coming from said demon.
"Akaza, meet Y/n. Y/n, meet Akaza, he holds the position of Upper Moon Three." Muzan said.
"Hello." You smiled a bit.
"Hi." Akaza replied, glaring at you a bit.
You felt quite threatened so you tried to move onto the next demon.

First Thoughts:
"They seem weak"

Realizing Their Feelings:
Let's just say Akaza made you train with him but there was a catch. The catch is that he was actually fighting you. Long story short, you were about to beat him when another Upper Moon stopped you. Akaza has admired you since then.
"Hurry up!" Akaza yelled at you.
"I'm coming!" You yelled back as you followed Akaza into a training room.
Eventually, you both were in front of brown double doors. Akaza opened one and gestured for you to go in first. You thanked him and walked in. You looked at the room. It was large and pretty bland, after all, it was a training room.
"This is quite nice." You mumbled.
As soon as you finished your thought, you felt Akaza roughly pin you down face-first against the ground.
"Hey! Get off of me!" You demanded.
"You should be more aware of your surroundings don't you think?" He said.
After a few seconds, Akaza got off of you.
"Fight me and don't hold back." He said as he stared intently at you.
You took a deep breath and swiftly ran to him. You threw a punch which Akaza dodged and returned. You moved back but Akaza quickly ran to you and swiftly punched your stomach. You coughed a bit of blood due to the force of Akaza's punch. He didn't stop throwing punches and kicks meanwhile you could barely stand up. Akaza attempted to kick your legs but he failed after you dodged and managed to kick his legs instead.
"Dammit!" Akaza fell to the ground with a loud thud.
You were about to pounce on him but someone stopped you. That being Kokushibou. He placed his hand on your shoulder and shook his head. You nodded and refrained from going further. Akaza got off of the floor.
"Why didn't you go further?! Why did you hold back?!" Akaza was yelling at you, mainly because he lost and he was....salty-
"You would have gotten injured. Or worse." You stared intently at him.
Akaza's scowl faded as he turned around.
"Alright I get it!" He walked to the doorway.
"Next time, you won't need to hold back." He called.
He left with a blush on his face.
"I was so wrong about her/him," Akaza thought.
"I think I like, Y/n."

Akaza actually spent like a whole month debating with himself whether he liked you or not...finally, he decided to confess once he came to terms with his feelings.
"Ah shoot! I can't believe I'm actually doing this. It's so embarrassing!" Akaza mentally yelled at himself.
He took a deep breath and finally knocked on your door. You opened it and were surprised to see Akaza standing there.
"Quite surprised you didn't just open the door." You grinned.
"Shut up! Just...take these!" Akaza blushed and pushed a bouquet of f/c flowers into your arms.
"Thanks! What's the occasio-"
"Date me." Akaza said bluntly.
"Date me!" He repeated with a red face.
You chuckled.
"Wait...really?" He looked at your face, searching for any signs of lying.
You nodded and hugged him.
"I'm serious, Akaza."
"Okay." He hesitated but hugged back nonetheless.

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