1 : ̗̀➛ meeting

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Tanjiro Kamado:
You guys met after Final Selection. You were one of the finalists.
As you finished slaying the last demon, the sun rose, signaling the end of Final Selection. You headed to your home, head held high. Once it was time to go pick your sword material and whatnot, you seemed to have gotten lost a bit. You ended up getting to your destination later than everyone else. A certain black and red haired male noticed you. He walked up to you and said,
"Hi there, my name's Tanjiro, what's yours?"
"Hey, I'm Y/n L/n." You responded.
From there you both became good friends.

Zenitsu Agatsuma:
You were actually related to Tanjiro. Specifically speaking, you were a cousin of his. So you stuck together with him, which lead to you meeting Zenitsu when he was around that one girl, asking her to marry him.
"So Nezuko-chan is in that box? Really?" You asked your cousin.
"Y-Yeah, heh. It's sort of a long story, I'll tell you the details later." Tanjiro said.
"Alri-" You were cut off by cries and begs.
"Please! Please! Please! Please marry me!" There was a guy with blonde and orange hair holding onto a black haired girl.
"I could die any day, you know! That's why I want you to marry me! So please! Please, I'm begging you!" The male yelled with tears running down his cheeks.
"What's up with that?" You asked, startled.
"What on earth?" Tanjiro asked, just as puzzled as yourself.
A sparrow then flew to Tanjiro, whom held the sparrow in his hand.
"I'm begging-" The blonde and orange haired male was cut off by your cousin whom got him off of the girl.
"What do you think you're doing right in the middle of the road?" Tanjiro practically yelled.
The blonde and orange haired male had tears in his eyes.
"Can't you see she wants nothing to do with you? And don't go making trouble for your sparrow, either!"
A few minutes later, Tanjiro had told the girl she could go, the weeping male was not happy.
"Hey! Why'd you do that? This has nothing to do with yo-"
You got closer to him and pinched his cheek.
"Stop that." You said.
The male turned to you and started crying all over again.
"Please! M-Marry me!" He begged.
And with that, the previous mess started all over again.

Inosuke Hashibira:
You had a mission to go to Tsuzumi Mansion. That's where you met the boar masked male.
You sat on the ground, exhausted after defeating the demon inside the mansion. Not only that, but you had trouble separating two males whom started fighting. You heard both their names being said, but that's all you knew about them. After Tanjiro had head-butted Inosuke, his boar mask fell to the ground.
"Huh? A girl? Huh? Your face!" Zenitsu yelled.
You'd fallen back a bit, startled.
"What the hell?" You said.
"You've got a problem with my face or something?" Inosuke yelled.
After a bit of yelling, Inosuke collapsed. Tanjiro had put his haori under Inosuke's head and you put your f/c haori on his body. When Inosuke woke up, the first person he saw was you. He abruptly jumped out of his "bed" and started chasing you.
"Woah! C-Calm down will you?!"
And that's how you two met.

Giyu Tomioka:
You were actually Mr. Urokodaki's child. Due to your relationship with Mr. Urokodaki, you helped Giyu with training.
"Father?" You called out.
You hadn't seen him since you woke up which was strange, he was always with you in the morning and if he left somewhere, he'd tell you beforehand. You walked out of your small home and searched around. Your father was at the back of your home, training a boy around your age with black hair.
"F-Father?" You stuttered.
"Oh Y/n, good morning."
You walked up to your father.
"Who's that?" You asked.
"He's training to become a demon slayer. His name is Giyu Tomioka."
"Oh. Hi." You waved at the boy who was swinging around the sword your father lent him.
From then on, you would often help Giyu train. You'd bring him snacks after he'd train, too.

So you were Giyu Tomioka's twin. When you were being trained by Mr. Urokodaki, you met the peach haired teen.
"Another day of hard training. I'm tired already."
"Stop complaining if you want to become a demon slayer." Your brother told you.
"Alright Mr. I'm Trying To Be Emo As Fu-"
"Good morning."
"Who are you, may I ask?" Giyu asked the nameless teen standing in front of you both.
"I'm Sabito. I'm being trained by Mr. Urokodaki as of today." He said.
"I'm Y/n Tomioka. This here's my emo twin brother, Giyu Tomioka." You smiled.
"Stop that will you?" Giyu looked at you, irritated.
"Stop what?"
Sabito chuckled.
"Nice to meet you." He said as he extended his hand towards you.
You shook his hand and smiled.

You were Tamayo's younger sibling. You were a demon as well.
"I'm right here Y/n." Your older sister by one year called out.
"What are you doing?" You asked her as you approached her.
"I'm just tending to this person's wounds." She replied.
Your sister was helping a demon named Yushiro. He was in terrible condition. You combed his hair with your hand since he was asleep.
"I hope he gets better." You whispered.
Unbeknownst to you, he heard what you said. From then on, he pretty much worshipped both you and your sister.

Muzan Kibutsuji:
You were a human. A homeless one at that. Something happened that almost killed you, but Muzan found you and helped you, thinking you'd be a great servant.
As always, you were in an alley, cold and starving. It was normal to you. You were huddled in a ball, hugging yourself and looking for the least bit of warmth you could find.
"Heh, it seems like this place radiates a human scent." You heard someone say.
It was a demon.
"No. Please no." You mumbled, tears welling up in your eyes.
"Aha! Here we go. Found one."
The demon lessened the space separating you both.
"Hello there." He greeted.
"Please no!" You screamed, tears flowing down your cheeks.
The demon didn't care. He threw himself onto you and started, well, eating you. A few minutes later, you heard faint footsteps going your way.
"H-Help m-me." You could barely say.
"Here." The person said.
They crouched down and offered you their arm which had blood coming out. Subconsciously, you took their arm and started drinking. You then passed out.
You woke up in an unknown room.
"H-Hello?" You called out.
"Oh, you're awake." You heard someone say.
"Um, who are you?" You asked.
"I'm Muzan Kibutsuji. You can call me Muzan." They said.
"I'm Y/n L/n." You said, smiling.
Muzan smiled back.
So that's how you two met.

[A/N: Hope you enjoyed the first chapter. My hand hurts T-T kill me. Anyways, peace!]

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