15 : ̗̀➛ dead partner prank

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R̤̈ë̤q̤̈ṳ̈ë̤s̤̈ẗ̤ë̤d̤̈ B̤̈ÿ̤: oofcheezy

Tanjiro Kamado:
You had it planned out. Planned out I tell you! It was perfect. So, instead of using red paint you planned to make your death seem...like a natural cause. A heart attack. You know, if you'd used paint, Tanjiro probably would have been able to smell it. You'd told him you'd been feeling kind of ill so you asked him to come to your home. You made things appear as if you'd had the heart attack in the midst of doing something. You dropped a few things on the ground and then...you laid there, waiting for Tanjiro. He knocked on your door, nothing. He knocked again, still nothing. He knocked one more time, until he decided to use that spare key you'd gave him. He was panicking when he saw you.
You didn't respond. He checked your pulse, and that's when the prank was over.
"Dammit. Why'd you have to do that?" You said as you sat up.
"W-Wait..what?" Tanjiro asked, still confused.
"It was a prank." You chuckled.
Next thing he did was cry.....
"I-I-I was so..s-scared!" He sobbed while hugging you.
You felt bad, so you cuddled with him for the rest of the day.

Zenitsu Agatsuma:
You had Tanjiro help you with this one. You created a big enough wound on the side of your stomach - with paint and stuff - to make it look as though someone had stabbed you. You bloodied the knife and laid it next to you. Tanjiro helped by messing up your home a bit to make it seem as though there was a struggle. You called Zenitsu to freak him out a bit.
"Zen? There's someone at the door, they're asking for you and they won't go away. Please come here, quickly!"
"O-Okay! I'm on my way!"
You grinned. It's all coming according to plan~
"Y/n?" It was Zenitsu.
He managed to kick down the door after a good 2 minutes of waiting.
"Y-Y/n! Oh my god! Y/n, wake up! Please!" He was about to cry.
"G-Get it together!" He said and reached for his phone, about to call for help.
"Haha. S-Stop!" You chuckled and got his wrist before he called anyone.
"What?" He was confused.
"It was a prank, Zen." You explained.
He tackled you and began to cry, like Tanjiro.
"Alright, alright." You rubbed his back.
Y'all cuddled. Yeet.

Inosuke Hashibira:
So, um...at first, he didn't care, he thought it was a prank. But you are committed and you stayed laying on the floor with red paint all over you for an hour or so. At this point, Inosuke was freaking the duck out.
"W-What do I do?!" He thought to himself.
He felt really, really bad that he didn't believe you at first. He picked up your body and he was halfway to a doctor when you told him it was a prank. He was pissed. He just threw you onto your couch at home and left - ignoring you for the rest of the day.

Giyu Tomioka:
At first, he kept poking your cheek because he didn't know what to do. Then he got his phone out and dialed your father.
"Mr. Urokodaki? Y/n seems to be unconscious. What should I do?"
Not having told your father about the prank, you tried to listen to what he said to Giyu.
"Perform CPR on them. I'm on my way!" He responded.
Giyu then put his phone down and started the 30 compressions required.
"S-Stop!" You stuttered, surprised at the forcefulness of Giyu's compressions.
"It was a prank." You said.
Giyu was upset. So much so that he left and refused to talk to you for a whole 2 days.

This bean was at your side immediately and he was sweating bullets, holy shi-
He started to perform CPR, when he got to...that part, you blushed like a madman. You'd think that would give the prank away, right? Nope. Your boi thought you had some sort of fever so he got more concerned and worried. He ended up fainting from the stress. You sat up and just looked at him. (aNd i OoP-)
"Well sh•t."
You carried him to your bed and you went to wash off the fake blood. When you came back, Sabito was awake. He caught on to the fact that it was all a prank. He dragged you into your bed and.....( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
cuddled with you. (tEEhEe)

You made it look like you'd been in the sun and that got you. You made your skin seem a bit blackish to make it look like you'd been burned. When Yushiro found you, he dropped all the herbs he'd collected for Tamayo.
"Y-Y/n! No, no, no!" He repeated.
He held your body close to his and he started to cry a bit.
"Dammit, what the hell happened? Why did it happen?" He hugged you close and cried into your shoulder.
You rubbed his back, cutting the prank short.
"Calm down, Yushi. It was just a prank, I'm sorry." You whispered to him.
"R-Really? Thank God! Please don't ever do that again, Y/n!" He cried looking into your eyes now.
"I promise." You smiled warmly, reassuring him.

Muzan Kibutsuji:
You were hesitant at first. You didn't know what he'd do when he found out it was just a prank. Would he punish you? Would he kill you?
"H-He wouldn't, r-right?" You asked yourself.
You decided to test your luck. Yay. You set up everything, making it look as if a demon slayer had come and killed you. You used paint and whatnot to make a fake slit throat. When Muzan found you, he just stared at you. He crouched down to your level and smiled.
"Y/n. I know it's a prank." He said, rather calmly.
"How??" You asked in disbelief.
"I can't smell your blood, it smells like ink and paint." He smiled.
He picked you up - bridal style - and carried you to your shared bedroom.
"For trying to deceive me, I will have you stay in this room for the rest of the day. If you disobey, well...you don't want to know what'll happen." He smirked.
You nodded rapidly.
"Oh boy." You sighed.

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