68 : ̗̀➛ picking up your stuff after a break up

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heyyy yall it's been a while 😸
ive been feeling unmotivated and kinda sorta took a break from writing.

also not in the usual filler format cuz i was in the mood for some short drabbles 🙏

also also, this is kinda connected with the text breakup scenario so this is kind of like a breakup aftermath part 3 lol

ALSO, there's this request ive had abt sfw alphabets and i think ill be postponing it for bit solely because it will take a lot of time to write so i want to get through all other requests first!

ALSOO 😭😭 ,, i made another tiktok account where ill be writing drabbles and stuff so since ive been gone for so long, you guys can go ahead and request anything like fluff or angst, ill be making a post at some point with fandoms ill write for, so as a sort of gift to make up for my absence, there's that, the account is @/halibelsimp.2 🫶🫶

Tanjiro Kamado:
Tanjiro stared at the box in front of him. It had all of your stuff in it. A box filled with years worth of memories. He wonders what happened. Oh yes, he was indecisive. He loved you he was sure but...what if there were other people out there that he could meet? Years down the drain all because he wanted to know if there were people out there who could satisfy him? Or maybe just...people who seemed more appealing to him?

What is wrong with him.

There's a knock at the door. Tanjiro opens it. You look great. You really do. All he wants to do is reach out for your hand and pull you into a hug and never let go. You'd probably push him away faster than he can blink, though.

Thus, with a heavy heart, he grabs the box and hands it to you. He watches on as you walk away, officially losing you forever.

Zenitsu Agatsuma:
Zenitsu wants you back. He doesn't know what he was thinking. He regrets everything. His new partner isn't you, no matter how much he tries to convince himself he loves them, he can't because they aren't you. He wishes he could go back in time and stay with you. What did he even see in this new person? What made them so much more better to make him want to leave you?

You felt like home and he wanted to go back. He wasn't welcome back though. So with unshed tears in his eyes, he picked up the box of his stuff you'd left outside for him. He was grateful you didn't burn it or sell it all. But if you'd asked him to, he'd burn and sell every last atom of it just for a chance to tell you he loves you.

Inosuke Hashibira:
Training was boring. You would usually sit nearby with a cold refreshment ready for him, sometimes even a towel to clean him up. He felt like he truly didn't deserve you, you were too good to him. But you were gone now. And it was his fault. He'd pushed you away and for what? Training? Out of all things?

A part of him didn't want to return your things. They were a reminder of you. A reminder that you had existed, that you were his at some point, a reminder that he'd fucked up. But of course, he had to be civil and cooperate. It was the least he could do for you.

Giyu Tomioka:
When did he lose feelings? When did things change? A part of him still loved you, though not in a romantic sense. Or maybe he did. If he didn't, he wouldn't be so reluctant to give you your things back because that would mean he'd no longer have a reminder of you at home. It would mean truly letting go. He wasn't ready for that.

Was it the sense of normalcy he had with you? Or perhaps merely a routine he'd gotten used to? Waking up with you in his arms, spending a few more minutes in bed, indulging in the occasional intimacy, having breakfast together, spending the day together, had he really taken it all for granted?

Call him stubborn but he wasn't ready to let go. Sure, you'd moved on but he hadn't. And he needed you. And maybe he was going to get his things back from you with cooperation, but you'd stay and talk with him for a bit. You'd reminisce about all the memories you'd created together. You'd stay for him. Wouldn't you?

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