33 : ̗̀➛ fluff, follower special

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C/n = Character/name --> basically a male kny character of your choosing :)
F/c/i = Favorite/comfort/item
Once again, a Modern A.U cuz why not :>
@susukadaluarsa hope you enjoy it!
[don't know why it's not tagging correctly :( ]

Y/n sat up on their bed and stretched, a yawn escaping their lips.
"Oh, that's right! I'm meeting up with C/n later!" Y/n smiled.
They got off of their bed and went into the bathroom, grabbing a towel on the way.

They brushed their teeth and began to strip. Turning on the shower, Y/n put their towel on the sink close by. They got into the shower and began to clean themselves, thinking of all the fun things they could do with C/n.

Once they finished, they wrapped their f/c towel around their body and went back to their bedroom to look for clothes. Just as Y/n finished putting on their last article of clothes, they received a message. A message from non other than C/n.

I'm almost there. You ready yet?

Y/n smiled and replied.

Almost, just gonna grab a piece of bread or smth :p

C/n took a few minutes to reply since he was driving to Y/n's place.

Don't bother. I'm taking us to a restaurant first ❤

Y/n almost choked. How did they get so lucky??

Does McDonald's count? 👀

C/n replied with,

👁👁 no.

Y/n pouted. Man, they could go for some good ol' McDonald's for sure.

Okay then 😔

C/n was quick to respond.

You'll like where I'm taking you though

At this, Y/n got curious. Where could C/n be taking them? A few minutes passed of Y/n waiting for C/n to arrived until he finally did. Y/n went outside of their apartment and searched for C/n's car. Locating it, they walked over to it and sat down next to C/n.

"Sooo....where are we going?" Y/n grinned.
C/n glanced at them and chuckled.
"That's a secret." He said and kept driving.

Y/n tried to think of a place, a good restaurant, that C/n could be driving to. But alas, they couldn't think of anything.

"Alright we're here." C/n said as he finished parking.
Y/n looked at the building, eyes almost popping out of their sockets.
"W-What?" They stuttered.

"What? Do you not like it? We could go to McDonald's if you want." C/n said.
"N-No this is fine. But...it looks....expensive?" Y/n said.
The building standing in front of the pair was called "Kamakura", rated a 4.8 with some fine-tasting dishes.

C/n offered Y/n his arm.
"Let's go in, shall we?"
Y/n wanted to die inside. It would seem they were underdressed. They had a simple f/c t-shirt and some jeans.

"Don't worry about how you're dressed. You look just fine to me." C/n said as he walked with Y/n.
Y/n blushed and looked at the ground.
"Thanks." C/n chuckled at this.

They entered the building and were immediately greeted. C/n did all the talking while Y/n just looked at the decor of the place.
"My broke ass could never." They thought.

C/n began to follow a waiter who was leading the duo to a table. They were seated near a window which was perfect for Y/n to zone out and maybe....roleplay as a main character in an anime 👀.

The waiter came back after letting C/n and Y/n look at the menu and got out a small notepad to write down their orders.
"I'll have the Buddha Bowl." C/n said.
Y/n looked at C/n skeptically.
"Why does he sound like a pro...?"
"What would you like?" The waiter looked at Y/n.

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