3 : ̗̀➛ realizing their feelings

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Tanjiro Kamado:
Tanjiro explained to you all about Nezuko's state after you were with him for a few missions. You of course, didn't mind. You were playing with Nezuko's hair, and that's when Tanjiro realized, he could trust you.
"I see," Tanjiro had finished explaining what had happened to Nezuko.
"I'll help you get Nezuko back." You smiled.
Tanjiro's eyes widened in surprise.
"R-Really? Thank you Y/n-chan/kun." Tanjiro bowed in front of you.
"It's fine, really!" You said.
"Mmmff!" Nezuko crawled out of her box and started to crawl towards you.
"Oh, hey Nezuk-" Nezuko started to hug you out of nowhere.
A few seconds later, she stopped. You and Tanjiro started to then talk about your next mission. Whilst talking, you started playing with Nezuko's hair which didn't go unnoticed by Tanjiro.
"Nezuko doesn't look bothered. She even hugged Y/n-chan/kun." Tanjiro thought.
"Are you alright?" You asked.
"I-I'm fine!" Tanjiro protested, holding up his hands in front of him.
"But your face is red." You said.
"I-It is?" He asked.
You nodded. Tanjiro sighed.
"I guess I have feelings for Y/n-chan/kun. I can't stop blushing or trembling." Tanjiro thought.

Zenitsu Agatsuma:
It was after the whole mission in Tsuzumi Mansion when Zenitsu was protecting the box Nezuko was in and Inosuke was beating him up.
You came out of the mansion with Tanjiro after beating the demon inside. That's when you saw Zenitsu protecting Tanjiro's box and Inosuke beating the living daylights out of him. Your eyes widened. Once Tanjiro got Inosuke off of Zenitsu, you ran to him.
"Are you okay?" You asked.
You ripped a bit of your haori to clean the little bit of blood on Zenitsu.
"You can rest if you want, I'll guard the box." You offered.
"N-No! I can still help." Zenitsu said.
"Are you sure?" You asked, showing a sympathetic smile.
That's when Zenitsu's heart started beating and a blush spread on his face.
"They're so kind." He thought.
You put your hand on his forehead.
"You don't have a fever, do you?"
"I-I n-n-I d-don't!" Zenitsu stuttered.
You chuckled.
"Do I..have feelings for Y/n-chan/kun?" Zenitsu asked himself.

Inosuke Hashibira:
Right after dealing with the spider demons, you were asked to tend to Inosuke, Zenitsu, and Tanjiro's wounds. Mostly Inosuke since the others were scared of Inosuke after seeing his boar mask.
You had just finished cleaning the blood on Inosuke's wounds. He wouldn't stop moving which got on your nerves.
"That should be good." You mumbled to yourself.
You walked out of the room to get some medicine for Zenitsu next. When you came back, Inosuke seemed to be awake.
"Um, Inosuke? Are you doing better?" You asked as you came closer to him.
Inosuke only mumbled in response.
You walked closer to him and took off his mask as gently as you could.
"W-What was that for?" Inosuke stuttered.
"I just wanted to check if you had a fever or something. You're not as talkative as usual, you know." You said.
"W-Whatever!" He said as he turned to his side, facing away from you.
You walked to Zenitsu and gave him the medicine, however you had to fight him for him to drink it. He didn't want to. While you were doing that, Inosuke was blushing and his heart was pounding.
"Why is this happening? Is it because they took care of me?" Inosuke thought to himself.
He sighed to himself. However, his blush wouldn't go away.

Giyu Tomioka:
It was the morning of the first day of Final Selection. You were still sleeping and Giyu was about to leave. He thought you'd forgot which made him a bit sad, but as your father closed the door, you woke up and realized what day it was. When you caught up to Giyu, you wished him good luck and that filled Giyu with determination to come back alive.
"I guess this is goodbye Mr. Urokodaki." Giyu said.
"Not entirely. I'm sure you'll make it, good luck." Your father replied.
Giyu nodded and started to walk away, into the forest. He was mildly upset that you hadn't woken up to wish him luck, since he wanted to see you one last time before he probably died. Your father closed the door, it was loud enough to wake you up. You sat up and then you noticed that Giyu wasn't anywhere.
"Father, where's-" In the middle of your sentence, you realized what day it was.
You abruptly sat up and dashed out the door without putting on footwear of any type. You ran into the forest and started to look for Giyu. Thankfully, you caught a glimpse of his black hair, so you called out to him.
The raven haired male turned around and saw you, a small smile creeping onto his face. You caught up to him and engulfed him into a hug. Giyu hesitantly returned the hug. You pulled back and said,
"Good luck out there. Make sure to come back."
Giyu nodded and he caught a glimpse of your bare feet.
"Put on shoes next time, I wouldn't want you to get hurt." He said.
You nodded. Giyu found it quite cute that you forgot to put on shoes just to come wish him luck. He had a slight blush now. Once he was back on his way to Final Selection, he couldn't shake off those feelings. He realized he cherished you, deeply.

It was on your last day of training. You had helped Sabito train more than usual. Sabito noticed and when he asked you why your were helping him so much, your answer made him realize he'd try his best to come back alive, for you.
"Alright, and...now!" You yelled.
Sabito swang his sword with all his strength towards you.
"Not bad! But you're going to have to swing it harder than that!" You smirked.
Sabito started to swing his sword left and right, up and down. You managed to swing your sword towards Sabito's legs, knocking him down.
"You okay?" You asked.
Sabito only nodded. You offered your hand, he took it. You pulled him up and then he asked,
"Why are you helping me so much?"
"Well, I want to make sure you come back alive. If not for me, for Mr. Urokodaki." You replied.
Sabito's heart started to beat at a rapid pace. He nodded as a response.
"So uh...you want to keep training or what?" You asked.
"Promise me." He said out of the blue.
"Promise me you'll come back alive." He said.
"I promise, " You said without hesitation.
"What about you? Do you promise you'll come back alive?" You asked.
"I will come back alive, I promise." He replied.
"Alright." You said.
"For you." He thought to himself.

You were left with Yushiro since your sister went somewhere else to collect medicinal herbs. You decided to take a nap so that waiting for your sister would take less time. Yushiro was watching you and admiring your peaceful form. He realized that what he felt for you was different than what he felt for Tamayo.
"This'll take some time." You thought to yourself.
You decided to take a nap in your room since waiting would take a long time. You hadn't seen Yushiro all morning, it was weird since he was always following you. You walked inside your room and left the door slightly open in case your sister came home so you could hear her come into your home. You slipped into your bed and started to sleep. You were facing the door, which was convenient for Yushiro. He watched you from the door and admired your fragile form.
"I'll just stand here in case something dangerous happens." He justified his stalkerish actions.
You were extremely gorgeous and kind in Yushiro's eyes. It wasn't until Tamayo left that he thought more about you. He noticed your gorgeous eyes, your h/l, lustrous hair, your angelic face. All of your god-like features, he noticed. Whenever he thought about you, a huge blush would spread across his face like wildfire. As he was watching you sleep, he realized, he loved you.

Muzan Kibutsuji:
He was walking with you towards a room you'd never been to before. It was a meeting with the Upper Moons from the Twelve Demon Moons. During the meeting, Kaigaku and Akaza questioned Muzan's decision to take you in. Akaza looked at you and deemed you weak, so he started to yell at you. Kaigaku started to get a bit aggressive towards Muzan, you stepped in.
"Where are we going Muzan-sama?"
"I'll introduce you to the Upper Moons." He replied while smiling at you.
You nodded in acknowledgement. Muzan opened the door to the meeting room. All the demons turned their heads and stared at you.
"I would like to introduce you all to Y/n. They are one of my newest servants." Muzan explained.
"If I may, why did you bring someone who you just met here?" Kaigaku asked.
"I agree with Kaigaku," Akaza stepped in.
"They seem like they would be of no use to you. They seem weak." He went on.
You flinched a bit, noticing a bit of hostility from both demons, especially Akaza.
"I assure you, they are fine. I trust them." Muzan said, trying to keep his calm composure.
"But you just met them! They could betray you at any moment!" Kaigaku yelled and stepped closer to Muzan.
"They are useless! What good could come out of having them as your servant?!" Akaza yelled while facing you.
"I'll get rid of them for you. You don't have to do anything." Kaigaku said, stepping closer to Muzan.
You however, stepped in front of Muzan.
"Please, lower your voice and don't step closer to him." You said, smiling.
"Do they seem trustworthy enough now? Don't forget, you have no authority. I call the shots here!" Muzan raised his voice.
The two demons cowered in fear and retreated to their spots. After the meeting, Muzan thanked you for stepping in.
"No need to thank me. I plan to be loyal to you, after all, you saved my life, Muzan-sama." You smiled.
Muzan smiled back.
"Loyal, huh?" Muzan thought.
"I wonder why I'm having these strange feelings around Y/n." He asked himself.
He then realized, you were precious to him.

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