31 : ̗̀➛ you get hurt

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R̤̈ë̤q̤̈ṳ̈ë̤s̤̈ẗ̤ë̤d̤̈ B̤̈ÿ̤: ShreddedCheese18

C̤̈ö̤n̤̈ẗ̤ë̤ẍ̤ẗ̤: [Demon Slayer/Demons] You got sent on a mission and got hurt badly. [Neutrals/Giyu + Yushiro] Some rando demon/animal broke into your house and hurt you.

Tanjiro Kamado:
He'd just stay by your side all the time. He also wouldn't stop asking if you're okay. Overall, Tanjiro would just be very attentive and would pay attention to all of your reactions/actions.
"Fuvkin' hell." You opened the door to your home and immediately fell on the floor, a med kit in your hand also falling.
Tanjiro was at your side within seconds.
"Angel, are you okay? Are you hurt? What do you need? Can I help?" Tanjiro's questions eventually ceased when you pecked his cheek which elicited a blush from him.
"I'll be alright. I can tend to my wounds myself." You said as you began to open the med kit you'd brought with you.
However, Tanjiro stopped you and took the med kit.
"What are you doing?" You smiled.
"I'll take care of you! Don't worry!" Tanjiro smiled brightly.
"So pure." You thought and smiled back.

Zenitsu Agatsuma:
He'd be on the verge of crying-
Okay, but honestly, Zenitsu would try to help as much as he can.
"That was tiring." You sighed as you opened the door to your home.
When you stepped inside, you heard rapid footsteps coming your way. At first, you gripped your blade, ready to take it out but then you realized it was probably Zenitsu since he was there when you left for your mission.
"Y/n-chan/kun!" He beamed as he tackled you into a hug.
"Ow! Frick!" You hissed at the pain.
"Oh! I'm sorry!" Zenitsu apologized and got off of you.
As you sat up, you heard a sniffle come from Zenitsu.
"What's wrong?" You asked him.
"It's just...I accidentally hurt you when I hugged you...I hope you're not mad at me." Zenitsu sniffled again.
You smiled softly and caressed Zenitsu's cheek.
"Of course not. It's fine, don't worry." As you retracted your hand, Zenitsu grabbed it in his hands and looked at you.
"Is it alright if I help?" He asked.
"Of course." You smiled.

Inosuke Hashibira:
He'd just...give you some medicine and let you do your thing.
"Jeez...what a drag." [Shikamaru-] You groaned.
You stepped into your home and looked for Inosuke.
"Oh, there you are, Angry Boar." You smiled.
"Hey- The hell happened to you?" He looked at you, with his boar mask on of course.
"Oh, I just went on a mission is all," You replied.
"How was your day?" You smiled.
"Let's talk about you. Holy hell...you look like crap." Inosuke snickered.
You sighed.
"Tell me about it."
"Here." Inosuke gave you some medicine and bandages to help you.
"Thanks." You took the things from him.
"Alright, you do your thing." Inosuke then walked away as you began to tend to yourself.

Giyu Tomioka:
Big Sad would probably just serve as emotional support and after your done tending to your wounds, he'd cuddle ya 👌
You hissed at the pain of your cuts and bruises as you got up from the floor. The demon who'd broke into your house was defeated by Giyu, fortunately. You weren't too hurt thanks to him.
"Y/n-chan/kun, are you hurt?" Giyu asked with a worried tone.
"A little yeah, I'll take care of it though." You replied.
"Um...are you sure? Can I help somehow?"
"There's no need." You smiled.
Giyu nodded hesitantly. Once you cleaned your cuts and wounds and bandaged them, you went to lie down on your bed. Giyu already being on it, cuddled with you once you layed down. Eventually, you both fell asleep comfortably in one another's arms.

Peach Man would be like 50% of the reason your wounds are taken care of. The other half would be you.
"Alright, there." Sabito smiled at you as he finished cleaning your wounds.
"Thanks, I can take care of the rest from here." You smiled back.
Sabito wanted to help a little more but understood you didn't want to be too dependent on him so he let you do the rest.
"Okay," Sabito stood up from the ground.
"But be more careful next time. I would hate to see you like this or worse." Sabito looked at you with love-filled eyes.
You smiled softly.
"I promise you I'll be careful."
"Good." He pecked your cheek and left.

Haha, Sabito is such a noob compared to Yushiro. He's a god...that's all you need to know.
"Alright. I've brought it!" Yushiro grinned.
"It's literally just a few cuts." You said monotonously.
"But with this, they'll heal faster!" Yushiro gestured to the box full of different medicines.
"I don't think all of that's-" Yushiro shut you up by shoving your favorite snack onto your hands.
"Let me do what I have to. I promise you'll be in great condition in no time!" Yushiro smiled.
You blushed and nodded, beginning to eat your snack. Just like Yushiro said, you healed quite quickly.

Muzan Kibutsuji:
One word. Servants.....
Yeah...take that however you want, heh.
You panted as you entered Muzan's mansion. You'd barely completed the mission successfully. As you made your way to Muzan's room, you had to hold onto the walls for support. Your body was littered with cuts, scratches, and bruises. Once you entered Muzan's room, you tried to give him the report as well as you could.
"Y/n, are you alright?" Muzan asked.
"I'm...okay, Mu-sama," You clutched your arm.
"Just...a little...tired." Just as you finished, you began to fall.
Muzan caught you and called his servants to help.
"You should've told me, Y/n." Muzan looked at you worriedly.
He gave your forehead a kiss and left so you could be tended to. (smh, forehead kisses are underrated 😤)

Kyojuro Rengoku:
He's similar to Sabito but like a bit better.
"Y/n," Rengoku called your name.
"Y/n!" He shook your body to wake you up.
Your eyes opened slowly. You groaned as you sat up, your head pounding and your body aching.
"How are you feeling, Love?"
"Pretty bad." You sighed.
"Here," Rengoku handed you a glass of water.
"I found you lying unconscious on the floor so I brought you to your bed." Rengoku said.
You smiled.
"Thank you."
Rengoku smiled.
"I'll go make you some food. Rest well." He leaned in and pecked your lips.
"Thank you."

Muichiro Tokito:
He'd probably just give you what you need and then would let you do your thing, like Inosuke. If he's feeling nice, maybe he'll share a can of pringles with you 👀
You breathed heavily as you opened the door to your home. To say that the mission you went on was difficult was an understatement. You entered your home and went to search for medical supplies and whatnot. Once you found them, you sat on your couch and began tending to your wounds, hissing at the pain once in a while.
"Y/n?" You heard Muichiro call.
He turned the corner and walking into the living room.
"Oh. Hey, Ichi." You smiled weakly.
Muichiro had a can of pringles in his hand and was actively eating each and every one. His eyes landed on one of your unattended wounds and he winced a bit.
"Damn it." You cursed as you realized you didn't have any more bandages.
Muichiro left. You heard him rummaging in the bathroom and for some reason the kitchen? He came back and handed you more bandages and a sealed can of pringles.
"Thanks." You smiled.
"No problem." Hs blushed and smiled a little.

Because of what happened in his past, [sort of a spoiler, so I won't say exactly what it is] Akaza would take care of you and would be pretty attentive.
You coughed, a little bit of blood coming out. You sighed and continued to wrap your limbs in bandages.
"Alright," Akaza walked in holding numerous amount of things.
"I brought more bandages, water, an unconscious human, blankets-"
"Was all that necessary?" You asked with a small smile.
Akaza stayed silent but eventually spoke.
You chuckled and took the things from him.
"Thank you, H/n." You smiled.
"Of course! Anytime!" Akaza had a small blush on his face.
"Cute." You chuckled.

Obanai Iguro:
Because he's sort of...strict, Obanai would probably let you handle it without doing anything, unlike Inosuke and Muichiro.
You sighed as you lay on your bed, resting after the difficult mission you'd gone on. You were kinda surprised and a little upset Obanai hadn't come to check on you. It's not like he had gone on a mission, you could hear him training outside. You decided to eat something in order to get more energy and perhaps train with him.
"Guro-san!" You called out after you'd finished eating.
"Oh. You finally finished?" He continued training, giving you a quick glance.
"Finished? Finished what?" You asked.
"Taking care of your wounds and whatnot." Obanai replied.
"Yeah," You said and walked closer.
"Mind if I train with you?" You asked with a smile.
"Not at all. Go on," He responded.
"But be careful. You could worsen your wounds...or something." He looked away with a blush.
You smiled.
"Yeah, I'll keep that in mind."

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