20 : ̗̀➛ walking in on you

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C̤̈ö̤n̤̈ẗ̤ë̤ẍ̤ẗ̤: He accidentally walked in on you...changing. I know it's cliche but like, this wouldn't hurt...right?

Tanjiro Kamado:
He was flustered as hell and he just left very quickly.
"Hey, Angel have you seen my swor-" Tanjiro's eyes widened, he'd walked in on you changing! (no really? c'mon Author)
You quickly finished putting on your shirt and turned back to Tanjiro.
"C-Close the door will you!" You almost yelled.
Tanjiro was a tomato at this point. His whole face was beet red. He was fumbling when he tried to close the door. Eventually, he closed the door and ran, trying to find his sword by himself.

Zenitsu Agatsuma:
He...um..probably got..a bit..a-aroused?
"Y/n-chan/kun, maybe we should postpone our date, it's raining." Zenitsu said as he opened the door to the room you were in.
His eyes widened and his jaw dropped. His whole face became red.
"Z-Zen!" You screamed.
"Y-Y/n-chan/kun....c-can I-" He didn't finish his sentence because you threw a book at his face.
Because of that, Zenitsu fell backwards and he closed the door while he was trying to not fall.

Inosuke Hashibira:
This mf didn't know it was..embarrassing? So he just walked in the room and continued what he was doing.
You'd just finished showering and you'd just finished putting on your undergarments. As you took a hold of your favorite shirt, Inosuke walked in. He didn't have his mask on.
"H-Hey, w-what are you doing here?" You asked, slightly flustered.
"I lost my mask and I can't find it." Inosuke responded while looking under your bed.
"W-Well, it's not here. Please leave!" You said, trying to keep calm.
"Fine," Inosuke groaned.
"Tell me if you find it." He left.
You sighed in relief, how oblivious is he?

Giyu Tomioka:
He tried to stay calm so he wouldn't freak you out but he was dying inside.
"Y/n, have you seen my haori?[Autocorrect put: hair, I was lowkey dying lol] I ca-" Giyu stopped mid-sentence.
You had your back turned, somehow you hadn't heard Giyu walk in. Giyu sighed.
"My apologies." He said, that's when you noticed.
"Oh! H-Hey, it's alright." You said, a slight blush creeping onto your face.
Giyu nodded and closed the door. He was blushing as well, he was also screaming in his mind. He let out a heavy sigh, man did he not expect that.

He excused himself and apologized, a bit flustered of course.
"Oh fuc-" Too late.
You turned around. Your eyes widened.
"C-Close the damn door!" You yelled, flustered.
He closed the door quickly. His whole face was redder than a tomato. He calmed himself down in the end, but he did feel guilty for walking in on you.

He quickly slammed the door closed and ran outside.
"Goddess/God, have you seen Lady Tamayo's he...rbs.."
Before you could turn around, Yushiro slammed the door quickly, making you flinch at the loud sound.
"What the.." You were extremely confused.
Meanwhile you were questioning your existence, Yushiro had ran outside to pick some herbs all over again. He was too flustered to search for them inside anyways.

Muzan Kibutsuji:
His situation was similar to Zenitsu's, however he...took action..
"Y/n? Y/n!" Muzan called out.
He hadn't seen you for a long time so he was quite worried, after all, he had a mission for you. What he didn't know however, was that you were training, you took a shower, and that's where he takes part in this...situation. You stretched, training was tough. You began to get dressed, however, in the midst of putting on your shirt, Muzan walked in.
"Y/n-" Muzan went wide eyed.
"M-Mu-sama! W-What are you doing here?!" You asked, trying to cover your body with your clothes.
"I had a mission for you. But, I think I have other plans." Muzan smirked suggestively.
Your eyes widened and your blush grew.
"I-I just had training! N-Not now!" You yelled, blushing profusely.
Muzan's smirk grew and he stepped closer, closing the door.
"Crap." Were your only thoughts.

Kyojuro Rengoku:
He apologized while smiling a little bit and blushing because that's just who he is.
"Love? Hmm." Rengoku was looking for you.
[No dip Author]
He searched multiple rooms before searching your own. I don't know why. It's fanfiction, deal with it. Anywho, while you were putting on your pants/skirt, [whatever you wear, I don't know] you accidentally stepped on the hem of the pants/skirt. As a result, you fell. Uh oh [sTiNkY]. You made a huge thud audible from at least 3 rooms over. Rengoku heard that. He quickly sprinted to your room.
"Y/n!" He screamed.
"God. That h...urt," You looked at Rengoku.
"G-Get out!" You screamed, blushing.
"I'm so sorry!" Rengoku apologized, smiling and blushing.
He closed the door finally. Jesus, that wasn't too...great.

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