36 : ̗̀➛ angst pt 4

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C/n = Character/name, basically a male kny character of your choosing :)
O/c = Other/character, basically another male kny character of your choosing, besides C/n of course.
O/l = Other's/last, O/c's last name if he has one.
R/c = Random/character
I know I said part 3 was the last part but I couldn't help it. This series might not ever end 🤡

It had been approximately ten years after Y/n and O/c got married. Life was great, for them at least. In an attempt to get over Y/n, C/n met someone else. Her/his name was R/c. At first, C/n didn't really feel anything for R/c. Well, maybe he liked her/him, but not in a romantic way.

Over time however, C/n developed real feelings. He felt happy for the first time in years. Of course, that happiness couldn't really compare to how happy he would've felt if he'd been with Y/n.

Eventually, C/n proposed to R/c who said yes and they both ended up getting married. Maybe things were really starting to look up. The couple even had/adopted a little girl by the name of Nel [If you know the reference, have a cookie 🍪]. Said little girl had hair color similar to C/n's and hazel eyes.

Much like C/n, Y/n and O/c had/adopted two kids. A little girl named Kikyo [if you get the reference, i ask you to marry me 👁👁] who had brown eyes and hair color similar to Y/n's. The second child, a little boy named Byakuya [togami? kuchiki? or that one bitch from inuyasha?], had eye color similar to O/c's and black hair.

Both C/n and Y/n were prefectly content with their current lives and families. Unfortunately, it seemed like life hated C/n after certain events.

Y/n was waiting outside of Kikyo's school, waiting for the little girl to come out.
"When's Kikyo-san gonna come out? I'm hungry..." Byakuya asked, looking up at Y/n who held his hand.

Y/n smiled softly, looking down at their son.
"I'm sure she'll be out in a bit." They said.

Finally, little Kikyo walked out, backpack in hand.
"Hey, kid. How was school?" Y/n asked, walking up to their daughter.
Kikyo didn't say anything and walked past Y/n.

"Hey, Kikyo," Y/n called her, putting their hand on the little girl's shoulder.
"What's wrong?"
Said female only looked up at Y/n, tears on her face.

Y/n became alarmed, not sure of what happened to make their daughter cry.
"Hey, hey, what's wrong? What happened?" Y/n asked, crouching down to meet Kikyo's level.

"Just some kid at school.....broke my project," Kikyo sniffed, looking at the ground.
"And I worked really hard on it..." Tears slipped down the girl's cheeks.

Y/n's eyes softened at their daughter's vulnerable state. They pulled Kikyo into a warm, comforting hug, stroking the little girl's hair.

Meanwhile, Byakuya stood there, watching his older sister and parent hug one another.
"I hope Dad made something good." He thought, stomach slightly rumbling.

"Did you tell your teacher?" Y/n asked once they pulled away from the hug.
Kikyo shook her head.
"No, she went somewhere else." The girl said.

Y/n nodded and stood up.
"Why don't we go find her?" They asked.
Kikyo nodded.
"But I'm hungry." Byakuya pouted.
Y/n sighed, reaching for their jeans pocket.
"Here. We'll get home soon, okay?" They said, giving their son a candy bar.
Byakuya nodded, beginning to unwrap the candy bar.

With Kikyo on one side and Byakuya on the other, Y/n walked into the school.
"I'm looking for Ms. Scarlet [👀]." Y/n said.
"Do you have a scheduled meeting?" The lady at the front desk asked.
"No but this is important." Y/n said, slight hostility from their tone slightly evident.

The lady sighed.
"I'm afraid you cannot see her then." She pushed her glasses up.
At this, Y/n grew irritated.
"Listen, if this school cares about its students, then I suggest you allow me see her. There's something I must report which concerns my child, Ms. Scarlet, and I." Y/n said.

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