21 : ̗̀➛ they have a nightmare

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Warning: There's gore, you've been warned my dudes

Tanjiro Kamado:
Ya boi had a nightmare where you were killed by Muzan. That's a phat oof right there.
"Ah, that job went well. I can't wait to relax with Y/n," Tanjiro thought.
"Angel, I'm back!" Tanjiro called out.
His eyes suddenly widened in fear. He could smell the scent of blood. Your blood. Tanjiro quickly followed the scent. He ran. When he got to your shared room, tears welled up in his eyes and slight rage veins appeared on his forehead. You were on the floor, organs and guts spilled out. Blood spilling out of your stomach like a fountain almost.
"Y/N!" He yelled and ran to your side.
However, your eyes were dull and they had no sign of life. You were already dead.
"Calm down. She/He'll be back. As a demon though." Tanjiro turned to the voice.
He knew that face all too well. It was Muzan. Tanjiro was about to stand up and tackle Muzan, however, Muzan spoke,
"I wouldn't if I were you. Look up." Muzan smirked.
Tanjiro looked up, Nezuko was tied with strings and on the roof. Two around her neck, four per arm, and four per leg. She was wincing in pain.
"Do anything rash and I'll pull the strings on her neck." Muzan smirked.
Tanjiro was about to nod, hoping his little sister would be spared, however,
"You know what? I don't care." Muzan spoke.
He pulled the strings and-
Tanjiro abruptly sat up. The sudden movement of the bed waking you up. Tanjiro was sweating so much, his space on the bed was covered with it. You got concerned and reached for his shoulder.
"Bunny? You okay?" Worry and concern laced in your voice.
Tanjiro looked at you and relaxed.
"I just...I had a nightmare." Tanjiro sighed.
You smiled softly and pulled him into bed with you, enveloping him in a loving embrace.
"It's alright, I'm here for you." You whispered.

Zenitsu Agatsuma:
Pickachu v3 had a nightmare where you died because he was being a coward and couldn't defend you. Ohno. Give this boi a hug.
"Just hit him dammit!" You yelled at Zenitsu.
"I-I can't! I'm too scared!" Zenitsu yelled, tears flowing down his cheeks.
You groaned and turned back to the demon who had your cousin.
"When I tell you to run, you run, got it?" You asked Tanjiro.
He nodded. You aligned your nichirin blade with the demons neck.
"Run!" You yelled.
Tanjiro ran towards Zenitsu. You threw yourself towards the demon, you managed to only make a small scrape. The demon laughed sadistically.
"You're not strong, just give up already!" The demon's voice boomed throughout the field.
"I won't know until I try and beat you!" You growled.
You ran to the demon and made it seem like you'd attack him, however, you evaded him and ran past him.
"I don't have the time right now, later!" You stuck out your tongue.
The demon growled. Zenitsu still hadn't registered anything that happened so he was late to run outside with you. He got left behind which was obviously dangerous.
"Wait! Y/n!" He called out.
The demon looked at him and aimed his claws at Zenitsu. Your eyes widened.
"ZEN!" You screamed, tears escaping your eyes.
You got in front of him, hugging and holding onto him for dear life. The demon's claws pierced through your skin, red blood cells escaping (tf did I just write?). Blood spurted out of your mouth.
"I'm sorry." You whispered and collapsed.
Zenitsu bolted up. He was cuddling with you on your couch.
"You okay, Zen?" You asked, looking up at him.
Zenitsu sighed.
"I just had a nightmare." He mumbled, putting his head on the crook of your neck.
You smiled softly. You played with his hair, trying to comfort him.
"It's alright, don't worry." You whispered in his ear.

Inosuke Hashibira:
Peppa pig over here dreamt that you got severely injured by himself whilst he was in an angry state.
"Damn Gonpachiro!" Inosuke growled.
"Everything alright?" You asked, looking at Inosuke.
"No! Damn Gonpachiro kept getting in the way of my strikes!" Inosuke yelled, making you flinch.
You sighed and walked closer to Inosuke.
"Calm down, I'm sure it was accidenta-" Before you could finish your sentence, Inosuke pushed you away from him.
You fell back and hit the edge of a table with your head. You fell unconscious, most likely having gotten a concussion. Inosuke froze. What the hell was he thinking?
Inosuke quickly sat up. He was taking care of you since you were sick. He accidentally fell asleep with you on your bed.
"Are you okay?" You asked, your voice a bit raspy and husky due to your sickness.
Inosuke looked at you and hugged you.
"I'm sorry." He whispered.
You were beyond confused. However, you just hugged him back, not knowing why he was apologizing.

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