37 : ̗̀➛ angst pt 5

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C/n = Character/name, basically a male kny character of your choosing :)
C/l = Character's/last, C/n's last name if he has one
O/c = Other/character, basically another male kny character of your choosing, besides C/n of course.
O/l = Other's/last, O/c's last name if he has one.
R/c = Random/character
R/l = Random's/last, random character's last name and it can include C/n's lazt name as well
'Sup home skillets, grab some tissues before we start 🤧 I actually kinda cried ngl TvT
This will be the last part. I'm tryna get back to scenarios! Unless ya'll like these oneshots I'm cooking up 😳👀

"No...this can't be happening, what did I do? What did I not do to deserve this...?"

C/n stood next to his daughter who held his hand. No tears were on his face as he tried to be strong for Nel.

"Here lies:
R/c R/l
A loving mother/father, a loving wife/husband, and a perfect daughter/son"

Reading what was on the grave only drove C/n closer to his breaking point. A breaking point where he wanted to cry, break down, and become completely vulnerable without care.

Nel stood next to her father. Her hair messy and unkempt. A sign that her family was slowly falling apart.

"Why'd Mama/Papa leave? I still needed her/him so why did she/he...." Nel trailed off, tears sliding down her cheeks.

C/n looked down at his daughter and crouched down to her level.
"I don't know but...she's/he's in a better place now." C/n said, giving Nel a sad smile.

Nel nodded and wiped her tears with the back of her hand.
"Here you go, Mama/Papa," Nel walked closer to the grave and put down a bouquet of flowers.
"These were always your favorite." Nel sniffed.

"Let's go, sweetie." C/n took Nel's smaller hand and they began to walk out of the cemetery where R/c was.

A few hours had passed and it was now 8 PM. C/n had gotten Nel to sleep. Now, he was slowly going over paperwork from work.

His eyes were tired, he had very visible eyebags and his whole body felt sore. He felt tired. He felt tired of everything. Of living.

A knock on the front door broke him out of his thoughts.
"Who the hell could it be?" C/n groaned.
He got up and looked through the peephole.

"Y/n...?" His eyes widened.
Why would Y/n be at his door?
"Hey..." C/n greeted them once he opened the door.

Warm arms enveloped him. It was something he needed. Desperately. He hugged Y/n back and tried to make the feeling of the warm hug last for as long as he could.

"It'll be okay." Y/n said in a soothing voice.
They put C/n's head on their shoulder as they stroked his head gently.

C/n broke down. This simple act of sympathy was enough to make him crumble and submit.

Y/n could feel their shirt getting wet from the tears but they didn't mind. They had one thing in mind. It being to help their childhood friend.

After what seemed like hours of C/n crying and sobbing, he could no longer shed tears or make a sound. His throat hurt from the sobbing he'd done and his eyes felt dry as he no longer had any more tears in them.

"Do you want to talk?" Y/n asked.
C/n nodded and pulled away. Y/n followed him into the kitchen and they both sat down across from each other.

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