28 : ̗̀➛ reader turns into a demon

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R̤̈ë̤q̤̈ṳ̈ë̤s̤̈ẗ̤ë̤d̤̈ B̤̈ÿ̤: -SXNDXEE

Tanjiro Kamado:
He was devastated. The poor boy couldn't bring himself to end your suffering and he was also hopeful that you'd turn out like Nezuko but...that didn't happen.
"Y/n?" Tanjiro called out to you, he was accompanied by Rengoku whom he had trained with.
As soon as his voice boomed through your estate, growling came closer to Tanjiro. You were the one growling. You had the look of a demon, a regular demon. Your claws aimed for Tanjiro and you wouldn't stop growling.
"Y/n!" Tanjiro yelled.
Rengoku quickly got in front of Tanjiro and once you got close enough, he grabbed you and restricted any dangerous movements. Then he turned around with you and looked at Tanjiro.
"What would you like to do?" He asked.
Tanjiro's eyes widened. He didn't know what to do exactly.
"I-I," Tanjiro stopped and looked away.
"Please....e-end her/his...suffering.." Tanjiro whispered while biting his lip in an attempt to not cry.
Rengoku nodded and took out his nichirin blade. He unsheathed his sword and then sliced your neck, killing you. Tanjiro couldn't look and he walked out of the house, inhaled, exhaled, and broke down completely. He sobbed and wailed in grief and despair because he knew.....he knew you would never come back to him.

Zenitsu Agatsuma:
He was scared. He didn't want to be near you even though he was heart broken at your loss.
Zenitsu was on his way to you and Tanjiro's mission location. Both you and your cousin were taking a long time to come back and Zenitsu had gotten worried. As Zenitsu passed through various trees and bushes which radiated a creepy aura, he found Tanjiro sprawled out on the floor outside a huge mansion with gold and white as its color scheme. Zenitsu quickly sprinted towards Tanjiro who had several scratches and a torn haori and then he shook his body.
"Tanjiro! Tanjiro!" He called out.
Tanjiro eventually woke up and his eyes widened in fear.
"Y-Y/n! W-Where is she/he?!" Tanjiro asked Zenitsu in a frantic manner whilst shaking Zenitsu's shoulders.
Zenitsu's eyes then widened at the realization of your absence. Where were you?
"I-I don't know! I just found you like this!"
Tanjiro then froze, he didn't reply to Zenitsu at all. Zenitsu was beyond confused, however, what he didn't know was that Tanjiro could smell the faint scent of blood. Your blood. Suddenly, you came outside of the mansion. You looked like a psychopath or more specifically, a demon.
"Y/N!" Tanjiro screamed in horror when he saw you.
You looked at the source of the scream and began to sprint towards Tanjiro and Zenitsu, growling in the process. Zenitsu quickly looked at you and swiftly blocked your attack.
"Y-Y/n?! I-IS THAT YOU?!" Zenitsu was confused and mortified but most of all, scared.
"It is her/him!" Your cousin yelled.
Zenitsu stumbled back and fell onto his butt. Tanjiro quickly went to his aid and inhaled and exhaled before charging towards you.
"Y/n!" Zenitsu began to sob as he looked away.
Tanjiro managed to slice your neck and then he too broke down. Both of these boys sobbed at your loss. Zenitsu more than Tanjiro because he was unable to end your suffering because of his pathetic cowardice.

Inosuke Hashibira:
He seemed to space out when he saw you but he really was grieving. He was mad at himself for not being able to protect you. Eventually, he was able to end your suffering.
"Alright, that's done. Wonder if there are any more missions I can do." Inosuke was walking back from a mission.
He was a bit hype from his previous mission so he didn't want to go home just yet. Suddenly, his Kasugaigarasu came flying towards him.
"A-Attention! P-Please! It seems like...M-Ms. L/n has turned into a...d-demon!" The boar masked male's crow yelped.
"WHAT?!" Inosuke yelled, making his crow flinch.
"I was just informed of it!" The crow yelled.
"LEAD ME TO THE PLACE!" Inosuke yelled.
The crow nodded and flew to where you were, Inosuke following closely behind. Finally, Inosuke arrived to your location. He was devastated. Then he began to space out, thinking of what the best course of action could be. You however, spotted him and began to growl while running at him.
"Dammit! Why am I so damn weak?!" Inosuke yelled at himself aloud.
Your growling got louder which did not go unnoticed by Inosuke. He looked at you and small tears began to well up in his eyes though they were not noticeable due to his mask.
"I'm sorry!" Inosuke sobbed.
He took out his swords and lunged himself at you. He was able to slice your neck and as you began to fall, he caught you. Inosuke hugged you tightly against his body. He buried his face into your beheaded body and began to sob loudly.
"I-I love you...Y/n." Inosuke said, being able to say your name correctly.
He began to cry again and he would not let go of your body. He was mad at himself, he thought it was all his fault when it truly was not.

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