32 : ̗̀➛ angst, follower special

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C/n = Character/name, basically a male kny character of your choosing :)
R/n = Rival/name or just someone you don't like.
This is also a Modern A.U!
Happy_rose78 I hope you like it!

Y/n and C/n were close. Really close, in fact, they were now roommates. It's not a surprise seeing how they grew up and went through a lot together. So, it was almost natural that Y/n developed feelings for their friend.

"Hey, you okay? You seem out of it." C/n waved his hand in front of Y/n's face.
His voice snapped Y/n out of their thoughts.
"Y-Yeah. I'm fine. I was just...thinking." They trailed off.
C/n raised a brow.
"What about?" He asked as he went into the kitchen to prepare breakfast for them both.

Y/n sighed.
"It doesn't matter." They looked at the ground with a solemn look.
C/n stopped what he was doing and looked at Y/n with a dumbfounded expression.
"Don't be ridiculous. It does matter. I want to hear it. So go on, talk." He said and looked at Y/n with his full attention.

Y/n mentally groaned. They had to make up an excuse. They can't just say, "Oh, I was just thinking about how much I love you." NO. They rubbed their neck in embarrassment as they spoke.
"I was just thinking about where I'll get...videogames...yeah! GameStop closed after all!" Y/n said.

C/n chuckled.
"I'm sure you can just buy them online." He said and went back to cooking.
Y/n smiled and nodded. But their smile soon faltered when they heard knocking on the front door, already knowing who it was.

"Coming." C/n called and went to go open the door.
"R/n, I missed you." Y/n could hear giggling from where they were.
"I missed you too, babe." Y/n cringed, wanting to just leave and never come back.
"What are you cooking? It smells good." R/n entered the living room and sat across Y/n who was staring at the floor, trying to avoid eye contact.
"Nothing special. Just breakfast." C/n smiled lovingly.
"Call me when you're done, I can't wait to eat your cooking! It always tastes great!" R/n smiled.
C/n chuckled.
"Of course." He said and went back into the kitchen.

Y/n grabbed their phone and earbuds, deciding to watch f/s. They tried to focus on the show as hard as they could to hopefully forget about the skull-piercing glare R/n was giving them.

"You should move out." R/n whispered.
Y/n paused, contemplating whether they should respond or just ignore R/n. They went with the latter, continuing to enjoy their show and hoping their favorite character didn't die.

"I'm talking to you." R/n whispered in an irritated tone.
Y/n sighed and looked up at R/n, waiting for her/him to speak.
"You should move out, it's painfully obvious that you're nothing but a burden to C/n. I'll move in and take care of him," R/n smirked.
"Something you could never do."

This struck a nerve. Y/n wanted to beat R/n to a pulp right then and there but she couldn't. Otherwise, C/n would hate them. So being the bigger person, they let it go - for now anyways. They stood up and walked into their room, closing and locking the door. This made R/n smirk in triumph.

Once C/n finished making breakfast, he told R/n and proceeded to go tell Y/n but he couldn't find them.
"Love, where did Y/n go?" He asked R/n.
R/n scoffed.
"They told me they didn't want to eat your food. They probably don't like it."

This made C/n frown.
"But...they always eat." He said with a sad tone.
R/n walked closer to him and embraced him.
"I'm sorry, babe. Just let them be, I'm sure your food tastes amazing!" R/n smiled.
C/n smiled softly.
"Yeah, thanks." He said and pecked R/n's lips.

Meanwhile, Y/n was trying to hold themselves back from killing R/n from what they were able to hear. How can C/n not see that R/n is lying?? A sudden ping broke Y/n from their quite violent thoughts. It was a message from Mitsuri Kanroji, one of Y/n's closest friends aside from C/n.

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