: ̗̀➛ uzui catchup

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C̤̈ḧ̤ä̤r̤̈ä̤c̤̈ẗ̤ë̤r̤̈ R̤̈ë̤q̤̈ṳ̈ë̤s̤̈ẗ̤ë̤d̤̈ B̤̈ÿ̤: aamberaalert

If you didn't know already, Uzui has 3 wives......👁👄👁 yes, 3.

You were best friends with his wives. They eventually introduced him to you.
"Hey, Y/n-chan/kun!" Hinatsuru waved to you.
You smiled and walked over to her.
"Hey, Hinatsuru-san, how's it going?" You gave her a quick hug.
"I'm doing fine. How's your day." She smiled.
"My day's going fi-" You stopped talking when you noticed a tall, white-haired male walking closer to you and Hinatsuru, with Makio and Suma walking beside him.
"Who's that?" You asked curiously.
"That? That's Tengen-sama, our husband." Hinatsuru replied.
"O-Our?" You raised a brow.
"My, Suma, and Makio's." Hinatsuru said.
"Y/n-san!" Suma ran to you and tackled you into a hug.
You both fell onto the floor.
"Oh god! S-Suma-chan!" You chuckled, your hands on her waist.
"Get off of them! You could break one of their ribs or something!" Makio reprimanded Suma.
Uzui chuckled and got Suma off of you.
"Uzui. Uzui Tengen." Uzui smiled.
"Thanks, Tengen-san." You got off of the floor.
"Why don't we go get something to eat to get some bonding time?" Hinatsuru suggested.
"Sure." You smiled.
"Let's go!" Suma began to run but Makio stopped her.
"Just walk! You could run into someone you know!" Makio told her.
"Okay, I'm sorry!"
You then all went to a nearby restaurant.

First Thoughts:
"They seem quite flamboyant."

Realizing Their Feelings:
His wives sort of schemed a plan to get Uzui to like you just because they all adored you and wanted you to become a part of their relationship/s?
"Alright, I've got it!" Makio stomped into a room Suma and Hinatsuru were in.
"What is it?" Hinatsuru asked.
"We make Suma cry, which won't be out of the ordinary, and when Y/n asks what's wrong," Makio pointed at Suma.
"You have to tell her you tripped or something similar and because of how caring Y/n is, they'll begin to help you and take care of you, and Tengen-sama will see it and like them as well! Got it?" Makio finished, a grin plastered on her face.
"Ohh! I understand!" Suma smiled.
"I swear, you better not screw this up." Makio glared at Suma.
"I won't! I promise!" Suma said.
Hinatsuru smiled and nodded.
"Let's go. Y/n's almost here." She said.
Makio and Suma nodded and went to go set up their plan.
You were walking to your best friend's residence when you heard crying. You followed the crying which led you to Suma. Your eyes widened and you were immediately at her side.
"Suma, what's wrong?" You asked.
"I-I tripped and I s-scraped my knees." Suma's lip trembled as she tried to "stop" her crying.
"Oh, come on, I'll help you clean the wounds." You said as you tried to help her stand up.
Suma decided to fake limp.
"I-I can't...it hurts." She teared up again.
Your face softened and you decided to carry her instead.
"W-What are you doing?!" Suma blushed.
"Carrying you so I can take care of your wounds." You stated simply.
"O-Okay!" Suma covered her face with her hands to hide her reddening face.
Meanwhile, Hinatsuru was leading Uzui to where Suma was.
"What do you want me to see?" Uzui asked Hinatsuru.
"Well, I just need you to follow me, Tengen-sama." Hinatsuru smiled.
Uzui decided not to question his wife any further.
Once they reached Suma's location, Uzui noticed you carrying his wife.
"Suma? L/n?" He was a tad confused.
His first thought was lowkey,
"L/n, you better take your hands off of my wifey."
"Suma-chan got hurt so I was taking her to the bathroom to take care of her wound." You said, snapping Uzui out of his thoughts.
"I see," His face softened.
"Mind if I help?" He asked, walking closer to Suma and yourself.
"Not at all." You smiled.
For some reason, your smile caused a small blush to appear on Uzui's face.
"G-Great." He stuttered.
Hinatsuru grinned from behind her husband, knowing he was falling for you.

Again, Uzui's wives convinced him to confess to you.
"Come on, Tengen-sama! They're a really caring and sweet person! You should confess to them!" Suma smiled brightly.
Uzui chuckled nervously.
"What if they don't feel the same?"
Hinatsuru laughed.
"Tengen-sama hesitating? It's so unlike you," Hinatsuru hugged Uzui.
"I'm sure they feel the same. Have you seen the way they look at you?" She reassured her husband.
Uzui blushed.
"I'll do it," He smirked.
"In a most flamboyant way." He finished, standing up.
Hinatsuru smiled.
"Good luck." She said.
You were out, buying groceries when you bumped into Uzui.
"Tengen-san," You smiled.
"What brings you out here?" You asked.
Uzui blushed.
"I was looking for you, L/n." He managed to say.
"Oh? What for?" You asked curiously.
"I can tell you later. For now, do you mind if I help you carry those bags?" Uzui asked.
"Not at all, thanks." You handed him a few bags.
"So what did you want to tell me?" You asked Uzui as you both walked to your home.
"Well, I've been thinking, or more like, my wives and I have been thinking," Uzui had a smile on his face and looked at you.
"Would you like to be a part of our relationship?" He asked casually.
You were speechless. Your face became hot and you couldn't form a sentence.
"It's alright if you don't want to," Uzui looked ahead with a huge grin.
"I was only asking."
"U-Um...sure." You mumbled.
"What was that?" Uzui asked, not being able to hear you the first time.
"I said...s-sure." You said a little louder.
"Great! I'll inform my wives." Uzui smiled and walked faster.
You chuckled nervously.
"Hopefully this doesn't make things awkward between his wives and I."

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