53 : ̗̀➛ he turns into a demon

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R̤̈ë̤q̤̈ṳ̈ë̤s̤̈ẗ̤ë̤d̤̈ b̤̈ÿ̤: unicorn_2100

My crippling genshin addiction is getting me behind on writing 😹😹
I'm also sick rn so if this chapter is lowkey ass cheeks, im sorry :')

This chapter is basically their last thoughts and moments,, yay angst,, if you wanna cry like I did just listen to Will of the Heart while you read, cuz I did and...yea (;'༎ຶٹ༎ຶ')

Tanjiro Kamado:
• Seeing as to how it took Nezuko some time to turn into a demon in the first episode, we'll say that's what happens all the time lol
• Anyways, they (including Tanjiro) all got turned while in a fight against Muzan/Douma/Kokushibou idk your choice
• He firstly took some time to defeat a few demons before he quickly left to a safer spot
• A spot where he could relax, calm down, and think before he had to ultimately go
• The man took a seat near a tree, leaning his head back against it
• He sighed, he never thought this would happen to him
• But alas, that's just not how the world works
• Tanjiro looked up at the sky, he wasn't ready, not yet
• He still had so much ahead of him
• He had to get back to his friends, to Nezuko, to you
• He still had a life to lead with you, his lover
• But this was it, he just had to accept it
• "I'm sorry."

Zenitsu Agatsuma:
• Zenitsu quickly took notice of the blood that had gotten into one of his open wounds
• And he just- he didn't really react all that much
• All that was on his mind was finishing the battle
• As soon as he and his friends, along with a few other demons slayers finished the mission, he left
• Nobody could find him, everybody looked for him, they didn't know yet
• But they definitely would know soon
• Zenitsu stumbled as he walked, his wounds taking a toll on him
• This was it
• Tears threatened to escape as he thought of everything he would leave behind
• They could make a cure but how long before he turned?
• He couldn't be sure if his situation would be like Nezuko's
• Even so, he couldn't take any risks and hurt someone, especially you
• So instead, he opted for taking his life somewhere away from everyone
• He would miss his life, he would miss you
• But at the end of the day, he didn't have many regrets
• "I love you, Y/n."

Inosuke Hashibira:
• He knew what it meant
• When some of the demon's blood got somehow transferred into him, he knew he was fucked
• Nonetheless, he kept going
• He kept fighting until he could barely move from exhaustion
• As he fought, his thoughts kept racing, not stopping once
• He didn't want to die
• He didn't want it to end like this, else, he'd feel weak
• And he couldn't stand that feeling
• And so, as the demon got the best of him, overpowered him, Inosuke thought of you
• How you were probably waiting for him
• But he wouldn't show up
• As much as he wanted to, he wouldn't, that was just the truth

Giyu Tomioka:
• He knew it was the end for him
• In an attempt to save his friends, he would getturned into a demon himself
• Maybe this was karma
• Maybe he'd done something wrong and this was how he'd pay
• But either way, he just wanted some time
• He wished he'd had more time
• More time to spend with you, to bid you farewell
• To tell you how much he truly loved you, to finally be able to get those words out
• But maybe it wasn't meant to be?
• After all, he lay next to a tree, on the very edge of death
• Perhaps he could finally tell you the 3 words you'd longed to hear in the afterlife
• Maybe, he hoped
• But for now, he had to make do with imagining

• This had to be a joke
• Or maybe this was just a nightmare
• But as Sabito lay on the floor, blood slowly staining the ground, he knew it wasn't
• He just- he didn't want to believe it
• He stared at the sky, slowly becoming weaker and weaker
• You were waiting for him to return, he knew that
• He'd made you a promise
• "I'll come back to you, I promise."
• He'd said it so easily back then, linking his pinky finger with your own
• Now he knew better, he shouldn't make promises he couldn't keep, he'd try to remember for next time
• If there was a next time, which there wouldn't be, unfortunately for him
• But that's okay, he was sure you could get through this, you're strong
• His death won't affect you that badly, right?

Already a demon

Muzan Kibutsuji:
Already a demon

Kyojuro Rengoku:
• He knew he was going to die
• He knew he'd turn into a demon
• But he had to get to you
• You were so important to him, he had to tell you one last time, "I love you"
• And so, as much as his body screamed at him that he was at his limit, he tried to walk to you
• He walked, and walked, and walked, his legs eventually giving up on him
• He was so close, he just need more time
• Just more time, please, he begged
• That's all he wanted, his last wish
• But the universe just wasn't on his side
• His eyes slowly came to a close, his last thoughts being you, and how much he'd miss you
• "I love you, so much..."

Muichiro Tokito:
• He wasn't sure what to think
• Or what to do
• He knew he was going to die
• But it didn't alarm him
• He did have a few regrets,
• He wished he'd told you how much you meant to him before this
• But he supposes it's too late
• Dying didn't seem too bad
• Perhaps, after some time, he'd be able to see you there
• In the afterlife, that is
• Perhaps you could both rest peacefully together
• Yeah, that didn't seem so bad, he liked that, a lot

Already a demon

Obanai Iguro:
• He wasn't ready, not yet
• As soon as the realization hit him that he was going to die, tears slowly welled up in his eyes
• They slid down his face as Obanai lay motionless on the ground
• He wished demons weren't real, he wished they'd all just die
• Because all he wanted after meeting you, was to lead a happy life with you
• Hell, he wanted to marry you, grow old with you, have a family
• But because of demons, that wasn't possible
• He cursed them, wishing this was just some type of nightmare
• But it wasn't, he knew that all too well
• He had so many regrets, one of them being that he didn't get to tell you everything he'd been saving for some special occasion
• "I love you, forever and always."

Tengen Uzui:
• He knew this was a bad idea
• Considering how weak he now was compared to before he'd gone against Daki and Gyuutarou
• But here he was, in the aftermath of a battle against another Upper Moon demon
• And he was now also paying for it
• He didn't have much time left, he knew that
• So he opted for sending his spouses a message via his crow
• Within the message, he told all four of his spouses his last words and messages to them
• Telling them how much he loved them, how much he'd miss them, and to be strong, that they'd get through things just fine without him
• And with that, he closed his eyes, a small smile on his face as he passed

Sanemi Shinazugawa:
• His hands trembled and shook as he peered down at his wounds
• He tried to quickly wipe away the demon blood despite knowing it was too late for that
• His breathing suddenly became uneven, becoming faster as he stared down at the blood
• His eyes slowly swelled and got wet as tears escaped and fell down profusely
• Sanemi closed his eyes shut, his hands balling up into fists as he proceeded to punch a nearby tree out of frustration
• This couldn't be happening, not at all
• But why? Why him? Why always him?
• Hadn't he gone through enough already?
• Fuck, this was it, it really was
• He had to accept that, he knew so even if he wanted more time with his family, his loved ones
• It was too late now, though

Already a demon

Genya Shinazugawa:
• He broke out into tears
• The realization of it all hitting him hard
• He wasn't ready, he was still so young
• He wanted to at least marry you before this
• He wanted to- he just-
• There were so many things he'd yet to do
• And because of this, he'd never get the chance to
• And so, as more time passed, Genya lay on the ground, finally coming to terms with the fact that this was it
• So he closed his eyes, hoping it would just be quick and painless

Hotaru Haganezuka:
• He didn't even know how he'd gotten into this situation
• Well, he does know, actually
• He saw you'd gotten cornered and without thinking, he intervened
• In the process, he got wounded and because of that, some of the demon's blood had gotten in him
• The demon had left shortly after
• You kneeled beside him, crying since you knew what would happen next
• "It's fine. Don't cry." He'd told you
• But how could you, when your lover was slowly dying in front of you
• Hotaru knew what was going to happen and admittedly, he wished he'd had more time with you
• But he can't change anything, so with one last breath, he told you his last words, "I love you."

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