22 : ̗̀➛ they get injured

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L̤̈ä̤s̤̈ẗ̤ c̤̈ḧ̤ä̤p̤̈ẗ̤ë̤r̤̈ ä̤l̤̈ö̤n̤̈g̤̈ ẅ̤ï̤ẗ̤ḧ̤ ẗ̤ḧ̤ï̤s̤̈ r̤̈ë̤q̤̈ṳ̈ë̤s̤̈ẗ̤ë̤d̤̈ b̤̈ÿ̤: AngelJeanWahTing
My dumbass forgot to tag for the other chapter, I'm sorry!

Tanjiro Kamado:
He'd probably hide his injury in an attempt to not make you worry.
"Tanjiro? You seem off, everything alright?" You asked.
Tanjiro nodded. He tried to hide his injuries, but you noticed.
"Are you...okay?" You asked, inching closer to his injury.
"Yeah, I'm fine." Tanjiro spoke.
You quickly took a hold of his arm and looked at the slice mark. You glared at him, making him flinch a bit.
"Don't lie to me again." You said, walking away to get a first aid kit.
Tanjiro sighed, at least you weren't worrying too much.

Zenitsu Agatsuma:
He'd probably cry and go to you, asking for your comfort.....uWu
Zenitsu got hurt during a mission with his pals. Honestly, he was about to cry until your cousin told him to calm down and just rest. Zenitsu listened to Tanjiro, until he thought of you. He got up and went searching for you.
"Y-Y/n." He stuttered.
You turned the corner.
"Oh hey Zen, everything alright?"
Zenitsu started to cry again. He quickly leaped into your arms, catching you by surprise.
"Ah!" You barely caught him.
"It hurts!" Zenitsu sobbed into your shoulder.
You smiled softly, rubbing his back.
"It's okay, you need to rest." You whispered and took him to bed, never leaving him until he got better.

Inosuke Hashibira:
He'd try to act tough, eventually, it hurts too much and he becomes soft uWu
Inosuke sat next to you, silently. You thought it odd of course, so you tapped him on his shoulder.
"What?" He asked.
"You're acting strange. Everything okay?"
Inosuke nodded, trying to muffle a small wince of pain from his leg. You noticed that he wouldn't let go of his leg so you asked him about it.
"I-I just- ngh!" Inosuke whimpered a little.
You swiftly took his hand off of his leg and examined. You got a first aid kit and tended to his wounds, calming his pain. After you finished, Inosuke pulled you towards him and kissed your forehead, cuddling with you for the rest of the day.

Giyu Tomioka:
He'd act like it's all normal. You know, it's just a normal Tuesday.
"And then I said, that's not a camel, that's my wife!" Everyone in the comedy club laughed.
You laughed along with the crowd. Giyu popping out a small chuckle. To be honest, Giyu was feeling alright. He'd almost forgotten he had an injury, after all, being with you cured him of anything really.
"I'll be back Y/n, I'll just go get water." Giyu spoke.
You nodded and gave him a thumbs up. As Giyu stood up however, he almost tripped but you caught him. His foot hadn't recovered all that much yet, but he had done a good job hiding it and acting normal up until this moment.
"Are you okay?" You asked, worried.
Giyu nodded.
"My foot hurts a little bit but I'll be okay." He said.
"Just be careful, alright?" You smiled.
Giyu nodded and smiled back.

He'd probably also act like Tanjiro.
"So basically, um, what I was thinking was-"
Sabito accidentally dropped his sheathed sword on your foot, it hurt. Of course, the sword was sheathed.
"Ah fvck, I can't believe you've done this."
"Oh, I'm sorry." Sabito said, massaging his arm and then proceeding to pick up his sword.
"It's okay. Is your arm alright? I saw you massaging it." You said, grabbing a hold of Sabito's arm.
"Oh! Y-Yeah, I'm fine." Sabito lied.
"Really? What's up with this bruise and these slice marks?" You glared.
Sabito sighed.
"It's from the missions." Sabito said.
"Try to be more careful next time and only attack if it's really necessary." You gave him advice.
Sabito nodded and kissed your cheek.
"Thanks." He smiled.

He'd just heal, he's a demon. If the injury is really bad, he'll just wait it out.
Yushiro had been picking out herbs for you since you were trying to be helpful to your sister and make cures and medicines. However, he unfortunately scratched his arms. It was pretty bad but the scratches weren't too deep, he did get several though. You didn't know since you were with Tamayo and tending to a patient of hers. A few minutes after Yushiro picked the herbs, he looked at his arms.
"Alright, they weren't bad then." He thought.
The scratches were already gone thus he shrugged it all off.

Muzan Kibutsuji:
Same as Yushiro, otherwise if it's really bad, he'd eat a human to regenerate the lost skin.
Muzan had fought off a group of very skilled demon slayers, most definitely Kinoe ranked slayers. He was all alone, the Upper Moons were on missions and so were you. He suffered many serious injuries that he was unable to regenerate. At the end of the fierce, adrenaline-filled battle, Muzan spared the last slayer, of course, it was for a reason. When the Kinoe ranked slayer started to crawl away, Muzan extended his claws and pierced the skilled humans skin, blood splattering everywhere. Muzan kneeled in front of the dead cadaver and started to eat. Eventually, his wounds healed and he headed back home.

Kyojuro Rengoku:
He'd just...walk it off? Or he'd take care of it himself cuz he's responsible like that o3o
Yeah, apparently, Rengoku got ambushed by a group of demons and they did a number on him. He was pretty sore and beaten. Of course, Rengoku claimed victory in the end but his scratches and slice marks didn't think so. When he got home he quickly took care of the wounds and tended to them, all before you arrived.
"Hey Ren-san." You smiled brightly.
Rengoku smiled back and waved, it was all normal....nOiCE

[A/n: I'm sorry for taking years to update. The reason is....you can probably guess already...a shoot-ton of just homework and classwork. Honestly, I just missed one day of school and cuz of that I missed a whole fuccin packet and some other crap I don't care about soooo, I apologize. But hey, February break is around the corner sooo MORE CHAPTERS! WOOOH.]

P.s. Hope this isn't trash, I sort of rushed.

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