C h a p t e r 𓃠 8

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I don't like being hurt anymore, so I'll block my ears and keep waking.


"Can I ask you something?" He said which made me a little nervous because I couldn't handle conversations well.

"Of course,about what? " I replied waiting for him to ask me.

"Why didn't you wait for Minho, I mean I know I'm his friend but I'm not taking his side or something but that was the first time I saw him smiling again" Hyunjin

OK I admit I feel a little guilty for what I have done, but you can't just have no reason for him to talk to me all of a sudden.

Everyone has their reason, plus her phyco Ex girlfriend will come after me and I don't wanna be involved in their business.

All theese things I wanna say it, but it's not that easy for me.

"I just thought that maybe you guys a pulling a prank on me or something plus I know he has a girlfriend-

" Don't start with that girl, she gives me headaches every single time, if I know that she would do something like that to Minho I should not have helped him to her." Ohh So I see we have the same thoughts here Mr. Hyunjin. I mean I just agree with him on the part that Minho's ex girlfriend is a total phyco.

"Julie, can you please give him a chance?" He said


What does he mean by that? Give Minho a chance with what? They say girls are hard to read, but I think guys are just as hard.

I said eating in the cafeteria with Yuna and Yeji, they were both glad to meet each other and hit it off right away.

"So Julie how's your date with Mr. Lee Minho yesterday, you seemed to be in a rush to see him" Yeji said which caused Yuna to almost chocked on her food.

"Wait I didn't get in on the news? Julie here is dating Minho?" She ask.

"Not exactly but I know that's where it's going" Yeji said.

"Julie finally this is the story your waiting, like your own love story-

" Yuna we both know I don't like that stuff anymore plus it's always better in movies" I said.

"I didn't meet up with him, he isn't the boss of me- and in that momment if could turn back time I would probably will.

I wish I didn't said those words 20 seconds earlier, because at that moment Minho came out of nowhere and pulled me outside the cafeteria, and into the school lawn.

I pulled my hand and I could see him giving me a death glare, well done Julie you've finally done it, I wonder what he's thinking at this exact moment, probably ways on how to kill a girl named Julie.

"So you don't take me seriously? What am I to you some kind of joke?" He started shouting at me, why does he make me feel like I'm wrong here yes I know I'm wrong for stooding him up, but do I really deserve this?

"I don't even know you Minho and you don't even know me, I bet you don't even know my first name". I said and his emotion went blank, wait does he really not know my name?

"See? That's my point here what are you trying to do and is this really necessary? I'll return all your things to you and after that I expect that you won't bother me again" I said and left him there I couldn't read his expression.

That's probably for the best I mean why do he really have to do something like that.

Me three years ago would have loved this but I changed and I changed for the better, its better for me to act this so I won't get dissapointed in life often.

I stopped in my pace when I saw his 7 other friends and I think they heard all of it.

Three of them went to Minho and the other 4 started walking in my direction, oh know are they gonna beat me up because I didn't did what they're friend wanted me to do?

I saw the three of them making a thumbs up before taking Minho away, I hope they'll talk some sense into him.

"So Julie we meet again" Hyunjin said with a smile on his face, out of the 8 of them I only spoken with Minho and him and the others I don't know what they're like yet.

"Oh so you're Minho's girl right?" Why does everyone kept saying I'm Minho's girl, im nobody's girl and its gonna stay that way.

I just starred at him with a straight face and it seemed like he wanted to take back what he just said.

"I'm sorry I'm Han Jisung, this is Bang Chan and that guy over there is Felix and I Can see you already know Hyunjin here" OK I already know them Yeji already gave me a 10 out of 10 introduction the other day.

"So what's up?" I said as polite as possible, I didn't want them to think I have a bad personality or something but I guess it's too late for that since they already heard me screaming at the top of my lungs minutes ago.

"Can we talk somewhere more comfortable?" Chan said, Wait before anything else I can't still get over the fact that I asked myself what the hell a Bang Chan is.

I just nodded in agreement and followed them into the dance room which I heard they spend most of their time here.

"So Julie, I don't want you to think that we're on Minho's side just because we're friends, we're just happy because theese past few days he's been not himself and that's good, he doing stuff that's keeping him busy, he's smiling more plus yesterday we had a full conversation thanks to you" Chan said, wait thanks to me?

"What did I do? I mean I didn't know who you guys were till today"

"Because he's been talking about you yesterday" Hyunjin

Minho? Talking about me?


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