C h a p t e r 𓃠 10

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Han Jisung

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Han Jisung

You just need a crucial moment to finally confess your love


Yeji immediately tapped my shoulders like she was going crazy and quickly turned to her and said.

"Why is there a problem or something." I said.

"That girl is Lili that's Minho's crazy ex girlfriend"

Wait what? I took another glance at her and I would fall for her too if I were Minho but I don't get it, why do they call her crazy?

And in that moment a guy followed Lili who I guess it's her boyfriend? I mean he can't just be a friends they're way too close, and then we saw them completely making out.

Where are the teachers? They need to see this, I spoke to soon maybe that's the crazy phyco part of her.

I guess they took a wrong turn this isn't the hotel this is the school for crying out loud, we heard another banging on the door.

All our heads shifted and saw the girl group--I mean the guys with a huge bouquet chocolates and flowers.

Is this some kind of show or something this is gonna be interesting, Minho is about to give that girl a bunch of things and here she is making out with some random guy.

I made myself comfortable to watch this drama because you don't get to watch this everyday, but then Lili was expecting Minho to go to her but then the guys just walked past her and why the hell are they walking this way?

What no don't tell me, wait I'm gotta stop overreacting, maybe there's just someone behind me.

"Goodmorning Julie" They stopped right in front of me and all our classmates shifted their heads back to us, Minho said and gently place that big bouquet and a box of chocolates on top of my table.

And then I suddenly remembered the plan yesterday, they're still planning on using me even though I won't agree?

They're gonna have to make me because I'm not competing with that girl, I mean I'm not competing,why does it sound like I'm competing for Minho's love, I don't like Minho.

I could hear Yeji screaming right beside me, well I bet she's enjoying this more than I do.

"Are you guys lost or something?" I said and all their reactions were priceless, what do they expect that I would come crawling to Minho just because he gave me flowers? I'm not that kind of girl at least not anymore.

"I- what?" Minho said I was scared for a second because his expression changed like he was about to kill me in front of everyone for embarrassing him but then I saw Hyunjin telling him to keep his cool and when he faced me again he was smiling lol is he an AI or something.

I stood up came closer to Minho and whispered "I already told them that I won't be your temporary girlfriend and why would I? " I said, it would ruin their plan if I spoke loudly or worse Minho would beat me up to death.

"I'll find a way to make you agree" Minho

"What makes you think I'll agree?

"Because you're gonna be the temporary princess of this school" Minho

Yeah like I want that, more like to topic of the school and in a bad way.

"I'll still take No for and answer" I Said and went back to reading my book and all of them were shock to see turn down Minho, why? Am I the only one who did that so far? I should receive a medal for this.


"Really she did that?" Yuna said while taking spoonful of rice.

We're now in the cafeteria and Yeji told her right away with all the details and Yuna was loving it.

"Julie you didn't tell me, that one of the Princes of this school likes you" more like trying to use me because he wants to get back together with his slutty girlfriend forgive me but we all know she's like that, I mean what do Minho even see in her? Love really is blind.

OK why am I acting like a jealous girlfriend, its just based on what I saw earlier you don't just kiss your boyfriend in front of others like that, plus in school.

"Come on guys you didn't saw Minho's face he was clearly toying with me" I said.

"Toying? more like loving you" eww that's gross if only theese two knew what the real reason behind that.

We were peacefully eating our lunch when a bunch of food was placed in our table, and I mean a lot, a lot of side dishes.

And when I saw Minho coming this way, I already knew why this is happening.

"Hi Julie, your lunch is on me today" He said, this guy really likes doing things in fortn of other people huh?

Well you can't turn your back on this.

"Why thank you Minho, eat up girls" I said with a fake smile on my face, and he knew that I wasn't falling for it.


I though I could have a peaceful lunch with my friends isn't that too much to ask?

I made my way to the library and to study for the quiz for tommorow, no one will go here right? Many will think its boring, we can't talk loudly here plus people hate studying so I'm safe from those guys.

I started reading the first chapter of the book and I felt weird like someine was staring at me, I looked around then bam.

I saw Minho staring at me, I tried to focus and to get back to reading my book, Julie what the hell that's just one guy.

I tried to check on him again and I was surprised he wasn't there anymore that's weird does he have teleporting powers to.

I started taking notes when he just popped up right in front of me.

"Hi Julie what are you reading?" Pfft he's acting cute and it doesn't suit him very much.

"None of your business" I said and walked out of the library.

What did I do in my past life to deserve this? I just want a normal college life Is that so much to ask for.


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