C h a p t e r 𓃠 11

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Don't go anywhere today, you gotta stay with me.


Third Person's Pov

"Dude she just turned you down thrice in one day" Chan said to Minho and all of them just laughed at him.

"Yeah, I'm starting to think without our help you wouldn't be able to get Lili" Jisung said and all of them shifted their head into him, they all know that Minho is sensitive with this topic so they rarely bring it up

Minho just had his head down on the table thinking for some way, that girl must have a weakness right? I mean we all do.

"That girl isn't human" Minho said as an excuse for him not getting her on board.

"Just because she doesn't like you doesn't mean she's not human" Felix, Minho thinking he's got a point, everyone thinks the same as well.

At this point Minho is still lost on his thought on how to get Julie on board.

And all he can do is think until his head explodes.


"OK so Julie are you free tomorrow, I'm sad because Chan didn't notice me earlier and because you're my friend you're gonna watch movies with me and eat a tub of ice cream." Yeji said Begging me to sleep at their place.

Well I would really love to spend the night at their house, plus Yeji siad their parents aren't home do it will just be the both of us.

" Well if you say so--

"Yeey you're the best Julie ok you can come tomorrow afternoon since it's Saturday." She said, well I should finish all the chores first before leaving the house or Sana will go beast mode on me.

The bell rang for the second period and other students left while others jsut came in since in different departments there are same and different subjects.

I saw the guys walked in the classroom, and sat at the very back seat, and from time to time I don't know why but I keep glaring at them.

Especially Minho and everytime he would catch me I would quickly turn away and then after a few minutes I would stare at them again. What the hell is wrong with me.

Ugh I can't focus like this I quickly packed all my things and moved to the very front so I could only hear the teacher's voice, so I have to this everytime when Minho's here.

Wiat why am I acting this way? Am I weird? I know I'm not ugh why am I still thinking about stuff like this? I gotta focus on class here.


Today was so exhausting Minho kept following me around, I can't focus in class plus his crazy ex girlfriend kept glaring at me like crazy.

Tomorow I'm gonna do what I want no Minho no classes no crazy ex girlfriend giving me a death glare.

Oh should text Sana that I will be coming home a little late because I'm craving for coffee right now, ok I should limit my coffee because I always drink it everyday after school.

I ordered my usual order and then started reading a book called "This is not a love story" The tittle caught my attention so I decided to read it.

After a few minutes of reading and minding my own business I saw Minho, I double checked to see if it was really him, or am I just going crazy because today he jsut followed me around.

And its really him but ifs different, I mean it's still Minho but it's the same Minho I saw when I ran into him for the very first time.

Does he live by this alley or something, why do I always have to run it o him? And why this place? This place was supposed to my healing spot I don't know but my sister said before my accident I always used to come this spot I guess I didn't really changed.

I just gotta go stealth mode and pray that he would not notice me. I quickly and quietly packed up my things and tried to leave to café as quiet as possible.

"Hey what are you doing here?" He said with a different tone that  made me really surprised because he doesn't talk to me at school that way.

"Who are you?" I said, half joking I think I like this side of him more, but don't get me wrong I don't like him.

"You just talked to me earlier, why are acting like I'm a stranger or something?" Ok its really him, I started thinking that he had a twin brother.

"Why are you different I mean don't get me wrong it's like at school you're always frowning and grumpy and intimidating all the time but now you're like warm" I said I cant really explain it.

"Wanna head to the park before going home?" He asked.

"um yeah sure" It would be rude if I didn't agree.

I always thought that walking with someone would be kind of romantic but this is really awkward I don't know what should I talk about with Minho I just meet him the other day.

Tsh to cliché, if I wanna have like a moment with someone I would make it like no one was ever done it before, wait why am I thinking this while Minho is just right beside me?

"Soo, I don't mean to be rude but does your friends know that you have different personalities outside of school?" I tried thinking of a topic to make things normal.

I mean we're gonna be walking for a few minutes and It would just be weird if we didn't have anything to say to each other it's like not normal.

"Actually they don't I don't really show them this side of me I don't really know why but, I didn't know that being like that in school was super exhausting" Oh so his friends don't know about this.

"Why are you acting like this infront of me though?"

After a split second after I sked him that question, he quickly pulled me into his arms for a hug.

Waait what? I'm so confused right now.


Lee Minho 𓃠 To The  guy with a Black Umbrella Where stories live. Discover now