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''You are a disgrace to motherhood and I hate the fact I am your daughter." Nora screamed at her mother who was staring at her.
"How would you allow that awful man still live in this house after everything he has done. You know what he has done to Lora and you sit there like a foolish woman not protecting your daughters." She spoke flipping the coffee table.
"I am leaving this house and trust me I am not coming back ever. You have chosen him over Lora and I. I hate you Belinda. I do it with a boiling passion. Forget you ever had daughters." Nora said picking her bag and leaving.
He turned towards his stepfather who was smoking at the corner of the house without care.
"And as for you, you shall die a very painful death. You are an animal and you shall die like one." Nora said walking past them to the outside of the house.

CJ turned his full attention to Nora who was mumbling something like someone's name she was calling. Her forehead was damp from sweat and CJ was aware that the anesthesia was wearing off. He came closer to her bed and checked wiping off the sweat.
"Lora?" She called. She moved her hand and it seems she was reaching out for someone CJ took her hand and held it as continued grumbling incoherent things. She went on mumbling as her face contorted and she seemed to move her other hand. After a few moments she regained calmness. He checked for any signs of fever but she seemed fine.
"Who was Lora?" CJ thought.
The previous night he had spent the entire of it worrying and he couldn't muster the courage to call her. He decided to pray and ask God to protect Nora. When he called earlier and her phone was answered by her partner his heart almost stopped. He could not shake the feeling things were not okay but this time around he had faith.
He saw the scar on her collar bone and inspected her face and her left upper arm that had a tattoo.
"Why have I not noticed that before?" They were  Chinese symbols and a  date 19.5.92. He knew that was her birthday date but he was intrigued as to why she had it on her arm.
CJ stared at her and could tell that she was strong on the outside but deep down Nora yearned for something different; he knew it will take time but all he had was hope that she will open her heart.
The door opened dragging CJ's thoughts back to the intruder.
Richard walked holding an envelop and bottle of milk.
"I hope I am not interrupting." He spoke placing them on the side desk.
"No you are not." CJ replied.
"She will ask for it once she gets up. Milk is like her start button." He explained with a small smile.
CJ nodded allowing silence to stretch but he decided to break the ice.
"How long have you been working with her." He queried Richard.
"For 3 years now." He said curtly.
"How long have you known her?" Richard asked.
"Two weeks to be honest. We just met" CJ said with a smile. It was just the other day they were introduced but he felt it has been eternity.
He could not shake the feeling that it was more than just conversation.
The silence engulfed as they both turned to their thoughts until CJ's phone went off and he left to answer it.
"Yes Mumbi?" He answered.
"Olive is not feeling well, She just collapsed." Mumbi spoke so fast that CJ heard the last part.
"I am on my way. Where is Jade?." CJ asked already making his way to Nora's room to pick his jacket.
"She is asleep. Hurry sir!" Mumbi spoke in urgency.
"Wake her up tell her to call an uber and bring Olive to Bristol Park hospital." He said  hanging up his phone.
He moved closer to Nora's form and gave her a light kiss on her forehead. He did not realise his actions and he did not see Richard's mouth forming an 'o'.
He whispered goodbyes in her ear and left.
One hour later he was seated waiting for Olive's report she had gained consciousness  and CJ was more worried at how  tired Olive looked. He first noticed she would easily get tired and at times moody but he thought it was her adjusting to her new life but right now she seemed more tired than before.
Mumbi was seated looking at her palms while Jade had gone to get something to eat. CJ was almost getting up to go find the doctor his patience was running thin . As if on queue the doctor came caring Some of the lab results.
"Doc, let us talk in my office." The pediatrician said opening the adjacent door.
"Is it something serious?" CJ inquired sitting Olive on his lap.
"Yes and no. Did you know she had a heart problem before." The lady asked.
"No, I didn't know that." CJ spatted angry with himself for not looking into the problem sooner.
"It seems Olive here was born with a heart defect ,a CHD to be precise and had her first surgery to correct the problem but she has been living on medication since. Her heart rhythm has been abnormal and that explains her tiredness. Here is a list of her medication. Allow her rest and she will be fine. Her next appointment will after three weeks,it is indicated on the sheet." She said offering CJ the papers and lab results.
The lady smiled at him adjusting her glasses.
"You are part of our new staff right?" She inquired.
CJ looked up, "yes, I am. My name is Christopher but you can call me CJ." He replied.
"I am Nyambura Pendo." She replied.
"Is she your daughter? " she quizzed as she typed on her laptop.
"No, but she is under my care. I rescued her." He asserted looking at her with interest now.
"I am sorry it is just that I usually run background check of every child that comes through my door." She explained .
"Though for her case I wanted to know her family background and see if it runs in the family or something happen during her gestation period." Nyambura pointed out.
"To be honest, I do not know her family she came under my care two weeks ago." He said adjusting Olive's jacket.
"Oh! Then I would suggest you find out who she is. Here is my number just in case something came up." She gave CJ a card written her number.
CJ thanked her as he shut her office door. He moved to signal Mumbi and Jade to follow him as they left.
As they approached the parking lot Jade moved to help CJ open the door while Mumbi fussed with Olive's shoes.
CJ turned to her, "it was not your fault Mumbi and do not beat yourself about it. She is going to be fine." He comforted knowing too well that she felt guilty and probably thought she would get fired.
Mumbi nodded and they all got into the car and drove home.
"Jade we are taking you home." CJ offered.
"No, I want to stay with you two." She stubbornly echoed her reply.
"I appreciate all you have done but your husband needs you home. I want you to rest and I promise I will bring Olive tomorrow so she can stay with you." He said with a smile.
Jade looked at him suspiciously. "Fine she will stay with me for two days no debate." She said with a smile.
CJ agreed and now he understood what Nora was telling her about Jade. She would have her way through things.
Thinking of Nora he thought of visiting her tomorrow. He wanted to go see her later in the night but thought about her partner who was over protective of Nora. He did not want to step over the boundary and lose her not when she was willing to try and work their friendship.
He thought as he made a turn leading to Jade's estate as the street lights lit the way.

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