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Nora thought the day would not get any worse as her boss informed her that there was a missing child case that she needed to take upon.
Why was she not surprised, for what landed her a promotion was her sharp instinct and the fact she saved a teenager abducted by her own father. The man was estranged from his wife and they had fought custody over her. She did what she could and that earned her respect and promotion.
She walked in the office, " You wanted to see me sir." She said with a frown.
" Yes, sit!" He ordered.
"I want you to have a look at this case." He spoke as he pushed a file towards her.
Nora opened and started skimming through. Her face registered curiosity but when did it never not. She loved her job, pinning down bad guys and being able to solve crimes sat well with her nature.
People never really found her warm but it was not her fault at all. She found it hard to relate with people in a chummy way.
"Well, what do you say?" James asked, knowing that her super active mind has started planning and plotting.
"I think, i need to sit through with this. I don't trust this report." She said with a look that he knew too well not to probe.
"Fine, make sure I get to hear from you first." James consented. He liked Nora not in a romantic way but a fatherly manner. He knew when to push her and when to hold back . He knew her to be an introvert who hated to say too much about herself. She had leadership skills but she loved working alone. It took him threatening to give her a 'good break' that she gave in to have a partner. Though the poor guy does not know how to handle her has lasted too long than he hoped for.
Richard endured whatever she threw his way, maybe because he liked Nora. James chuckled at the last thought. "Hopeless fool." He said lastly

Nora sat as she mapped the case.
"Where do I begin?" She did not ask anyone in particular. She looked at the smiling girl. Gwen wema , a eight year old girl. Nora stared at her picture imagining what she could be going through at the moment. She stood and looked at her board and for the past two years she has been after men who did child trafficking.
It was illegal but the world worked in two dimensions good and evil.
" I suspect that Mr X here is responsible." She pointed at a faceless picture. The profile about this big dangerous man everyone feared was behind a lot of bad and gruesome incidents. She was able to nail down some of his cohorts but they never knew who they worked for.
" Why you?" She asked the little girl in the picture.
She had a feeling this was not about child trafficking but revenge for Gwen was a daughter of prominent business man, Mr Joseph Mbale. Whatever it was , she felt it is something bigger than her past encounters with such cases.
Nora blew her cheeks, something she did when she felt helpless.
" Let me do this tomorrow." She said as she matched out of her office.

Huh! So what do you think of this case? And Nora?

So far so good ,the plot will unfold as we go on..

Thanks you for reading :)

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