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CJ and Olive exchanged smiles as they helped Nora with breaking eggs. They were making chocolate cake as they had seen in a TV cooking show.
Olive smiled at Nora as CJ relished how much he had missed her. She looked a little tense but he was hoping today they were going to talk.
Nora laughed as Olive jumped with glee when she had failed to break the eggs using one hand. It revealed her left cheek dimple and a different Nora from her usual self.
CJ was careful not to be caught staring for he was not ready for a back lash. They went on preparing and talking as if they were a normal family .
" CJ I wanted to talk to you." Nora said as they set down everything after they had finished .
"Okay we can sit here as we wait for the cake to be ready." He responded moved to pour juice in the glasses. He gave Olive his IPad to play while they went ahead to sit and have the talk.
"I apologise for the other day. That was rude of me." She apologised looking at CJ who was offering a tiny smile.
"It is okay. I was being nosy and I shouldn't have pushed you to the edge. We can start on a clean slate." CJ spoke stretching his hand. Nora watched him but went ahead and shook his hand.
"All I wanted was to know how could I be of help." He explained .
She watched him but turned away to focus on her glass of juice.
"What is it that you want from me CJ?" She asked now staring at him with intensity.
CJ was taken back by her question but like a soldier in training he was ready. He saw something like fear lurk in her eyes as she blinked it away.
"I want to be your friend and to be honest I really like you." He said with a strain as his heart beat fast.
Nora looked at him sharply gathering her wits.
She laughed not a hysterical kind of laughter,"you cannot like me CJ. I know it is mutual but I cannot allow myself fall for you." She said as her lips quivered.
''Lord what do I say to her right now? Help me Lord ." CJ prayed silently.
He watched her sip her juice as her hand shook.
"I have already liked you Nora and I know you are afraid of what that may mean. I believe us meeting was not a coincidence I know God has a hand in this. All I am asking is a little faith." He uttered confidently.
He was not sure why but he took a risk by speaking his heart content.
He watched her as she toyed with her thumb deep in thoughts.
"Love , marriage and family are the last things in my life. I would hate for you to be disappointed." She said in a firm voice annoyed with herself for coming here.
"I am not asking you to marry me. I want us to be friends." CJ said while he moved to hold her hand.
He sounded sure of what he wanted and he knew in his heart that it was only right if he said it out loud.
Nora sighed staring at his hand and wondered why would he not quit and let them be just acquaintances.
"I am not sure Christopher." Nora breathed .
"A day at a time Nora that's all I am asking." CJ almost begged.
Nora slowly nodded letting him be for she knew he will get tired like the rest of them. CJ was escatic about and their conversation was brought to a stop as the oven went off. CJ hurried to check the cake only to see it burnt and ruined.
Olive was sad while CJ's shoulders quacked in mirth and laughter.
Nora stared at the piece of cake her eyes jumping between CJ and Olive.
"I guess we are going to buy another cake. I am done with baking for today." CJ said moving to lift Olive and twirl her around. Olive smiled and hugged CJ and Nora caught a glimpse of a father he would have been.
"Let's get the cake." CJ moved turning to Nora who was now smiling.
She turned taking her car keys, "I am driving you there." She offered.
They all settled in her car as she started the engine.
"The mall is not that far." He told her smiling at her now changed demeanour.
CJ was almost escatic as Olive but deep down it was not from the eminent idea of buying a cake but how Nora was going easy.
Olive was watching outside the window as CJ stroke a conversation, " are you fond of cakes." He asked her.
"I love cakes. They are my weakness." She stated as she accelerated overtaking some buses.
She almost laughed at his expression, " what? Don't I look like a cake lover?" She asked incredulously.
" No, I thought you would be all health fitness and a nutritionist because of your line of work." CJ rumbled earning a laughter.
It was still amazing how her laughter lit her beautiful features and he kept staring.
"Yes, I try to balance my diet which I fail miserably." She replied when her laughter died.
"Try?" CJ lifted his brow.
"Yes, try. I forget eating food when I am engrossed with work. I only eat fast foods which Jade hates and she would sometime cook food and stuff it in my fridge so I could warm it when i am in need of it." Nora spoke shrugging off the last part.
There was silence as CJ contemplated only for his shoulders to start quacking in laughter.
"I am a busy woman." Nora went on explaining further.
CJ was only imagining a tiny Jade ordering Nora to eat . He could see her giving Nora instructions.
"Jade ordering you to eat? That's new." CJ shook his head.
"Don't underestimate what she is capable of." Nora was now grinning.
"There was one time she locked me in her house until i finished dinner. I tell you I forced the food down my throat." Nora said between hiccups .
"Please remind me to eat when we are at her place I don't want to be locked up." CJ said as their laughter died.
He felt all that he had eight years ago and it almost terrified him. Yet he hoped Nora would not shut him out again.
He was sure that this was the real Nora who was pleasant to converse with and whose company was pleasurable one.

Long journey and Nora is cracking.
It was not easy.

Well I for one love reading without interruptions thats why there haven't been author's note from me...
We still got a journey with this two...

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