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Two years later........
CJ watched Nora's sleepy form on the couch she looked overly exhausted with her belly protruding. Olive was on the other side of the couch nestled under Nora's arm. CJ moved to pick Olive up to take her to her room.
She moved a little but CJ carried her heavy sleepy form to bed.
He tucked her under the warm duvet and kissed her goodnight.
"Daddy, will mommy love me less when the babies come?" Olive voiced her insecurities groggily as she signed the words slowly.
She had this habit of popping the question she had the entire day when she was sleepy or too tired.
"No, Bunnie. We will love you the same okay? You are our cute little Bunnie and mummy won't love you any less okay?" CJ reassured.
Olive nodded and drifted off to sleep.
They had a long day. It was Olive's tenth birthday and Nora had been up and down the entire day.
CJ returned to wake up his wife. It had been two beautiful years and he would not change any of that.
After their wedding, CJ sold the old house and bought a new one as a gift to his family. He argued it was a new beginning and he didn't want the past to keep lurking in the corners of their house.
Jade helped them find a good family home unfortunately Olive's dog Bobby passed away and they had to for go having pets for a while.
Nora quit her detective job and started her rescue centre that helped children who were to be sold or violated or abused. She used her connections to get her organization started. Malik became one of her biggest supporters and sponsors while Jade and Rick were her board of directors when it came to planning and managing the kid's programme. Jade began her practice but volunteered at the centre most of the time. The mission of the rescue centre was to help children and also help them in the knowledge of God.
Lora Zawadi and Melody had become inseparable from Olive as the girls became friends. They would argue that they were cousins and they would always be best of friends just like their parents.
Jade and Rick started thinking of having another baby. It had not been easy for them but hoped that soon God would hear their prayers and give them another child.
Nora made it her mission to ensure the children came to the knowledge of God.
Malik and Phoebe got married a year after they had and even though none of Malik's family showed up except for a distant cousin, CJ and everyone else filled the void.
Malik told him that he had found a new family in Christ as he surprised them by giving his life to Christ. He told them it was long overdue.
Rick started his own marketing company. It was scary at first but he went ahead and started with the help of Malik. They all stood by him as he navigated through the first hard days.
Danny and Soni welcomed a baby boy a few months ago and Daniel promised CJ that was his last child after Soni went through a hard labor.
They had not yet heard from Barrak after inquiring they received bad news that he was killed in an ambush.
CJ didn't eat for days while Daniel grieved over his best friend.
Pendo got married to Justin four months after CJ's wedding. He attended her wedding and congratulated them.
Sally and Elijah were still part of their lives together with Nora's mum and Nora's father. They were eagerly waiting for their grandchildren.
They had decided not to know the gender of their babies as a surprise to themselves.
"Sweetie?" He heard his wife call him.
"Yes!" He went to meet her in the living room.
"Where are you?" She asked.
"Here," CJ replied.
She struggled to sit up as CJ rounded the couch to help her.
"I am so tired." She said as a yawn escaped her.
CJ placed more pillows to make her more comfortable.
"We should get you to bed." He spoke with a frown.
"Hey don't worry I am fine, I am okay here with you." She smiled at him.
"Do you need anything?" He asked as he massaged her feet.
"No, I am okay. " She laughed at his fuss.
"Only my back is killing me." She commented straining for a more comfortable sitting position.
"Let me take you to bed." He suggested again.
Nora agreed just to ease his worry. CJ was more worried about her health since she entered her second trimester. He would fuss and he did not let her do anything.
She got sick in her first trimester and CJ would worry himself to sleep.
They entered the room and Nora gravitated towards the washroom.
She couldn't wait to give birth. It had been a roller coaster after her wedding. She started an organization to rescue children and give them a safe harbour so far she had one hundred and twenty children under her care. She loved those children and she would cry and be sad upon meeting anyone she would rescue. Her thoughts always wandered to Lora and though she made peace with the fact that she might never come back, she always held her in her heart.
Her marriage to CJ was that of bliss even in arguments and disagreements, he always made her feel safe, protected and heard. She was amazed at how far she had come.
When she learnt she was pregnant, she panicked thinking about her childhood and if she was prepared to be a mother.
When she broke the news to CJ he was ecstatic and his excitement made her feel she was going to be fine.
Nora finished her routine and left the washroom longing for the bed.
CJ was waiting with a sad face.
"Hey, what's up?" She asked him
"Well, I have received a call. I need to be at the hospital for an emergency surgery. " He admittedly grudgingly.
Nora's heart dropped, she didn't want to be alone that night. She wanted him close but she couldn't be selfish there was someone in need of him. She knew most nights like this would come when she got married to him.
"It is okay love and as much as I want you here tonight, we will be fine." She gave a tiny smile.
"I am sorry, I will come back as soon as I am done. " He promised as he picked up his jacket, car keys and wallet.
He kissed her and rushed through the door.

Nora sat on the king-sized bed and slowly let her body lay down.  She was disturbed in her spirit about the rest of the night.
"Lord, protect my husband. " She prayed simply and drifted off to sleep.
CJ paced as he waited for the good news. He prayed and waited.
Later on, he was ushered into the room where Nora lay with a tired face with two wrapped babies on her side.
"Hey, sweetie," Nora called him.
His eyes misted.
"Come meet our lovely sons." She beckoned him.
He held one as the nurse handed one to him. He had a blue tag on his wrist.
"That's Jubal Mwamba and this is Jabal Mwamba." Nora held the other baby who had a red tag on his wrist.
CJ kissed his son as tears ran down his cheek. He held the other one and kissed him.
He prayed, "Thank you heavenly Father for such a wonderful gift. You are a rewarder, Lord. Thank you for my beautiful wife who has made me a happy man. Thank you for our family. Thank you, Jesus." He finished his prayer.
He handed them back carefully and turned to his exhausted wife.
"I love you, my beautiful wife. Thank you for such a wonderful gift." He kissed her.
It was just like the first time he kissed her on their wedding day.
He turned to look at the little ones and he blessed God for his family.
"I love you husband." She smiled.
"Which one do you kin will be a troublemaker?" CJ asked.
"I can't tell but we will raise them in the ways of the Lord. I don't want to think of them as trouble makers at least not now." Nora stated with a frown.
CJ laughed and stared at his beautiful family it was a gift from God. He loved them all and he couldn't wait to grow old with them.
He held her hand and kissed it as they both stared at their children.
"Olive will have her hands full with these two." Nora thought of her daughter.
"She was worried that you would love her less if the babies came." CJ retold.
"How can I love her any less when she is our daughter not by birth but by bond? I love her CJ and she will always be my first child then my two boys. She is our little Bunnie." Nora cried at the thought of Olive feeling left out.
"I know love, I know and we are going to  show her how much we love her." CJ wiped away her tears.
Nora nodded and turned as Jubal gave a stretch and tried to give a fist up towards his brother.
"You have your answer." Nora smiled.
CJ laughed relishing the joy he felt in his heart.
"This is our family. Even though I didn't think I  would have one God had proved me wrong." Nora confessed.
"Before I came here, God told me to come back home. At first, I was reluctant because of the memories but after a long struggle, I gave in. I told God to give me a reason as to why I had to come back. He told me he was going to redo the whole thing and give me another family. I didn't think I heard Him right but when I saved Olive and then met you I was sure that this was God's doing." He opened up his heart.
Nora watched him with a smile and hugged him.
"He did it even in a better way than I expected." He commented.
They held each other's hand and watched their sons each knowing that God keeps His promises which never fail no matter how long it takes.
They had found each other at unexpected times and way but all in all, God has kept them together and they knew whatever may come, God was with them.

Thank you for each and everyone who has read this book.
It is in my heart to say that I am grateful for you reading it.
May the good Lord bless you.

    Yours Julie Christie.

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