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The wedding reception.

CJ held Nora's hand grinning at his friends as they tried to dance to the beat of the song. He signaled for Olive to come over and they danced together.
Nora laughed as she twirled missing her step and stumbling . She laughed watching her husband who's face was glistening from all the dance move.
The atmosphere was filled with giggles and excitement that made most people look for their partners while others watched at a distance with longing in their eyes.
Richard looked at Nora and he smiled seeing the stoic woman he has fallen in love giggle and smile with pure bliss. She truly was what he wanted in a woman but clearly Nora was made for another man, CJ.
At first Richard despised him thinking it was all his American poise and influence that stole his Nora but he came to a conclusion that CJ was one of the many good. He had judged his faith and he even mocked his efforts to try and engage him in his godly talks but to his surprise CJ took everything in with consideration and he envied how he was able to win Nora's heart within a short period of time whilst he had taken three good years to impress her.

He shifted uncomfortably looking as she twirled in her husband's arms and thought they looked good together. How CJ had gotten Nora to open up to him which she never did was still a mystery. The woman he was watching now wasn't the one he had known for the past three years. He knew he was obessed with her something his boss noted and he couldn't think he was ready to lose her yet. He stared at how adoringly she cupped her husband's face and whispered something making CJ throw his head back in laughter. She could make jokes? Who would have thought.

"You know she was bound to find someone like him." James stated. Richard startled turned towards his boss.
"I never knew that." He grimaced hating the way he felt torn.
"Nora was the best I had and an honorable woman. She resigned two weeks ago and volunteered you to take her place. I assume you ready for that position?" James asked.
"Yes sir! That would be an honor. " He replied.
"Good! Congratulations. " James spoke with a brief smile.
"Try and take it easy on yourself." He adviced holding his gaze for a moment.
Richard nodded and stared back at the couple.
"Why do i always end up falling for those who won't chose me?" He thought with a sigh.
He remembered Daisy and how much he had lost because of her. He walked away towards James's wife to escape bitter thoughts.

Nora held CJ's hand as they talked in low voices and whispers.
"Hey husband!" She spoke.
"Hey wife!" He replied.
"We are actually married." She whispered.
"Yes we are." He confirmed.
"Are you finally going to tell me our destination?" She asked.
"No, it is a surprise. " he replied.
"Oh come on CJ! The wait is killing me." She whined.
"I thought you are a patient person." He frowned.
"Not in matters such as this " she replied.
"Nora Mwamba, trust me that this will the best surprise." He promised.
Nora gushed at her new name.

They were interrupted by the MC who gave a long speech on the importance of unity in a family. They nodded as Nora's eyes strayed towards Jade with a fussy Lora.
She thought about children and how many she would want. They had discussed the issue with CJ but she didn't think she was ready to be a mom yet.
Jade flashed her a smile as she handed Lora over to Rick. He tried to coo her.
Nora watched her mother and father thinking of how things eventually worked out for them. Yes she wanted Lora to be here to see her wedding but she was glad her mother was here with her and she was at peace.
She turned her head towards other guests and she saw Pendo smiling at her boyfriend and thought of how ridiculous it was for her to be jealous of her. All along CJ was interested in her and not any other woman. She tightened her hold of his hand giving it a squeeze.

Rick left and walked farther from the reception area towards Jade's house. Jade followed back to their home.
"Hush Lora!" Rick cooed her.
"let me nurse her to sooth her." Jade offered. 
They went to Jade's former room and as soon as Lora suckled she stopped wailing loudly.
"There sweetie!" Jade kissed her temples.  Rick had discarded his coat and now he was folding his sleeves as he watched his wife and daughter. He smiled watching them thinking of how far they had come and God had blessed them with a miracle.  He was far from grateful. He was bursting with thanksgiving for them and today of Nora's and CJ's wedding.
Jade sensed his gaze on her and she smiled at him.
"What's up with you?" She quizzed him.
"You know how much I love you right?" He asked.
"I think I do." She teased him.

"Then I will tell you today watching Nora and CJ saying their vows I was taken back to the day I asked you to be my wife and you outrightly told me you will only marry me if I agree to always send you a letter because you were going back to finish your studies?" He laughed.
Jade shook her head,"Yes because I thought of it as romantic and even though we both had phones it didn't really count to me. You know I hate phone calls and it was too expensive. " She laughed.
Rick took out a folded paper and watched her eyes widened.
"Dear toothless Jade,
I am happy that you are my wife and mother to our lovely daughter Lora. It has been six years of joy and fulfillment with you.  Lately I have been thinking of our past and even though it was a rough one I believe that we are stronger now that we overcame and I am looking forward to growing old with you.
You make me happy Jade and I am glad you fell in the mud that day and I came to your rescue. I am glad you opened the door when I pleaded for you to hear me out ten years ago.
You have made me a better man and helped me through my grief and through my whole life. I thank God for you sweetheart for you showed me what family means and I am so overjoyed to have our beautiful Lora hear with us  today.
You are an inspiration and your big heart reminds of how much God loves us.
Today I will remind you that you are still my love and I will behold thee till  death do us apart.
  I will stop my romantic letter since by now you are crying and I am grinning like a fool trying not to tear up too.
I love you my darling and my best friend. I will always love you.
Yours stinky fisherman and your husband,

Jade sniffed and dried her tears with the back of her hand. She took the soundly sleeping Lora and put her in her crib.
She turned towards her best friend and husband.
  "Today I remind you that you are still my love and I will behold thee till death do us apart." She repeated the line from their vows.
Rick engulfed her in a hug kissing her forehead. He was grateful Jade was here with him and that she never even once stopped loving him.
After an eternity of hugs and kisses She let go of him with a smile.
"You clean up nicely for a fisherman." She teased him.
Rick smiled at her, "you look much improved with your full set of teeth." He teased her.

He looked at his watch with a small smile. Jade knew that look.
"I miss him too." She spoke softly.
"I just wish he was here to see us. To see that his prayer was finally answered and that his son is now all grown. " Rick whispered.
Jade hugged him as tightly as she could . She wanted him to feel that he could lean on her.
"George would have been the best uncle to our daughter. He would play with her teach her music and even take her to many road drives. She would be a spoiled girl but nonetheless he would have never let anything happen to her."  She spoke.
Rick chuckled .
"I agree with you completly."
Jade let go and held his hand.
"This was the last gift he gave me on my birthday and it was the only thing I have of him." He spoke staring at the watch.
Jade squeezed his hand.

"Today is not a sad day. Let's go back to the party. Mumbi will check on her." She ordered.
He pulled her back and stared at her with a glimmer in his eyes.
He took out two air tickets out his other pocket.
"Well Mrs Tumo,do you want to run away with me to the sunset?" He asked waving them before her eyes.
"Well that depends on where you are taking me sir!" She played along slyly.
"How does zanzibar for two days sound?" He asked.
She squealed with excitment.
"When do we leave?" She asked.
"Tomorrow,your mum has offered to stay with Lora. This vacation is just for the two of us." He grinned at her.
"God knows i needed a break from everything so it is a yes." She laughed and kissed him.
"Thanks honey." She cooed.
"Let's go back to the party." He suggested.
"Before I forget, They are coming back soon. Lily phoned to tell me she will soon return to Kenya." He briefed her.
"Thank God, I can't wait to see both of them." Jade leaped with joy as they left the house.

Nora and CJ laughed as they cut the cake. The evening was approaching fast. Daniel and Soni watched both of them with a smile.
"You know I have grown fond of them." Soni spoke.
"Me too." Daniel replied.
"CJ deserves to be this happy. I was there when he had lost his first family. He was broken and tattered. " Daniel commented.
Soni nodded.
"So were you my love when you I met you but see how far you have come." She commented.
"I am so glad I wandered into your father's farm to find you."  He grinned at her.
She laughed.
"I am glad you did." She agreed.
They stared at each other.

The ceremony was commencing and the bride and groom got ready for their honeymoon as people congratulatulated them and wished them a happy marriage.
Justin turned towards Pendo, "How about we start our own wedding plans." He asked with a smile.
They kept walking towards their car.
"You have not even proposed properly . There is no ring" She giggled.
"I am going to remedy that soon." He promised.
They both laughed.

CJ turned towards Nora, "ready wife?" He asked.
"I was born ready husband." She replied.
They laughed as the both left the venue to start their new life.

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