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Nora was now looking through her laptop as she scrunched up her face in concentration. It has been two day since the accident and she had not seen or heard from CJ. She hated that her traitorous mind would jump to all worst case scenarios. Richard had gone on a scavenge hunt with another officer as Nora had gotten a whiff of Gwen's location.
She dialed someone's number, "Hey biggie? What's the new update." She asked the person on the other line.
"Niaje sonko? Mambo bado kuivana lakini kuna plug wangu amenishow wanakam Leo jioni ndio wakafunge. Nitakuchapia rada juu siwezi taka wajue me ni spy." Biggie explained.
(Hello boss? The deal is yet to go down and I am waiting cause my dealer told me they are coming today and I will let you know for I wouldn't want them to suspect I am a spy)
"Sawa , nichoree ukipata." Nora replied. (It is okay. Call me when it is done."
She hang up her phone only for her door to open. Jade walked in with Olive in tow. Olive rushed to her bed hugging Nora.
"How have you been?" Nora signed.
"I am doing okay now." She replied as Nora pulled her to sit on her bed.
Nora gave Jade a quizzical look which made Jade mouth 'later'.
Olive looked at Nora with a smile reaching for something in her polka dotted dress in the partial shade of blue and white. She gave Nora a piece of paper drawn flowers and hearts. There was a drawing of a young girl and a man holding hands with smiles. At the edge of it was a tiny dog signifying Bobby.
Nora looked at the drawing and to Olive who was now explaining the drawing. She hugged her out of utter lack of words.
"How are you feeling darling?" Jade inquired watching Olive leaning on Nora.
"Like I want to go home. I am already tired of this bed and hospital food." She groaned.
"I assure you Rick is coming to pick us up later." Jade said with a laughter.
"He better." Nora blew her cheeks watching the already asleep Olive.
"What happened?" She asked her best friend clearly wanting to ask about CJ but refraining so.
"The day you got stabbed, we were here in the hospital. CJ received a call later when I had left to stay with them that Olive was not okay and that she had lost consciousness. It seems she has a heart problem which we were not aware of." Jade explained everything as adjusted Olive's form to sleep more comfortably.
"What? Where is CJ?" She asked now feeling bad for judging CJ's absence.
"He is at the hospital and has had two rough days. He was here to see you just for a fleeting moment before he was hauled back to work. Olive has been staying with us." Jade expounded on the subject as Nora sank into deep thoughts.
She now watched Olive with a sinking feeling of what the little girl had gone through.
"I am glad you are awake and alive." Jade went on chattering drawing Nora from her dark thoughts.
"I was worried but that can't be compared to CJ. He had sleepless nights trying to work,watch over Olive and coming here to see you." She went on.
"I think he really likes you Nora." Jade said carefully waiting for her reaction.
"I know Jade, I just don't know if I am the right woman for him. He seems nice and godly just like you but I am far from perfect. I don't think God wants me to be his wife for I am far from perfect." Nora rambled clearly annoyed that she even thought about CJ in that manner.
"Who is perfect Nora? Me? Rick? CJ?" Jade calmly asked. "I am not but God is perfect and He does not need you perfect He wants you just as you are." Jade shifted so she could sit more comfortably.
"When Jesus descended on earth, He knew he was coming to imperfect people who would reject Him. He loved us nonetheless. He died for us. He saved us once and for all. He accomplished that with one act of love on the cross. He knows who you are Nora but are you willing to let go and allow God love you as imperfect as you are? Are you willing to for go everything and cling unto Him?" Jade echoed the last part.
Nora chewed the inside of her right cheek thinking about Jade's words.
"Is God really going to love someone like me? Is He even interested? I am beyond salvation. What would a perfect God want with such a lost person?" Nora thoughts jumped from one question to another.
She wanted to believe that there is a solution.
She shifted uncomfortably staring away from Jade and all her mind was screaming was she was never going to be enough for CJ and Jade was just hallucinating.
She slipped back to her cold demeanor and started shutting down the feelings that were rising up.
"Don't do that!" Jade warned.
"Do what?" Nora asked
"The shutting down of emotions to mask how you truly feel. You always have a debate with your mind then if the subject is about showing your true emotions you nonchalantly push them away. Don't ask how I know we have been friends for a decade now so I know you." Jade explained with a frustrated grunt.
"Are you psychoanalyzing me?" Nora chuckled.
"No,I am putting the truth as it is so you get out of your comfort zone. I don't know your past truly but whatever happened back then with your family just know it won't happen with me. I am here and I am going no where until God decides my time has come." Jade comforted giving her best friend's hand a squeeze.
Nora nodded for Jade has been one constant friend and family through out.
The door opened ending the silence that had engulfed the room as a tired CJ walked through.
He was looking all exhausted but wore a smile as soon as he saw Nora and Olive who was fast asleep.
Jade gave him a hug as she left to call her husband.
Nora watched him as he sat on the empty chair.
"You look thoroughly worn out." She blurted out the first thing that came to her mind.
"You have no idea. We heard a complicated surgery of a woman with a back swelling and brain surgery of a middle aged man who had an accident." CJ's word tumbled out as he closed his eyes.
A smile tugged at the corner of her mouth and waited for him to open his eyes.
"I have news for you. I tried to find who is she but no Child comes with the name Olive Metta. The Mettas that came up is an old woman who passed away two years ago And the rest are not related in any way." Nora gave CJ the news.
He now sat staring at her with renewed curiosity.
"Then who is she?" CJ asked.
"She is the only one who can tell us." Nora replied.
"Is it too soon?." CJ asked .
"Let Jade find out she is good at this." Nora offered.
CJ did not like the idea but he knew it was the right thing. Nora watched as his brows crashed in thought.
"Okay." He agreed.
"Please tell me you are here to take me home." Nora grumbled.
"Yes I am. I need to rest properly. Though Rick was suppose to take you all home. I wouldn't mind taking you." He grinned at her.
"Excellent!" Nora exclaimed with clap of hands soon she will be cradled in her warm bed far away from the smell of disinfectants and horrible food.
CJ chuckled at her enthusiasm.

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