Gintoki Sakata - Errands

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a/n: I'm so obsessed with this man, holy fucking shit. Help meeeeee—

Pairing: Gintoki Sakata x Reader

Anime: Gintama

Summary: Gintoki gets forced to do errands with [Name].

"Toki! Are you home?" Three quick knocks. "Hellooooooo? Open up the door!"

"Gah, shut up [Name], it's too early for this!" The silver-haired man slammed open the sliding door, glaring at the person standing before him.

"Oh, how did you know it was me?"

"There's only one person who calls me Toki, of course I knew it'd be you." He grumbled, stalking farther back into the room. [Name] followed after him, shutting the door behind them.

"Why are you here, anyway?"

"Damn, did you already forget?" They pouted. "You were gonna spend the whole day with me today, remember?"

"Eh?" He raised an eyebrow. "I never said anything like that."

"No, you did. I asked you yesterday night, and you agreed."

"Hmm..." He put a hand to his chin, closing his eyes. "...Nope, don't remember saying that. Besides, wasn't I drinking yesterday? I was probably drunk or something."

"And? You still promised." [Name] crossed their arms. "Your fridge is proof that you need to go get groceries, at least."

"I can just make Shinpachi do them later." He waved them off, flopping on the green couch. "So get out of here already."

"...I'll spoil next week's Jump for you."

"You motherfu—"


"Ugh, this is such a pain..." Gintoki groaned out, watching his friend grab a carton of strawberry milk from the dairy aisle. "Why'd I have to come along with you, again?"

"I don't have four arms, dumbass. And you're the only one I know isn't busy today."

"Because it's a weekend." He muttered. "Ah, I wish I could rest at home, a volume of Jump above my head..."

"Hey, be glad I'm doing you a favor for getting the groceries already." They elbowed him in the side, making him yelp.

"Right, right..."

The two exited the store, [Name] carrying the plastic bags. He glanced over, eyeing the amount in their arms.

"Oi, isn't that too heavy for you?"

"I'll be fine."

"....." Swiftly, he took half of their share, making their eyes widen.

"Hey, I said I was—!"

"Shut up, just head to the next store already." He interrupted, shifting his gaze elsewhere.

They sighed, softly laughing at the man's shenanigans, and moved onto the next errand.


"Are you done yet?"

"Yeah, hold on, lemme check out this place really quick." He sighed, watching them run into the store, and walked over to the magazine rack to browse.

"Ehh, this was last week's..." After skimming through the book for a few minutes, Gintoki finally noticed they were taking longer than usual.

"What's taking them so long—?"

He paused, eyes narrowing at the sight of them talking to one mayo-loving Vice Commander.

"Oh? And what's going on over here, hm?" Gintoki asked, putting an arm around a deadpanning [Name]. "You left me over there by my poor self while you went to talk to the Prince of the Mayonnaise-Planet?"

"What's wrong with liking mayonnaise, huh?" Hijitaka's eye twitched at the silver perm-head. "It goes well with anything, unlike your red bean jam on rice. That's disgusting."

"Why do you two have to be so dramatic?" [Name] mumbled, grabbing Gintoki's yukata sleeve and dragging him off before the two could get into another endless argument. "See you later, Toshi!"

He waved them off calmly, a vein popping as Gintoki flipped him off behind his back. "S-See you tomorrow, [Name]."

The sun started to set as the two were walking back, finally done with their errands.

"So you call him Toshi?" Gintoki asked after a comfortable silence.

"What, are you jealous?"

"Please, I'd just get annoyed if you called me by his damn name on accident."

[Name] looked at the man, holding in a snicker at his slightly flushed face. "I'd say otherwise~"

"Be quiet."

They let out a small laugh, stopping in front of his door.

"Well, we're finally back at your place. Thanks for hanging out with me today."

"You kind of forced me to."

"Excuses, excuses." They waved him off, pulling something out from behind their back. "Here."

"A take-out box?" Curious, he looked inside, mouth watering at the tasty-looking desert. "You bought a chocolate parfait for me?!"

"...To say thanks for putting up with me all this time." [Name] awkwardly laughed. "I hope I wasn't too annoying today."

"Well, not as much as you normally are, that's for sure." He chuckled at their unamused expression. "It'd be easier if you just scheduled an appointment or something, y'know."

"Yeah right, like you'd even wake up for it. I don't wanna have to pay you. Besides, surprising you is way more fun." They pat him on the shoulder, then headed away from the Odd Jobs building. "Bye, Toki!"

"See ya, [Name]." Gintoki called out, watching them leave with a soft smile on his face.

"...I'll wake up anytime of the day if you need me."

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