Izuku Midoriya/Momo Yaoyorozu - Androids

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a/n: requested by Genos on quotev! (I tweaked some stuff a bit, but I tried my best!) This is a platonic oneshot, by the way. I don't condone p*dophilia here.

Pairing: Obsessive Fem!Child!Android!Izuku Midoriya x Slightly Chubby!Fem!Reader x Obsessive Adult!Android!Momo Yaoyorozu

Anime: My Hero Academia

Summary: [Name] finds something, or things, peculiar on her front porch.

The sun shined down brightly, making [Name] huff in exhaustion.

"Geez...what's with the weather today? Can't even a little bit of wind come by every once in a while...?" She muttered, wiping the sweat from her forehead with a spare towel. "I'm almost home...huh?"

Squinting, the woman noticed two, unmoving figures on her porch. "Eh? No way, are they loitering?" Deciding to jog faster, [Name] began to yell at them. "Hey, what're you hanging around here for—?"

She paused, finally getting a closer look at the two. As she noticed before, they weren't moving, but still standing somehow. One was definitely a child, probably around five or six by their height. The other was a grown woman, [Name] guessed around the same age as herself. They were wearing similar costumes to what you would find on a comic book.

Curiously, [Name] decided to check their necks for a pulse. Her eyes widened considerably upon not feeling any sign of movement.

"What the heck...?! There's no pulse! A-Are they dead?! Did someone leave two bodies at my door in broad daylight?!"

Internally panicking, she decided to quickly bring the two inside, fearing of being wrongly arrested. A paper suddenly fell off that was taped to the back side of the child, grabbing their attention.

"What's this...?"

"Congratulations, you won first place for the listed giveaway! Your prizes are the two androids delivered to your home. Have fun taking care of them! (Instructions are attached.)"

"Androids? Seriously...?" [Name] scratched her head. "I don't remember participating in a giveaway of any kind...wonder how they got my address too. Let's see...the kid is Izuka, and the woman is Momo? And they're both girls...I guess that makes it easier for me."

Finding the power button at the back of their necks, [Name] pushed it hesitantly. The two girls' eyes lit up, blinking slowly.

"Um...hi?" She waved. "I'm [Name]...your new caretaker—"

She was cut off as they both suddenly decided to tackle her in a tight hug, making [Name] wheeze.


"Yay! Someone decided to take us, Momo!" Izuka exclaimed.

"This is very exciting, I agree!" Momo happily replied. "[Name], was it? Thank you very much for allowing us to stay here."

"It's no problem...? I also didn't really have a choice, haha..."

They froze suddenly, letting go of her. Confused, [Name] tilted her head.

"D-Does that mean...you don't want us?" Izuka sounded saddened, holding onto Momo's leg.

"I see...I apologize for being rude. I did not realize that we were wrongly sent here. We can leave now—"

"H-Hey, it's fine!" [Name] stammered, waving her hands around. "I don't mind taking care of you two at all! I live by myself, so it's kind of lonely here anyway."

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