Zack/Isaac Foster - Killing Game

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a/n: at the moment, I am simping for this man and I hate it. ('°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)

Pairing: Zack/Isaac Foster x Reader

Anime: Angels of Death

Summary: An annoyed Zack comes back to [Name]'s place, only to find them playing a peculiar game.

The front door swung open abruptly, making the person sitting on the floor glance to the house's entryway. Realizing who it was, they relaxed, the grip on their controller loosening. A frustrated-looking Zack placed his scythe in the umbrella stand, not bothering to wipe off the blood like usual.

"Back a little early? I thought you weren't gonna get here till later, so I didn't start dinner yet, sorry." [Name] half-heartedly apologized, trying to focus on the dialogue of the game. He shrugged, muttering that he'd make it himself, and started to heat up some leftovers from the fridge.

"Hey, whatcha playin'?" The serial killer asked, lazily dropping on the couch behind [Name]. Unfortunately for him, they didn't answer and continued staring at the television screen. Not liking that he was being ignored, he growled. "Oi, I asked you a question."

Sighing, they paused the game and turned around to raise an eyebrow at Zack. "Why're you so pissy right now? Did you not find enough people to kill or something?" He only clicked his tongue and looked away in response, making them smirk for getting it right. "Well, I'm playing a game series I forgot I had, it's called Danganronpa. I'm, uh, replaying the first game to look for foreshadowing and stuff."

"What's it about?" He asked with genuine curiosity, making [Name]'s eyes widen. Normally he'd be all grumpy or annoyed with this kind of stuff, so it was surprising for him to ask them to continue.

"Um, long story short, it's pretty much about some kids trapped in a school that are forced to kill each other. You, the protagonist, have to solve the murders. That's basically it. There's a bunch of other side stuff, but I don't think you'd—"

"Continue playing, I wanna watch." He cut them off, effectively making their jaw drop. "What? Fuck, [Name], did you really expect me of all people to not watch something related to death and shit?"

Pausing, they closed their mouth, internally laughing at themselves. Zack was a serial killer, of course he would want to watch stuff like this. Grinning, they unpaused the game. "Alright, but don't blame me if you don't understand what's going on at times."


"HAHAHAHA, he died by baseballs?! That's so fucking dumb." He cackled at the sight of the first execution cutscene. "That bear looks pretty damn evil though, I remember you had some stuff laying around your room with that logo."

"Since when did you snoop into my—" [Name] cut themselves off and sighed. "Never mind. It's not my fault that I have a slight obsession with the series. It has a good concept and cool character designs, in my opinion. Minus all the dumb fanservice, though."

"If I was in a killing game, I'd slaughter all the damn people and win." Zack devilishly smirked, showing off his canines.

"If you did that, you'd probably die for breaking the rule of not killing more than two people."

"Then fuck those rules!"

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