Kozume Kenma - Villagers

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Pairing: Kozume Kenma x Reader

Anime: Haikyu!!

Summary: The duo play the new Animal Crossing game.

A sigh. "Kenma, are you coming over yet? I still need to sleep, y'know."

"Yeah, hold on, the dodo code is slow. And what do you mean sleep? You always end up pulling all-nighters after this."

"Gh—!" They held their chest in shock, wearing a surprised expression the other couldn't see. "You know me too well..."

It was around two in the morning, and the two friends were currently up playing the new Animal Crossing game together. On a school day. Although they were far from each other, luckily, they still kept in touch. Currently, [Name] was trying to trade off one of the villagers that moved in a couple of days ago that they didn't want.

"Kenmaaaa, get this guy out of my island already! He doesn't fit the aesthetic of my place..."

"Alright, alright, chill. Raymond's not that bad, geez. I'm surprised you didn't want him, considering he's popular and all."

"I'm not trying to make my island have just the popular characters! I really wanna find Pippy too...she's so underrated!"

"Pippy is whatever. I like Punchy better, to be honest."

"That's because he's one of the lazy cats!" [Name] almost threw their Switch, then stopped. "...He also reminds me of Kuroo, now that I think about it."

A muffled laugh was heard on the other side of the call, making them tilt their head in confusion at the screen.

"...You did not just say that about Punchy. Why would you even consider comparing him to pain-in-the-ass-Kuroo?"

"I see you're picking up insults from Akaashi, ahaha!"

[Name] grinned hearing their friend softly chuckle. Taking a glance at the time, their eyes widened immediately.

"Crap, it's getting late. What time tomorrow?"

"I think I might be free around 6 PM at the latest, but Kuroo might force me to practice with him. I'll let you know if things change."

"Alrighty! Talk to you tomorrow then~!"

"See you tomorrow, [Name]."

Kenma then hung up the phone abruptly, confusing them, normally being the one to hang up.

"Huh? 'See you?' What did he mean by that?"


"Hm, what should I buy for him...?" [Name] muttered, looking through random items in a gift store for tourists. "Something game or cat-related, I guess. Maybe a volleyball. That'll be hard to mail, though..."

"...You know I wouldn't need a volleyball. I'd never use it." Gasping, the high-schooler turned around to face their pudding-head friend, who looked amused at their shocked expression. "Kuroo already has one anyway."

"I didn't know you were coming here!" They exclaimed, rushing to pull him into a tight embrace. "You never mentioned anything about it—when was this planned—what—"

"Wait, wait, slow down." He chuckled, returning the hug. "We have a volleyball game near here. Sorry I didn't tell you, I wanted to keep it a surprise...I guess."

[Name] stepped back a little, still holding onto the boy. "How long are you going to stick around for?"

He pursed his lips, averting his gaze from their face. "...I think a week or so."

"What are we waiting for, then?!" They grinned, suddenly grasping his hand and rushing to where his team would be setting up. "Let's go tell Kuroo that he looks like Punchy!"

Kenma groaned, tightly holding onto their hand in return. "I told you, they look nothing alike!"

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