Akame - Meat

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a/n: sorry i've been gone for a while lmao, i've been writing my newest reader-insert fanfic (・・;) anyways, i tried to write for a girl this time! hope it's alright :')

Pairing: Akame x Reader

Anime: Akame Ga Kill!

Summary: An unusual guest stumbles into [Name]'s shop.

Among the bustling crowd, a hooded group of figures traveled throughout the path. It wasn't too hard to notice them, but most would normally move on after taking a glance.

"Quit shoving me, Lubba!" Tatsumi grumbled. "We're gonna get caught, dammit!"

"Dude, chill out. The place is crowded, we're fine." The green-haired man rolled his eyes. "We're just taking the longer route to get to the hideout, that's all."

"Well, the route seems a lot longer than I thought it would be!"

"Hey guys," Leone tapped the boys on their shoulders. "Where'd Akame go?"

"....." The group quickly looked around them, but the quiet assassin was nowhere to be found. "...Crap."

Turns out, our fellow meat-lover followed her nose to a delicious smell wafting through the crowd, finding herself at a small, portable food bar.

"Oh, welcome! Didn't see you there at first." The person behind the grill greeted, their back still facing the girl. "I'll be with you in a sec."

"...What is this place?" Akame quietly asked, observing the quickly set-up shop.

"Hm? Oh, well, I'm just a merchant selling food. Traveling to different places to grab some money. Y'know," They turned around. "the norm."

"Do you have meat?"

They chuckled. "Meat? Sure I do! Want a kabob, barbecue, burger, take your pick!"

Whipping out a menu, they handed it to the stoic girl, her eyes lighting up at all the choices.

"Glad you came today when I was restocking the meat then, huh?" They laughed, sticking out a hand. "I'm [Name]."

Akame slowly looked up from the menu and returned the handshake, nodding. "Can I get this?"

"Alrighty, sure thing. Can I ask for your name as well...?"

"...Consider me as just a customer." She replied stiffly.

"Hah, if that's how you're gonna be, that's perfectly fine. Five sticks of barbecue for my first customer of the day!" [Name] grinned, quickly getting her order ready.


"Here ya go." They handed her a few plates of the impaled meat. "Hope you enjoy it."

Almost immediately, the girl grabbed a stick and bit into it, her eyes lighting up.

"Thwis ish rweawy good." She mumbled, chomping down on the food quickly.

"Aha, really? Glad to hear it." [Name] smiled. "Say, I'll probably be around here for about a few more days. You can come visit anytime you want, I wouldn't mind."

Pausing, Akame looked at the merchant with a stuffed face. "...Really?"

"Mhm! Oh, since it's your first time here, this one's on the house."

"I couldn't do that..."

"Nah, it's fine! Just glad someone enjoys my cooking compared to all the other hotshot restaurants around here." They jerked a thumb to a big restaurant a few buildings away. "Those are way too expensive sometimes. People deserve to get good food, y'know?"

Swallowing down the meat, Akame gave them a quick nod.

"I'll be back tomorrow."

"Heheh." [Name] gave her a teasing smirk. "Glad to hear it."


"...Akame, where were you? You can't just run off like that, you know..."

"I had meat."

"W-Wha? But we had meat this morning..."

"I had more. It was good, I'm going there again."

"No, you've had too much—!"

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