Crona - Rescue

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a/n: requested by Simp Chan on quotev! note: i used they/them pronouns for Crona.

Pairing: Crona x Reader

Anime: Soul Eater

Summary: [Name] saves Crona from a sudden attack.

The wind in their face felt harsh, whipping the hair around their face as they crossed the vast ocean. They maybe would've taken some time to slow down (if Ragnarok would even let them), but...

"You can't escape me!" The voice following them yelled out, making their stomach drop.

...they were kind of busy with someone hot on their trail.

"Crap!" Ragnarok cursed, taking a glance at the Shinigami getting closer and closer by the second. Crona could feel the wings attached to their back gradually slowing down as well, feet close to hitting the water.

"Ah, are we going to get captured?" They mumbled. "I don't know how I'm going to deal with new people all of a sudden..."

"Shut up already! We can't afford getting taken by that damn brat!" The Demon Sword spat, before spotting a silhouette in the distant fog. "Oi, over there! Don't tell me it's more backup...!"

"I feel like I'm about to give out already, Ragnarok..." Crona's eyes drooped, their head jerking as Ragnarok splashed some of the water in their face. "Agh—"

"Crona! Over here!" A familiar voice interrupted, making them sluggishly turn their head towards the voice.

"'s..." Their eyes shone in recognition at them, before finally closing out of exhaustion. Panicked, the inventor urged their machinery on their back to go faster, wings flapping to catch the plummeting meister.

"Gotcha!" [Name] sighed in relief, Crona still in their arms as they hovered over the ocean, inches from hitting the water. Looking around hastily, they noticed the Shinigami that was previously chasing them skating off towards the sun for some odd reason. "Now's probably the best time to go, then..."

While the fog was lifted and no longer hiding their position, they carried them as quickly as they could off to a safe location before they could get attacked again.


"Ow, ow, ow..." Crona winced out of instinct as [Name] raised their hands, the golden light bathing the room in a soft glow. "Please stop, Lady Medusa really won't like you doing this for me..."

"I particularly don't give a damn about Medusa right now, Crona." They replied, finally dropping their hands. "There, all done. Hopefully this helped, even if it was just a little bit."

"Oi, [Name]!" Ragnarok screeched, popping out on Crona's shoulder. "What took you so long, huh?! Crona almost sabotaged us both there and turned us into seafood! Because of that, they're gonna get double the beating from me—!"

"Ragnarok." [Name] cut him off, tossing a couple of candies at the Demon Sword, who gobbled them all up in one go. "Shut up for a bit, 'kay?"

He grumbled, sinking back into Crona's back after flipping off the two.

"Saving me yet again, huh..." Crona muttered, scratching their arms. "Sorry you had to see me like that...your wings aren't even real and they caught me instead...I really don't deserve your kindness—"

They flicked the pink-haired meister's forehead softly, crossing their arms. "Hey, I thought we talked about lessening the self-depreciation already."

"Sorry, sorry..."

"It's fine, don't worry too much about it." They shrugged, taking off the straps that held the wings onto their own back. "I understand that it just slips out sometimes, hell, even I do it."

"....." [Name] noticed Crona's form starting to slouch, and so they scooted closer, making sure not to startle them.

"And for the record, I think your wings are a lot cooler than mine, ahaha."

Gently, they guided Crona's head closer to themselves, which plopped in their lap. Stroking their short hair, [Name] could hear quiet mumbling as they got comfortable in their lap, using it as a pillow.

"...Really don't know how to deal with you..." Crona murmured, before finally drifting off to sleep.

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