Yuji Itadori - Movies

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a/n: requested by Ivy on quotev!

Pairing: Yuji Itadori x Reader

Anime: Jujutsu Kaisen

Summary: [Name] happily spends time with their best friend.

The sudden rapid knocking on the front door echoed throughout the apartment, startling a sleepy [Name] off of the couch. Grumbling at the unannounced visitor, they were prepared to start yelling at them, but after swinging open the door, there only stood an anxious, pink-haired teenager.

"Yuji? What are you doing here?" [Name]'s eyebrows furrowed as the boy kept looking from side-to-side in the apartment complex's hallway, bouncing on his toes.

"Ah, [Name]!" His eyes lit up, seemingly more relieved at the sight of them. "Sorry for the intrusion, but can I crash here tonight?"

"H-Huh?" They blinked. "Why, though? I thought you have a dorm at that Jujutsu High place or whatever."

"I can't today, because—"

Yuji was interrupted by sounds of footsteps, getting alarmingly closer by the minute. His eyes widened, then placed his hands on their shoulders with a pleading face.

"I'm hiding from Megumi, and I accidentally ticked him off a bit too much, so please?"

"Accidentally, huh?" [Name] raised an eyebrow, then sighed. "Fine, you can stay with me, but only this once."

The teen fist-pumped the air before rushing into the apartment and locking the door. Breathing out a heavy sigh of relief, Yuji then gave [Name] a grateful smile, making the latter hastily give an awkward smile of their own back.

"Thanks, seriously. Looks like I owe you one."

[Name] pursed their lips, then stepped past Yuji into the living room. "Well...how about I cash that in right now?"


They held up a stack of movie cases in their hand, grinning widely. "You up for a movie marathon?"

The pink-haired boy chuckled, then stepped forward to take a seat on the couch. "Sure. You have any snacks, or...?"

"Ah, right. I think I have some instant ramen in the fridge...?" [Name] stood up from the carpeted floor and into the kitchen, shivering as their bare feet touched the cold tiles. Opening the refrigerator, they shuffled through the items before grabbing a cup from the back. Furrowing their eyebrows at the label, [Name] turned to Yuji with an apologetic expression.

"Yeah, about the ramen..."

He simply laughed in response, shaking his head at his friend's habits. "I don't think you should eat something that has been in your apartment as long as that has," Yuji stood up from the couch and headed over to the kitchen as well, playfully sighing. "so I guess I'll be the chef for today, huh?"

"You're a lifesaver." [Name] hugged him tightly, the boy reciprocating the affection just as equally, softly laughing. He then pat [Name] on the back, before the  two fell in sync with the other's motions, swiftly getting their late-night snacks ready.

"And...done." [Name] set the plates of pancakes/waffles in front of each other, picking the choice they wanted. "Wow, these are super good."

"No kidding," Yuji spoke through a mouthful of food, his cheeks puffed out. [Name] had to stifle their laughter at their friend, almost choking in the process. "I think we might've made too much."

"Eh, it's fine." They shrugged nonchalantly, finally pressing play on the movie. "Probably just gonna have it for leftovers tomorrow or something."

"Don't accidentally forget about it again," He teased, nudging their shoulder. [Name] rolled their eyes, shaking their head.

"I won't, I won't."


"Wow, I thought I've seen a lot of romance movies and stuff, but this?" Yuji gestured exaggeratively to the scene playing on the screen. "This might take the gold medal for the cheesiest film I've ever seen, [Name]."

"I think we all knew from the first few minutes of the movie, Yuji." They shook their head at his theatricality. "It literally started with the main protagonist running with the goddamn toast in their mouth, for crying out loud."

He put his face in his hands. "Oh god, I called it. See, they're already falling for the love interest, just from the whole 'love at first sight' schtick."

The two continued commenting on the movie, pointing out various tropes and groaning in unison at the parts that were badly acted.

"Look, look, let me guess what he's going to say next." Yuji cleared his throat, looking [Name] in the eyes with an unusually serious expression.

"....." They felt their face start to heat up, looking between him and the movie, waiting for the cue.

Then, Yuji clasped his hands around theirs, widening his eyes as much as he could without breaking into a smile, and mockingly whispered in time with the actor, "Have you always been this beautiful?"

"Pfft—!" [Name] immediately jerked their hands out of his grasp, struggling and failing to hold in their laughter. "What the heck—oh my god your face—that was—so spot on!"

Yuji, amused at their reaction, unexpectedly tugged them off the couch and swept them into his arms, spinning around the living room gleefully.

"Oh, my dear [Name], this must be true love! I am merely a speck of light that dares to converse with the very sun's rays!" He continued spouting out random quotes, the two cracking up together as they both steadily grew more tired.

"Holy shit, my stomach hurts." They wheezed out, laying on the floor with Yuji. "Seriously though, you could definitely replace those actors we just watched."

"Nah, just being a regular high-school student and hanging out with you is good enough for me," He breathed out, turning his head to [Name] with a closed-eyed smile.

"Agh, you're such a softie, Yuji." They mumbled, pulling the boy closer to them, arms around his waist. He pat their head in response, then wrapped his arms around them in return. Soft breathing filled the room as [Name] was the first one to pass out.

Yuji gazed at [Name], his eyes softening at their sleepy state. He shuffled a bit to get more comfortable, yawning as he slipped into unconsciousness. The gentle smiles rested on both of their faces, as the night finally drew to a close.

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