Chuuya Nakahara - Protective

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a/n: this takes place during when Chuuya and Dazai are still working in the Port Mafia together.

Pairing: Chuuya Nakahara x Dazai's Sister!Reader

Anime: Bungou Stray Dogs

Summary: Dazai's younger sister likes the one person he absolutely detests.

"HAH?! What do you mean you like—?!" Dazai was cut off as his sister clamped her hands over his mouth, muffling his alarmed shout. Face burning in embarrassment, [Name] hastily shushed him, looking around to see if anyone nearby had overheard their conversation in the stained-glass hallway. Thankfully, no one seemed to notice the little quarrel between the two, so she sighed in relief and turned to face the older sibling.

"Shut up! You don't have to repeat what I said, damn it!" She whisper-yelled. "You shouldn't be worried about my love life anyway!"

"But why does it have to be him of all people?" He whined, slumping. "Why couldn't you like someone like Odasaku instead? He's much more better than that damn brat..."

"You're literally the same age as him," she deadpanned, rolling her eyes at him sticking his tongue out at her.

"....." After pouting for a few moments, Dazai quickly reverted back to his normal self, grinning widely. "So? How are you gonna confess to him, huhhh?"

"W-What?! Who said I was gonna confess, dumbass?!" [Name] punched his shoulder, making the brunette mutter something along the lines of 'you two really are similar,' before sighing. "I was just telling you that know, after you kept bothering me that something was wrong! I wasn't going to act on it right here and now!"

"Act on what?" A voice asked, making the siblings whirl around. Dazai immediately made a disgusted face at the sight of the orange-haired teen, and vice versa was said for the other. [Name], on the other hand, buried her heated face in her hands with a groan.

"Ohoho? Speak of the devil, and he appears, right [Name]?" Dazai sneered, elbowing his sister. Chuuya scoffed in response.

"What are you talking about? If anyone's the devil here, it's you, you suicidal maniac!"

"What a lame comeback! Of course, that's expected from a lame-ass shorty like you. Drink some milk already!"

"Go to hell, you vagabond!"

The two continued to fight and insult each other, and [Name] grumbled in annoyance. She swiftly left the room to calm her blushing face, going unnoticed by the two rivals. After a long argument of endless back-and-forth name-calling and insults, they finally noticed one person was missing.

"Hah? Where'd [Name] go?"

Dazai's visible eye twitched, and he gave a loud sigh. "She probably left us so she could leave me with you to calm herself down. What a pain..."

"I'm still here, y'know!" Chuuya muttered. Pausing, he faced him, confused. "Wait, what do you mean by 'calm herself down?'"

At his words, the taller of the two slowly brought his gaze to look at the other, eyes wide. "Wait, you seriously didn't know? Oh my god, you are stupid!" Dazai burst out laughing, riling the other teen up even more. "How did you not catch on? It's so obvious, but I guess you're just too dense, huh Chuuya?"

"Shut the fuck up! Just tell me already, damn it!"

"She'll probably hate me if I do, so you go ask her!" He stuck his tongue out, taunting him. "Anyway, you should be able to find [Name] on your own, with how much you glance at her from time to time."

Surprisingly, Chuuya's face tinted, showing a bit of redness on his cheeks. "Wha—?!"

"Aha. So I was right." Dazai sighed, starting to walk away from him. "Just know, if you even dare to try and hurt her..." He firmly placed his hand on the orange-haired teen, staring directly at him with cold eyes. "'ll have to answer to me."

Chuuya scoffed once more, slapping his bandaged hand away and heading in the direction [Name] left to. "Yeah, yeah, I know. Go away already, you overprotective bastard." With that, the two headed in opposite directions.

Dazai waited until he was out the door, then chuckled. "Looks like she'll be just fine."

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