Umehito Nekozawa - Sleepover

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Pairing: Umehito Nekozawa x Reader

Anime: Ouran High School Host Club

Summary: [Name] wants to spend time with Nekozawa.

"Ah? [Name], are you leaving so soon?"

A confused Tamaki glanced up from his customers, only to watch one of the club's most common regulars rushing to the door.

"Sorry, I actually have some plans today," They apologized halfheartedly, sweatdropping at the pout on his face. "Besides, you guys see me almost all the time, I think I deserve a break from you every once in a while. Don't worry, I'll make sure to make it up to you later!"

They waved, finally stepping into the hallway, the others hearing their footsteps getting quieter by the second.

"Hm, they seemed to be in a hurry today."

"Wonder if they're seeing someone?"


"Kirimi! Kirimi, are you there?" A voice echoed into the vast mansion, looking around for the small, blonde child. Giggles erupted from a nearby doorway, and the mentioned girl came skipping up to the high-schooler.

"[Name]! You didn't say you would be here today!"

"Nah, I wanted it to be a surprise." They smiled, ruffling her hair. "Speaking of surprises, could you show me to your brother's room?"

"Hm, how come?" She tilted her head, then her eyes flashed as if a metaphorical lightbulb went off. "Ah, are you finally dating my brother?!"

"Wha—what, no no, that's not it!" [Name] awkwardly laughed at the assumption. "I just haven't been able to hang out with him in a while, seeing that he's been busy with his club and all."

"Oh, okay! I'll show you where his room is now!" Kirimi tugged at their free hand, and led them to what was presumably the older Nekozawa's room. Stepping up the stairs, [Name] looked up and softly smiled at the Beelzenef drawing next to the son's portrait.

"Here it is!" The girl flourished her arms as wide as she could to present the dark room to them. However, unbothered by the dark, she confidently walked in with a hop in her step and plopped on the side of the large bed.

Pointing at the bags they were carrying, she asked, "What's that you're carrying, [Name]?"

"Actually, that's what I came here for," They rummaged through the items they were carrying, taking out each one-by-one. "I hope you don't mind helping me decorate Umehito's room a bit?"

Kirimi's eyes effectively lit up, eyeing through what they bought. "I want to help! I'm sure my brother will really like it!"

"Okay, let's get started then!" The two started moving around the room swiftly, until a piece of clothing caught [Name]'s eye. "Hm..."


"Ah, where is it..." The dark-clothed man mumbled, searching throughout the mansion. "I swore I could have left it here—?"

He abruptly halted in his tracks after hearing muffled laughter from behind his bedroom door, making his eyebrows furrow. Hesitantly, he pushed open the door, softly gasping at the new additions to his room.

Along with one of his closest friends and his sister standing in the middle (which was still a surprise to him), behind the two was a large-sized tent set up in the middle of the room, propped up by blankets, pillows, and chairs. Some shoujo manga and occult books laid strewn about the floor, leading him to assume they were doing just that before he arrived. Finally, the room was dimly lit by star-shaped, glow-in-the-dark stickers plastered around the walls and ceiling, some piled in more spaces than others.

His sister immediately hurried to give him a big hug, then ran back to the tent to read her books, on top of her own stuffed cat. Chuckling at her antics, he turned to the other person in the room, who was noticeably averting eye contact with him.

"Have you seen my spare cape?"


"You're wearing it, aren't you?"

They pouted, crossing their sleeve-covered arms. "...Okay, maybe I am. I just wanted to see how it felt, seeing that it's really huge and comfortable—"

"It looks nice on you." He interrupted, unknowingly making their face heat up. "You should really join the Black Magic Club, you know."

"I will, I promise!" [Name] playfully sighed, taking a seat next to Kirimi inside the makeshift fort. "I just need to make up a few favors to some people..."

"Don't tell me you're in debt to them, as well?" He worriedly asked, then relaxed after seeing their confused expression. "Ah, n-never mind. In any case, you really didn't have to do this for me."

"Hey, I wanted to! I haven't really seen you in a while cause we're both busy and all, and I wanted to surprise you...I hope you don't mind." They shifted nervously, worried that he would be uncomfortable with the arrangements. "I can take off the stickers, if you want—"

"No, no, no, it looks astonishing, I assure you!" He waved his hands around frantically, and the two stopped and laughed at both of their panicking. "I was just surprised, in a good way, of course."

"Aha, good, that's what I was hoping for." [Name] grinned, until they yawned and their eyes felt on the verge of closing. "I, uh...hope you don't mind me staying over?"

"Oh, um—"

"You should stay!" Kirimi suddenly shouted, grabbing both [Name]'s and Umehito's hands. She smiled mischievously, and with astonishing speed, she got up from her spot between the two and moved around to her brother's other side, pushing him closer to them. She then tucked herself in the blanket on the floor, and hugged her cat tightly. "Goodnight!"

The two listened to her attempt at fake-snoring, and quietly laughed again. Making themselves as comfortable as they could, the two laid down as well, facing the soft glow of the ceiling.

"We should do this again sometime." Umehito mumbled softly.

"Yeah, we should." [Name] whispered back, a small smile forming on their face.

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