Shouta Aizawa - Favors

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a/n: mini spoilers for aizawa's backstory, aka when he was in highschool. there is also use of honorifics.

Pairing: Highschool!Aizawa x Highschool!Reader

Anime: My Hero Academia

Summary: Shirakumo asks [Name] to cheer up their mutual friend.

"Hey [Name], can I talk to you for a sec?" The teen perked up at the sound of their name, turning around to face their wispy-haired friend. "It won't take long, I promise."

"What is it, Cloudy?"

Shirakumo grinned at the nickname. "It's about Shouta. He's kind of in a bad mood today, and he's just ignoring me and Hizashi so we can't really help him."

"He always seems to be in a bad mood, so that's not a big deal. But what does that have to do with me?" They asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Can you try and cheer him up for us? You're a friend of his too, right?"

Their eyes widened. "Eh?! If you guys can't cheer him up, how am I supposed to do anything?! You're his closest friends!"

The boy looked like he was about to say something, then closed his mouth shut tightly, seemingly amused at their question. Instead, he clasped his hands together and slightly bowed. "Pleaseeee? Just try to? I promise I won't ask for any more favors after this, I swear!"

[Name] shook their head firmly. "No. You don't always keep your promises, and I don't owe you anything. There's nothing in it for me." Quickly, they walked away from him, making Shirakumo call out to them quickly.

"At least walk home with us then!"

They groaned, giving in. "Ugh, fine!"


"Hey, Aizawa-san. Where's the other two?" [Name] asked, walking over to the entrance where he stood, slumped over. Shrugging, he went back to reading a book, making them huff at the non-verbal response.

Suddenly, a small ding was heard from both of their pockets at the same time. The two looked at each other, then pulled out their phones.


Heya, [Name]! I'm kind of busy right now, so you two go on without me! (Don't worry I'll buy you some of your favorite snacks tomorrow to pay you back. Thanks for helping!) ☆〜(ゝ。

"Damn Shirakumo. You set this up...!"  [Name] grumbled. They turned back to Aizawa, telling him about the message. (Minus the helping out part, of course.)

He sighed. "Yamada said the same thing. If they're not coming with us, then let's just go already. I'll drop you off first, I guess." Without giving them a second to respond, Aizawa started heading back home.

"H-Hey, wait up!"


The awkward atmosphere between them grew as they kept walking. Neither of them dared to say a word, causing [Name] to sigh internally. "How am I supposed to cheer him up if I don't even know where to start? I don't want to annoy him any further..."

"I can tell something's clearly up with you guys, so spill it already." Aizawa spoke up suddenly, making them flinch. "Why did the other two purposely plan to not walk with us like usual?"

"U-Um...well..." [Name] mumbled, scratching their neck out of awkwardness and embarrassment. "Cloudy—I mean, Shirakumo told me that you were in a bad mood and wanted me to cheer you up. His words, not mine."

"Really? I thought they were trying to set us up or something." He muttered as [Name] felt their face start to heat up. "If they really wanted to know, they could've just asked. I was just looking for this little guy."

"Huh?" Looking down, [Name] realized that he was crouched in front of a small kitten, hiding in a worn, cardboard box. Patting the furry creature on the head, they quietly squealed as it purred against him.

"This guy went missing earlier today, so I was worried about him. He's back here now though, so I guess he was fine." Aizawa explained, starting to feel awkward from their staring. He stood up, dusting off the cat fur off of his uniform, and held a hand out to [Name]. "...Let's go now."

"Okay." Following after the raven-haired teen, [Name] smiled. "He's such a softie. At least he's in a better mood now, I think."

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