Kei Tsukishima - Studying

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a/n: requested by 606 says PSA in tag on quotev! Tsukishima was hard to write for lmao, I had to use a writing prompt ;^; Reader also uses Mx.

Pairing: Kei Tsukishima x Reader

Anime: Haikyu!!

Summary: [Name] somehow gets dragged into a study session.

The paper was abruptly slapped on their desk, startling the drowsy student. Their head snapped up, blinking at the stern face towering above their desk.

"Make sure to see me after class, Mx. [Last Name]." His steely voice caused them to gulp, clutching their test paper in their hands.

Once he walked to another student's desk, [Name] rubbed their eyes, internally sighing at the countless red marks on the paper.

" this point I'm never getting a passing grade in this class. What's the point of learning this when we're not going to use it in the future, anyway...?"

The bell rang after what felt like hours, signaling the end of the school day. Students rushed out of their seats, passing the teacher to join their respective friend groups. [Name] sluggishly walked up to the teacher's desk, tightly holding onto their bag straps.

"Mx. [Last Name], I'm going to need you to do better in this class if you want to pass. Failing isn't an option, you know," He said, eyeing their annoyed expression.

"Yes, you've said it multiple times already, I know."

"...Have you joined a study group, then?"

"A what?" Their eyebrows furrowed at the suggestion.

"Well, there's your answer." He took out a flyer from a nearby pile and handed it to them. "The honors and college prep students hold study groups in this café here. I recommend you join one of these, if you care about your grades, Mx. [Last Name]."

Finding that he wasn't taking no for an answer, they held in a sigh and stuffed the flyer in their bag. "...Fine."


The bell jingled above the door, signaling a customer. Surprisingly enough, there was a good handful of students huddled together in groups. A familiar face waved [Name] over, making their eyes light up.

"Oh, hey Ya—!" The light from their eyes died almost immediately. "Why didn't nobody tell me that the assholes were coming here too?"

At the table [Name] walked over to, there was an orange-haired kid and a black-haired kid whisper-shouting at each other while trying to do work, their friend sweat-dropping at the two's behavior, and a blond, headphone-wearing asshole silently staring back at them, along with his respective friend.

"Looks like the infamous procrastinator decided to get off their ass and finally do some work, huh?" Tsukishima gave a mocking smile, seemingly annoyed by their presence.

[Name]'s hands instinctively clenched into fists, suddenly feeling the need to punch something. Or someone.

Yachi looked back and forth between the two with pleading eyes. "G-Guys, please don't fight..."

Deciding to not cause a scene and disrupt the calming ambience of the café, they took the only seat available, between the two blonds, scooting away slightly from Tsukishima. Yachi breathed out a shaky sigh of relief, and turned to her friend with a bright smile.

"So, what do you need help with?"


During that week, [Name] continued to walk to the café to finish homework and study for the upcoming test in a couple of days. They found themselves starting to understand more of the material, and even got to know a bit more about the others at Yachi's table. The boys were all in the volleyball club together, the one starting to gain popularity throughout Miyagi Prefecture after beating numerous teams.

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